Well then...getting enough sleep has a mechanical effect, since if i dont have enough sleep i dont fight and think as efficently. I demand rules for getting enough sleep.They have mechanical effects and as such they need rules.
Eating...eating has a similar effect on mechanics. I demand rules on eating.
Arriving early to events has a mechanical effect, since if you arrive late you have less information to use your in game skills correctly therefore it has a mechanical effect. Guess we need to have rules about getting to the event early.
Having youR weapon in your hand when no conbat is going on as opposed to through your belt has a mechanical effect. Better get some rules on that.
Travis , first I am not directing this at you, but at the rules making body controling the LARP. I get that your trying to explain why the dumbest rule in LARP history has to be because your staff, but seriously, I know you are way to bright to actualy think drinking a potion has to be labeled a skill.
The WISE route would be alter the effects of potions when someone is poisoned; as in the poison prevents the potion from being effective, so needs to be cleansed/removed first.
Unless someone is incapacitated, not being able to put a vial to your lips and swallow is a idiotic.