The Journey to Frostfell, Chapter 3

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The Journey to Frostfell, Chapter 3

Post by Annika »

*After what feels to be a very long rest, the group wakes up slowly to the smell of cooking food and the bustling in the main room. When each of the group looks around they will notice that Kels' blue spot is still there -- not smudged at all.*

*When the group finally emerges from the boarding room, they will see the little old man moving around and setting the table. Upon the table are several plates of scrambled eggs, omelettes, hard boiled eggs, scotch eggs, egg salad, and eggs benedict.*

"Aha! There you all are!" *The man looks up and smiles seemingly in a good mood.* "Sit, sit! Eat while it's hot!" *The little old man goes back to busying himself.*
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude wakens from the smell of breakfast and slowly climbs from his bunk. While stretching and trying to fight the urge to crawl back into bed his bleary eyes begin to focus on the morning meal.*

Whispering to his companions, "Oops, I think this is my fault."

*Walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table, Claude surveys the morning feast with wide eyes, grabs a plate and begins filling it with the choicest bits of food.*

Good Morning Si.... hmm, I don't believe I ever caught your name friend. Terribly rude of me to be eating the food of a man whose name I don't even know. I have to say this meal is best looking sight I've seen in weeks. I'm sure Donovan will... ACK!!!

*Turning back to the bunk room, he raises his voice and procliams loudly* Phoenix Guard!! To your feet!! Last one up will fetch the others!!

*Sheepishly Claude turns to his host and states* It would seem I have commited a slight oversight... what with the circumstances last night, your game of riddles and your generous offer of a warm place to sleep... I seem to have forgotten the rest of our companions back at our camp... they're probably a little concerned... and angry.

*Claude smiles then continues eating his deliciuous smorgasbord of eggs*
We really must fetch them... after breakfast.
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Post by Lambic »

**As Claude gets up He can see that Lambic is still sitting awake in his bunk.**

Aaah. Good someone else is up. Let me know when you are ready to leave. I'm going to catch a cat knap before we head off.

**From the look in Lambic's eyes it is obvious he stayed up all night. and his bag is already packed and ready to go next to the bed.**
Last edited by Lambic on Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by McEwan »

With Claude's shout, McEwan jumps to his feet, ties his gear together and trundles into the main room. With a nod to Claude and the old man he drops his gear near the bench and starts to pile on his plate

"Top o' tha mornin' ta ya sars. I hanna slept so well no woken ta sutch a fine feast seance I was a wee lil' growndling."

Spends the next few minutes filling the hole in his leg, then looks up to the old man

"Sar, I be a'wonderin' iffin' I could be askin' ya a question o' me own?"

Motions to the room with bunks

" What be tha perpose o' the mark on me impetuous friend's head?"

While he waits for an answer he refills his plate
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Post by Kels »

*Kels sits up in his bed rubs his eyes for a moment, then puts on his armor, slings his bow over his shoulder, then heads for the smell of a fresh cooked meal, but before he takes any he looks at the man*

"My I sit and eat as well."

*He awaits a response*
"Fear is only in your mind."

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Post by McEwan »

Looks up and grins as Kels walks in

"And top o' tha mornin' ta you me friend. Still a'feelin' a wee bit blue I see."

McEwan seems to be in a very good mood this morning and appears unwilling to worry about any problems until it becomes nessessary
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

((OOC NOTE: The entire first group to Frostfell IS IN THE TINY SHANTY as per the following statement near the end of chapter two:
*The group heads towards the sounds, led by McEwan and Kels, who seem to be the most drawn to the sound. The group travels for a half an hour very slowly and carefully, making sure to check for pitfalls and creatures that go bump in the night.*

Tonia did this to expidite the trip and because it was obvious Taki was unable to get online due to limited time from real life obligation...

Feel free to edit your posts for content due to this revelation))
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Post by Annika »

*The little old man smiles and nods to Claude as he enters the main room. At the mention of Donovan he looks a bit perplexed and says:*

"I think you're confused, Claude, did you not introduce that large man in there as 'Donovan?' Sounds like you've had an odd dream... not that unusual around here... no matter then, sit and eat!"

