SHIELDS: because of something i Heard...

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SHIELDS: because of something i Heard...

Post by Wyrmwrath »

The use of a shield is an effective defensive tactic. They can be used to block most melee and ranged weapon attacks as well as some magical attacks. The protection of a shield comes with a draw back. Shields are often heavy and awkward to use; therefore, if a character is using a shield their armor category is increased by 1. Thus if they are wearing light armor and carrying a shield, they are considered to be in the medium armor category. Armor points are still awarded based solely on the light armor actually worn (See the Armor section on Page 88).
All characters may use a shield on one arm to block incoming blows, but unless the character possesses the 'Use Shield' skill they cannot perform any action that produces any effect with greater than 0 (zero) damage while wielding a shield. If using a shield, the character may not hold a weapon in the same hand as the hand/arm that has the shield.

Shield Destruction
Shields are not indestructible. The amount of damage a shield can take is dependent upon the material it is made from, not necessarily its size. The three types of shields are Light, Medium, and Heavy. The materials and time required for the Craftsman to make shields is located on page 68.

A Light shield can take a single 5 damage attack and is then destroyed. Anything less than 5 damage does not destroy the shield. Light shields are made from hide, wood, or steel and may be of any safe size (see below). Medium shields can take a single 10 damage attack before they are destroyed. Anything less than 10 damage does not destroy the shield. Medium shields are made from wood or steel and can be of any safe size (see below). Heavy shields can takea single 15 damage attack before they are destroyed. Anything less than 15 damage does not destroy the shield. A Heavy shield is made from steel or wood. Heavy shields may be of any safe size (see below). Damage done to shields is not cumulative, meaning that any shield can take unlimited hits from damage that is less than its destruction number (5 for Light, 10 for Medium, 15 for Heavy). All destroyed shields must be discarded. If the shield cannot be discarded then all attacks that hit the shield are considered Crush damage.

Shield Tags
All shields must have an appropriate item tag attached to the back of the shield. Furthermore, the type of shield must be identified through the use of strips of tape attached to the back of the shield. The tape should be a contrasting color to the shield back. A single strip of tape will
denote light shields, two strips will denote medium shields, and three will denote heavy shields. The strips of tape should be at least 1/2" wide and 5" long.
I think shields could use some work, since there is no size restriction based on shiled durability, and therefor no reason NOT to have a heavy shield. However since there is already a way to make any rating shield NOT affect armor class/rating, I think splitting into heavy and light only is counter productive.
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Mahto Snowbringer
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Re: SHIELDS: because of something i Heard...

Post by Mahto Snowbringer »

Maybe offer people with light armor a buckler option that doesn't increase their armor category, that is required to be a light shield? In all honesty it seems silly to have different categories if it all increased it the same. Perhaps if each category of shield could work with each of the armor? Light with light, ect. If a light armored person wants a medium shield they count as having medium armor, and a heavy one as heavy armor? That seems funky...never mind. I think the light buckler would be a great idea, something not as long as your wrist to you elbow? I think there should be a good reason to get a heavy shield, instead of just because you're able to.

Just throwing out some ideas that came to mind. I'm interested in this topic.
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