The reason for this is that I was told by friends/family/staff that I am designing builds for a game that no longer exists. most of my builds focus heavily on avoiding PVP and stacking the odds in your favor at all times, so that your never completely without options. I design by making a build that is awesome within the system instead of awesome within the game (there is a difference and I will explain later)
Until this time I have refused to post anything like this because I am very paranoid and don't want to give out all my secrets and make other players characters better (and I still wont, there are a few things I will never disclose because I feel there awesome and divulging them will cause them to be reworked. . .it would be just my luck that things I want fixed will remain overlooked and ignored, and thing I don't want fix get priority and urgent reworks)
game vs system:
this is something overlooked fairly often when it comes to rules, this is because the environment is very rarely taken into account when designing rules (because it changes and is hard to quantify mathematically, this is often referred to in many other games as the "meta" this stands for the metagame that is described as: any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself. what does that mean? many things influence the game, the players, the environment (cave vs field) the monsters we fight (lots of low soak vs a few massive soak) the number of npc', the weather, etc. this changes the mechanical balance of the system (and why rogues are OP, its because of the current FH meta)
min maxing:
this is something most people associate with only a few individuals or people, referring to so and so as a "min maxer" this is kind of silly, as everyone min maxes for something, when you come up with a character concept you min max for that concept, if your playing a mage you pick skills that are going to make you a mage. if you want to play a pirate your going to min max your skills to fit the concept.
but I digress from my original point
why am I finally posting this stuff now? because I feel that maybe it will help or influence at least one person when they create their next character. its always good to have information on what skills are considered good or bad and possible tips and tricks within the system to help you do better. Also I can only post what I know, so if anyone else knows something in particular about specific skills, tips, or tricks, feel free to post them as I would love to learn more as well

so coming up soon: Arks thread of tips and tricks: #1 to be announced
<3 Ark