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Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:48 pm
by Wyrmwrath
....there was an event this last weekend?!?!?! I thought it was odd that Mike brought all those people on our date...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:02 pm
by Zydana
Matt was there?

I never saw you.

As for me, I have no clue what was going on really. But I have the sore back and the misquito bites to prove I had fun.

Event Highlights from NPC perspective-

Phil wins the award for being attacked mostly by me the entire event. *starts attacking, Phil steps in and stands there.. I get exausted and almost break out laughing several times.

Soco for most creative way to hold a shield - again with the almost breaking out in laughted while attacking.

Karen for the super sexy dark elf. Evil is so hot!

There's probably more but I can't remember for the moment. Going to bed

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:51 pm
by Wyrmwrath
super sexy dark elf. Evil is so hot!
That reminds me...I'd like to file a complaint against whomever it was that gave karen the bottle of "Xena; warrior princess brand" versions of the ninja warrior pills before the event, cause she took the whole bottle.
Such contributions to the heightened fighting ability of the NPCs will be cause for angry villagers with torches and pitchforks storming your residence in thr future!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:03 pm
by Kidwynn
In other words Karen, keep taking the Xena pills...who hooo sexy dark elf chick. :D

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:19 pm
by Wyrmwrath
...maybe we need to give Karen a real set of swords and send her after Bin Lahden...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:04 pm
by Gabrial
Awesome event. I had a very good time. But I have to say that some of the BEST RPing moments only happen when there are only a few people there to see them.

Gabrial and Aiden running ahead of the group, which were moving way to slow, notice a group of guys headed into the woods. We break after them taunting them to stop and fight. After they move into the woods they sto and turn to attack. We are outnumbered six to two but hold our own waiting for the other to catch up. After falling to the ground from there powerful attacks I get pulled back for healing. laying there beaten and half healed the fight seems to be going our way. Then I hear "Shes getting away...after her." followed by "Atrums down!!" Kels burns off into the darkness after her and Seth tells me to go and help as he needs to tend to Atrum. I move slow, stop and listen, move Kels, no Dark elf. Then after awhile of searching the Elf and I find eachother. We square off in an EPIC battle that lasted about 45 min. In the end I kill her, but payed the price for it.

It saddens me that no one will ever realy know how inceadibly awesome that whole scene with her was. Just the two of us out there engaged in a take all situation. One of us was going to die, and it was almost me.

Karen was AMAZING!! and I hope that everyone gets a chance to have a moment like that at least once in their LARPing days. Cause I would have payed triple the price for what I experienced.

With that said. Great time, great fun, can't wait untill Oct to tie up the loose ends and kill me some Elves!!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:09 pm
by Kidwynn
OMG I almost forgot you Danny. Gabriel keeping an eye on a very lady like Kidwynn was actually pretty terrific. Making sure she had a cloak on in the rain and then insisting she go back to the ball and stop being her for a bit.

That was pretty cool too. As I mentioned I had a lot of great roleplaying moments.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:59 pm
by deviantdante
Damn me fell asleep during the trial, I wanted to hear it for both a in game and out of game interest but I was just to tired and sick from all that sweets.

And from what I did hear before falling asleep was something about Dante saying something to Atrum after he said he wasn't going to name names to me and that pissed Dante off...

Then waking up with no one there and walking back to the inn in the complete darkness of night, half asleep, unarmed, and praying no one ambushes me.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:32 am
by Zaire
First of all thanks for having me. I've getting pestered for nearly a year to come check out the game and I was glad I did.

I will admit there were a few things I didn't care for but I figure I'll give you my plusses first.

The fact that the culmination of several years of story was obviously surrounding me made for a great time. I liked the fact that there were people who tried to give me an idea of what was going on. I appreciated that I my suggestions on problems were at least listened to even if they weren't helpful. (All i need to say is Minister of Misinformation.)

The GM Staff was friendly, helpful and very approachable. I appreciated Mike asking for my input during my visit.

The players were very friendly. Far too many times I've seen new players treated like lepers by older players. Not so this weekend.

Some of the garb and costuming was amazing! The silver-haired, gem-stoned fore-headed sage unsettled me when she walked into the inn on Friday. I was sure I was going to get killed. Thankfully she was on our side.

I met some incredible (and I mean INCREDIBLE) roleplayers. Scott and JJ surprised the heck out of me. The tall, dark-haired, soft-spoken knight (sorry i forgot his character's name) was awesome. After speaking with him for a few moments I realized I'd have charged into an army of undead demon Gavin if asked. Sen the cook rocked.

The location was incredible. The way the game was layed out helped set a mood.

now on to my Minuses. Please understand these are my opinions and I will readily admit I'm very opinionated about LARPing.

Coming in on the end of several years of plot made me feel lost. (Nothing to really do about that just how I felt).

Some peoples lack of garb or costuming really hurt me. Granted I've been Larping for over 10 years so I've had time to invest in garb. It just really makes me sad that some of the best costuming I've ever seen was next to some of the worst. Nothing personal against Final Haven it's a LARP problem in general. But it does give me a reason to break out the sewing machine and see what I can do to help.

Out of Character conversations hurt my soul.

Use more of the land. I rarely saw people get off the road. But who knows what I missed.

Combat in the dark. Not a big fan of it unless there is lighting available. Tiki torches along the trail. Something.

NPC Identification: I had a hard time knowing who were NPC's and who was not. Having to ask an NPC that looks like a rhino what I see is damaging to my soul.

Combat: I'm not a fan of the FH combat system. Plain and simple. Great thing i noticed though is you don't need to be a fighter. Heck you don't even need to carry a weapon and can survive. So my dislike doesn't really matter to my enjoyment.

