After Event Discussion: Rule Tweaks

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After Event Discussion: Rule Tweaks

Post by WayneO42 »

Chris Wrote:
We had some rule tweeks we were talking about and I will throw them out there.
1) Fear needs to be removed as a guild power.
2) Disarm needs to be studies as it may be to powerful.
3) Nerve pinch, stun strike, Touch of death. Ok here I think we need to define more closely.
Stun strike is a bonk on the back of a person's head. A stun strike can ONLY be done against a person with no helmet and from the back. The person should strike by hitting the back of the person and saying nervepinch. Charge time 10 seconds and if your target hits you then the stunstrike is gone.
4) Nerve pinch is hitting a person in a vital nerve rendering them useless. A nervepinch should only effect those not wearing chest and arm protecton. This means you cannot nerve pinch a hand or foot. You cannot even nerve pinch a person's head since that would be a "stunsttrike" Nerve pinch should take 30 seconds and if the target hits you then your nerve pinch is gone.
5) ToD should be 20 seonds and be a sleep call that effects a person ANYWHERE on the body.

Polearms. I am thinking that those who use polearms should be immune to crushes that hit the spear. The reason for this is to give spear people a neat combat strategy. Also, it makes no sence to take crush damage when the tip of a spear is hit.
Discuss :)
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Post by Kale »

I agree with all, except I think that Nerve Pinch should be allowed to be used on the hand.

(Hence the infamous, "Hey, how you doing?" *shake* "Gaahhh" *THUD*, manuever.)
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Post by Tonia Glowski »

The only one I have an opinion on yet is:

#1 - Fear is way too prevalent and way too powerful, considering its ease of attainment.

As an aside, I made mention to Mike and Chris (I think) that I think some of the food token stuff needs to be clarified (i.e. how many Savage need and whether some people need tokens like Eaters of the Dead).
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Post by Nelkie »

I agree with all the above, expect nerve pinch.

30 secounds is to long. make it 20 secs, double the time it takes to stun strike.

Stun strike protection is a helmet- good!!
Nerve Pinch protection -armor across the entire body, can not nerve pinch feet or the head, to danergous. I disagree about having a chest plate protect from nerve pich. The neck is the most optimal area for nerve pich. A shest plate does make it harder, but should not be a cure all.

The issue at hand is nerve pich is to powerful. There is no counter expect resist effect. To help balance it out, have resist sleep counter nerce pinch.

I do not like the idea of getting hit for one point of damge cancels the skill out. It gets to complcated and can get cheesed. Just block the incoming fist fisrep as the person calls nerve pinch. That stops it. It happened to me this even.
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Post by dier_cire »

On disarm, yes it is useful but not overly powerful. For one, you cannot disarm a monk, or any monster with claws. Second, it can only be used with light armor. Third, it is countered by someone with a second weapon.

Possible tweaks to the swashbuckler in general though to tone it down, since, yes, it is the one on one killer of the combat world. First, Taunt costs a life point. Second, you must pick your floruntine type (ie dagger/dagger, short/long, short/short). Third, disarm is only useable when wielding two weapons (or fists). Lastly, disarm must contact the body (ie it is not crushing).
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Post by Kale »

See I feel that disarm should -have- to touch the weapon.
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Post by dier_cire »

That works too, one or the other though, not both. I was just saying the body since people's natural reaction is to block you.
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Post by Kale »

That's kind of the point in real life too. You go to block, I disarm you. They now learn (now that they do not have a weapon) how to dodge.
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Post by GM_Chris »

The neck is the most optimal area for nerve pich
True but then you gould wear a gorge. I just thought it ould be simplier to say chest and upper arms protect you from nerve pinch.

I want strategy and to have assasin be the ultimate well assasin.

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Post by Peace420 »

I think that disarm should have to touch the body since hitting another persons weapon is really easy especially if you have a smaller weapon. Taunt should be changed to "You cannot attack anyone but the taunter" or something like that. "You must attack the taunter" is much more powerful than a 1st level skill should be. I see taunting as a way of getting the person to atttack you and leave someone else alone not control their mind and make them attack you even though every fiber of their being is screaming "run you idiot run."

As it stands with ToD you cannot take damage from the intended target and nerve pinch should be the same way.

Nerve Pinch has only one resist unless you count Resist Effect which in most peoples opinions as far as I can tell from after the event talking to the NPC's needs to be removed. Having only one resist it is extremely deadly, hence the longer count time, ToD as of now also has a 30 sec count. Changing Nerve Pinch to a sleep effect would then just make it the same as it used to be with Nerve Pinch and ToD being exactly the same thing with 1 being vorpal and 1 not. Although I do believe that the hand and the neck should be valid targets for a Nerve Pinch. I just love the idea of a Vulcan neck pinch :lol:

As far as the times I agree with those also, if Nerve Pinch is left as is and not made sleep.

Didn't encounter the fear call this event but it should not be very prevalent so if you feel it should be removed as a guild skill then I agree.

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Post by dier_cire »

Fear was used in excess of 50 times or so this event. Mainly on one plot.
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Post by Peace420 »

WOW! yeah that's way too much, I would agree with that whoeheartedly.

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Post by GM-Mike »

Naturally i agree with removing fear from the guild skill. It was truly ridiculous and made the guild in question nearly invincible without being cheesy and only bringing in creatures who are immune to fear (and then why have the skill).

I also think fear, for those disciplines and paths that have it, should cost a life point to initiate.

My thoughts,
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Post by dier_cire »

As to the Touch of Death vs. Nerve Pinch... Nerve Pinch takes a signifigant amount of points more to get than Touch of Death. Granted you get other skills but you get other skills with Touch of Death too. So my thought is on order of magnitude would be:
Nerve Pinch (150pts)
Touch of Death (90pts)
Stunstrike (60pts)

Now if you want touch of death to be the ultimate assasin skill then it needs to be in thief. Though one could argue that knowing how to knock someone out from many different points is far more powerful than knowing the one to kill them (aka the Batman cartoon where the guy learned touch of death and batman put a pillow there, then proceeded to wipe the floor with him).

Now as to making them work, well nerve pinch is not resistable (via skill anyway) and could take a 15 count and must hit a non armored section (reason is that if you use a shield you physically cannot have armor on both your arms).

Touch of death could be a nerve pinch but is blockable by a breastplate (ie the pillow effect) (call would be "touch of death"). Granted it could also be that the person drops to 0 or -1 life. Ouch, if you hit a master warrior. Count should stay 30 to avoid use in combat.

Both of these can only work on the races in the rulebook, with in-game GM exceptions.

Stunstrike works on a myriad of creatures. (ie clunking a dog across the skull knocks it out too) but must be delivered to the back. Basically leave it alone as it doesn't get overly abused now.
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Nerve Pinch

Post by Nelkie »

It is hard to nerve pinch someone armor. If you just increase the time it takes to charge (15-20 secs) and say if you take damage you loose the nerve pinch. Gives people a chance and balances it out.

I like the idea that nerve pinch works on humaniod creaters and stun strike can work on some non-humaniod creatures. It is hard to get behind an NPC during a battle.
My Thoughts

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