I'm curious

In the persuit of Organization, and Efficiency, what is the best way to run a LARP, by....

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Post by dier_cire »

McEwan wrote:O'kay, not a big time LARPer here, but I have had almost two decades of experiance in PnP RPing and RPing organizations, as well as time in a small-press game company soooo....
So you have no experience or knowledge of "production" level releases? k...

as for who a pc talks to, they talk to the marshall. The teams are transparant to them.
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Post by McEwan »

dier_cire wrote:
McEwan wrote:O'kay, not a big time LARPer here, but I have had almost two decades of experiance in PnP RPing and RPing organizations, as well as time in a small-press game company soooo....
So you have no experience or knowledge of "production" level releases? k...

as for who a pc talks to, they talk to the marshall. The teams are transparant to them.
You seam to have missed the "small-press game company" part. So for "production" I have done that. Tho the accent was on the "small" part I have worked on games that have been sold and played as far away as Germany and Japan. Despite my relitive newness to LARPing. please allow me my few accomplishments insted of discarding my oppinions as the ramblings of a noob.

If I have misinterprited things I appologize, but...
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Post by dier_cire »

wasn't meaning anything that you hadn't worked on things, that I got. I was just noting that you haven't done anything that seemed to be on a large scale release where small flaws that are accepted in small releases are extremely costly in large ones. I have talked multiple company spokesmen and interviewers and most had that sort of organization for new devlopments (ie why you always see sketches years before any screen shots in video game). When you get past the point of people accepting updates every so often, the world kinda changes is all. And I honestly think we've gotten to the point where we are tired of rule changes, which is why I've been pushing the idea for the last year or more.

Ultimately, roleplaying requires no rules at all. Anyone can roleplay (albeit some of us (me) not very well). The rules are merely a mechanic to resolve conflict (in most instances combat). Thus, in my mind rules of little to do with the way one role plays. (Ie, would anyone care if Ka grew two feet and turn green with glowing red eyes when he raged? Probably not, as long as he only gains the +1 damage.)
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Post by GM_Chris »

No one who is an actual player of the game should ever ever ever have any voting power to any type of mechanic

Bane of all LARPS
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
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Post by Sara Gordon »

I agree whole heartedly with Chris. I think specifially GMs playing their own game causes huge problems and players voting on mechanics just sounds bad to me.
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Post by dier_cire »

Chris, you do realize that includes you and the entire GM staff? Isee little difference in running the game and playing as far as rules useage. Hell, I'll quit playing to write the book if that's what it takes...
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Post by Wyrmwrath »


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Nelkie »

Ok, this is how I was viewing the two teams. The plot team comes up with an idea that they would like to see made into mechanics for the game. The mechanics team would than create rules to govern the new idea. Than both the plot team and mechanics team would sit down and agree, disagree, tweak, etc until it is agreed upon by majority vote. The mechanics team job would create the rules, wording, and check to see if there is any breaks inthe rules. I believe a mix of PC and NPC should be part of the mechanics team because PC are more apt to find breaks than NPC becasue the PC's are dealing more in the basic rules than the NPC's who deal with monsters stats, plots, etc...

Now the marshals would be who ever is elected to the post. It does not need to plot, or mechanics team. The different marshal should be the following

In between event stuff (Also takes care of building stuff, resources, etc..)
Armor, costume marshal
Weapon & shield marshal
Alchemy Marshal
Arcane Marshal
Questions & Answer Marshal on the rest of the rules

I believe keeping it simple, but getting the right peole involed to make the system work.
My Thoughts

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