*When McEwan addresses the little old man, he cocks his head a bit confused and then says, as if it should be evident to anyone:*

"He's marked because he failed to answer the riddle correctly... if he's smart and has learned from the experience it might just guide him later... If not, well then... it's always fun to laugh at the fool, after all that is why the courts of Kings have jesters."

*As he is speaking to McEwan, Kels walks out into the room and the man speaks plainly as if he were adressing both. When Kels asks his question, the old man nods and smiles:*

"Of course you may sit... I'm not going to continue to penalize you."

*The old man picks up a plate and hands it to Kels to help himself. Then grabs a plate for himself and sits down to begin eating. After a large and hearty meal, the entire group (minus Lambic, who is still sleeping) is lounging and relaxing. After a comfortable silence and a few belts loosened, the old man looks around to McEwan and asks:*

"Now then... what's this about a flood?"
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Post by Kels »

*Kels smiles at the man and takes the plate, and starts filling it with food*

"Good morning to you all i trust you slept well."

*with that he begins to eat*
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Post by McEwan »

Contented after a fine meal, McEwan is sitting relaxed sipping a drink at the end of the feast. When the old man ask him about floods the dwarf stops, puts down the drink and begins to look somewhat sheepish

"Well, sar..."

Pauses for a moment then takes a deep breath like a child ready to explain how a dog ate his homework

"...Last eve, we set our camp no to far from here, with no sound o' smell o' the serf. Then a wee bit a'fore we be a'knockin' on yer door, we be awoke by a great gust o' wind, then silence. No birds. No bugs. No frogs. None o' it. after a wee bit o' the quiet, we be a'hearin' a great crash then the sound o' the breakers on the shore. Now we shou'na been able ta hear the coast, no through the trees and sutch. And with night critter no a'singin', as is their want,( and in me own defence, me a'bein' roased from me deamin') me first thought be that we be a'standin' a'fore a flashflood."

Having finnished the dwarf lets out a sigh and consentrates on his goblet, seeming imbarased
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Post by Kels »

*Kels looks up from his plate*

"Oh yeah, What Dot?"
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude pauses from eating his food, looks back into the bunk room and sees all his companions rising from sleep or starting dinner. An odd look runs across his face... he shrugs and resumes attacking the multitude of eggs on his plate. Upon hearing, the lil' ol' mans comment about a flood he sets down his utencils, finishes chewing and replies...*

I think Good Sir, that the flood comment was a slight exaggaration. From where we hail, rain in the amounts we've seen is most uncommon. Hence our reaction. Also, I might add that due to the dwarven physical build, they seem to get a nervous when the water table starts to rise... being closer to the ground and all.
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Post by McEwan »

At Claude's comment The dwarf seems relieved and snorts a laugh

"So ya a'sayin' I be short are ya? Bend down here and say it ta me face."

His previous good mood restored and a grin on his face McEwan starts to put on his equipment

"Well sar, you've been a good host and a mighty fine cook..."

Nods to the old man

"...but I be a'thinkin' we best be a'stepin' along iffin we be a'gettin' ta Frostfell 'fore the snow sets in."
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude stands, a look of contentment on his face after a filling breakfast*

Agreed McEwan, if everyone has eaten their fill we should probably look into moving on towards Frostfell. So tell us generous host, how shall we be traveling northward and what can we do to repay your hospitality?
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Post by Annika »

*The little old man looks disappointed when the group begins discussing leaving off to Frostfell, but eventually sighs in acquiescense and shrugs as he begins speaking.*

"Well, you can choose to repay me as you wish, but I only asked for you to answer three riddles. You're good friend here, Kels Bells, did fail at one riddle... but you're hearty Dwarf here entertained me to no end with his whimsical response, so instead of a one week penalty, it will be one day..."

"When you're all ready to go, I shall lead the way, but you must all move swiftly and follow my orders..."

*The little old man stands there waiting for the group to get up and get ready, he however does not appear to put on any gear or prepare whatsoever, as if ready to leave in his nightgown.*