Striking a nerve

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Striking a nerve

Post by Smitty19 »

After the first shock wears off after the changes to the inn and surroundings die down a bit Voralen chuckles a bit, grabs a bottle of wine and walks over to a corner and downs the bottle as fast as he can

*only pausing to breath and swallow occasionally a very sullen expression can be seen on his face

*chuckles a bit to hold back from something else and mutters very soflty

"Im greatful to still be drawing breath, when all of you arent able to anymore."

*looks up to the sky and says just a bit louder, but still subdued

"May your memory never die Nova Dragons"

*With that he slams down the rest of the bottle and tosses it on the table
Serith Darkheart

"I dont make Threats....Only Promises"