
What did you think of the last event? Post your opinions and disucss the comments of others here!

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Post by GM_Chris »

I just wanted to say I am very sorry for my behavior Saturday night, my behavior was not acceptable. For those who do not know, I get very very stressed when I feel (and I stress feel which may or may not be reality) that I have to choose between making 1 group happy or another. I have learned to cope with this kind of stress, but with feeling extremely homesick for michigan coupled with running on nearly no sleep, I was not able to. This resulted in me choosing an option which made no one happy. Namely, I took away drama for 1 group, and gave the solution the other group was hoping for (in my mind) but not in the satisfying way they were hoping, and lastly I still was not able to spend time with my brother.

Anyways again I am sorry and I will work on making sure that does not happen again.

I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
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