Camp Kidwell Rules and NPC Duty

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Camp Kidwell Rules and NPC Duty

Post by GM-Mike »

As hopefully everyone knows, the next two events (April 21-23 and May 12-14) are at Camp Kidwell. I wanted to take a moment to highlight a few camp rules so that everyone knows them.

1) Animals are welcome with or withuot a leash, but of course it is expected that you clean up after them. In addition, the director would prefer that they did not go into any of the buildings.

2) There is no smoking inside any building at the camp

3) Cars need to be in designated parking areas only. There is a bit of a road/drive that goes to the dining hall where check-in will take place. You can temporarily park your cars there to unload them. We ask that you only unload out of game items. Keep everything in game with you since we are beginning the event prior to arriving in town. Do not drive your vehicle directly to a cabin as no roads go to them. However, the walk is not far so this should not be a problem. When done unloading, park your car in the parking lot near the athletic fields. Failure to abide by this rule may be subjected to a $50 fine.

4) Check-in time will begin at 5:30. Due to camp regulations, you cannot begin showing up until this time.

5) We have to be out by 2:00 on Sunday with the camp in the condition that we found it. Please help us meet this deadline

6) The sleeping cabins are relatively small with a somewhat low ceiling. Right in the center of these cabins is a hanging fan/light. Because of this, we are at this moment leaning against fighting within these cabins. Because of the uniqueness of this event, this will continue to be discussed and we will update you should a change be made.

Once again, event prices for this year are $25 to help us meet the costs (they doubled this year). That said, for those people looking to decrease these costs or who simply want to help us out, we are offering discounts to those people who volunteer for NPC duty. This is how it works. There are three time slots: Friday night, Saturday day (until game break), and Saturday night. Discounts are as follows: $5 off for one shift, $15 for two, and $25 obviously for three. In addition, NPC's will get their levels, they will be able to spend their allegiance, and they will receive free upkeep for both their equipment and their body. There are five available slots for people to sign up for each of the three time periods, and they will be handed out at a first come first serve basis. Anyone who would like to NPC needs to tell us by April 10th so that wemay schedule you parts and whatnot.

Finally, for those of you who are new or who are playing new characters and are still wondering why your character would ever go throught such a portal, that reason will be coming soon so stay tuned to the in game forums in the days to come.