Overall I'll give my experience 3.5 stars out of 5. That's a pretty good rating considering I gave Jhakarova 0 out of 5 and CARPS 2 out of 5. Heck I give the Larp that started me (KANAR) 0 out of 5 right now too.

So thanks for making my weekend fun. It was worth my time. I hope to be at the next event.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:15 am
by Wyrmwrath
Jhakarova isnt a LARP, its a dress up live video sympathies you tried it.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:04 am
by Slisk
Having to ask "What do I see" is one of my greatest LARPing pet peeves. It effectively pulls everyone out of game and interrupts the scene briefly. So in my defense I always call out what I am the moment I think people can see me. However, in the thick of action with shouting going on thoughout a large scene, it can easily be missed. So anyone who didn't hear my call of "CHARGING RHINO" has to rely on the fallback of asking "What do I see".

But that's where it should be - a fallback question rather than a required one.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:44 am
by Smitty19
The tall, dark-haired, soft-spoken knight (sorry i forgot his character's name) was awesome. After speaking with him for a few moments I realized I'd have charged into an army of undead demon Gavin if asked. Sen the cook rocked.
LOL I surely hope your not talking about me? Cause if im considered soft spoken, holy hell i dont know what the world has come too! (c:

But I think both you and gideon did AWESOME for your first event, you were right in there trying to get involved and thats what i love to see, and i found it great that you were our door guard, and snoring as you took a nap right at said door to boot! (c:

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:56 am
by Atrum Draconus
Eric(k?) *I think we're gonna have to start numbering us like we had to Brad's* When did you try CARPS?

Jhak had one or two good things about it.

I REALLY REALLY think there needs to be some sort of NPC fighting safety classes. I'll offer up again to do it because I know you guys have alot on your plates.

Atrum's head is just about ready to explode, either that or he's going to lose his mind. Right now he's so pissed off at himself that he really just wants to start killing elves, you know... so he can get back to what he knows best and relax a little. :wink: Both Atrum and Erik are sorely disappointed in themselves for wimping out on what they both know they should have done at the trial. But you live and you learn, maybe next time I won't let certain factors affect my decisions.

Kudos to the new and newer players, truthfully theres usually so much going on that I'm involved with that it takes me a few events of a new player being there before they register on my radar. This past year or so that has certainly not been the case.

And more Kudos to Travis & Melissa for arranging the feast and ball and to everyone that helped out. Both spreads were impressive and damn good.

Overall I think the GM\NPC staff does a great job, they even realize that people like me are gonna ask how the hell did that happen when they blow their super uber death wad and end up dead. :lol:

I do think that the mass battle, you're grossly outnumbered, system needs to be tweaked abit, and I've already talked to Chris about it. But, making alot of the skills useless doesn't really make much sense even when trying to simulate what really would happen. If the guy in fron of you in the throng of people suddenly tries to run you and the guy next to you over because he's feared, or if he suddenly falls back on you KO'd it would cause a disturbance of some sort along the lines where it happened. Take it from a person who's been in MANY MANY a mosh pit in his day, one person falling down or causing someone else to fall can cause some crazy things. I once spent what seemed like half a lifetime but in reality was about 2 minutes buried beneath bodies to the point that I had to exert alot of force pushing just to breath and not kill the unfortunate girl that got stuck underneath me at a Beastie Boys show. I couldn't see what was going on because I ended up face first. From what she said and the fact that at one point it got dark enough down there I couldn't see it was a very scary situation.

Damage swung between 5 and 9 also seems a little excessive, yeah they'd have rogues and such too, but they woul'nt have the ability to rain 8's and 9's down on you, and theyd be alot less beefy it it was all rogues.

Overall, one of the most interesting events for sure.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:01 pm
by Laura
Over all this was one of my favorite events....There was so many things going on that i am still finding out the information from roomates and fiends....The weeekend started out great Friday night with the Gavin battle on the road... Props to the Gm's and NPC's that relly got the blood pumping and wanting some more fights....But after we got back it seemd like things really died of at the inn side of the camp. Anything that i went out on ended up being an Gm Narative. Which i understand needs to happen I was just looking for more fights.....Now on to Sat. I had so much fun... Once I started i did not stop... I am not really sure what had gotten into Laura but she had no fear this weekend. My two favovite Plots would have to be the dwavin bell ploy (aka The manor plot) Which by the way Laura Has a baby Mountin Lion cub from...The look on Aidens face when a bat latched on to me and me just looking at him and screaming "Just do it" and him beating me with ones....It was just a great moment for me...the other Plot for me was interupting the Dark elve meeting...And then catching up with Kels and searching the wood...I loved that role playing... I felt so in the moment...Out of game we knew that there was no way we were going to find her unless she decided to come out of hiding but we kept looking anyway...and then to come across another roup out there and have a little bit of fighting with Mike was just a great end...I just wish that i would have been there to see Gab kick that elves booty....Over all I havd a great time...Props go out to all of the Gm staff and Npc's you guys were just awsome this weekend. I thank you for all your hard work...And then to my fellow Pc's You all rock I had some great role playing moments and This past weekend for me has been on of the best in a long time...So thank you to all!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:58 pm
by GM-Mike
"Karen was AMAZING!! and I hope that everyone gets a chance to have a moment like that at least once in their LARPing days. Cause I would have payed triple the price for what I experienced. "

Um, Dan, I'm not sure what you are referring to, but it seems clear you owe us 75 dollars next event. It is a good idea. Anyone who wants an amazing moment with karen can pay 75 dollars too.