Brave New World

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Brave New World

Post by Alice Tex »

The Portal flared to life and in a blinding flash of light, a lone figure appeared from it. Kneeling on the ground, panting softly, a small Half-Elf with long red hair and green eyes surveyed her surroundings as a wave of guilt overcame her. She buried her face in her hands and cried softly as she thought of the world she'd left behind...

Winter Haven had become far too dangerous for her. There were good people there, yes, but there were also some very dangerous and reckless ones as well. She couldn't risk those reckless few leading her and her friends to their deaths like lambs to the slaughter. She was alone in the world now. She had to look after herself. Her twin and protector, Terra, was gone for the time being. And as for her betrothed, he was in another world...if he was even still alive. She had promised them both that she would stay alive until they found her again. She had to stay alive...

Weeping for a moment, her determination soon began to dry her tears. She wiped the wetness away with a dirty sleeve and steeled herself. She had to find food and shelter before night fall. Surveying the treeline, she saw several fires burning not too far in the distance. Perhaps, there would be helpful people there who could help her and tell her where she was.

She grabbed her bag, double-checking to see that her all of her possessions had made it through the portal, and marched off into the direction of the fires. Making sure that her face was shielded by her scarf and protected from the cold wind now creeping in from the North, she made her way to a rather rough-looking structure. A dirty sign hung above the door outside, saying "The Inn". Ignoring the piercing gaze of any rough-looking strangers, she entered carefully, peering around the establishment innocently. She knew she looked out of place. She knew that she may not be welcome here. But she had to try.

Walking up to the bar nervously, she asked the bartender in an unsure voice, "Excuse me, but could you be so kind as to tell me what this town is called?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Elgoain Onyx »

:steps came descending from down a flight of stairs. as braidenvayl came down from his room, he was wearing the ripped tunic from earlier, seeing that he didnt have anything else and it wouldnt be a good idea to walk around haven in not but his skin. he heard the frail voice from downstairs and stopped where he was.
Whoa!! i totally know that voice!! he thought to himself:

"Alice?" :the treasure hunter called out waiting and somewhat hoping for a response:
elgoain Onyx.

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Post by Alice Tex »

Gasping at the sound of her name, she spun around to see who it was that spoke.

"Hello? Who's there? How do you know my name?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Elgoain Onyx »

:braidenvayl came into the frightened girl view and walked up to her.:

"its braidenvayl, remember?

:he touched her arm reassuringly:

"are you okay?"
elgoain Onyx.

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Post by Alice Tex »

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" she said, reassuring him and calming herself as she gave him a sincere hug. "I was just so worried that I'd come to the wrong place! I'm so glad you're alive! I was so scared for everyone!

She blinks innocently, speaking in a rushed tone, "Who else made it through? Alrion? Dizzy? Happy? Anyone else from Winter Haven? What happened? Please, tell me everything!"

She had no idea that some of her friends hadn't lived long enough to come through the portal with him...
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Elgoain Onyx »

:braidenvayl smiled warmly as he bent down to receive Alice's hug , he picked her up a little bit as he hugged her.:

"thank astea you're alright ;he whispered as he held the girl tightly, he let go of her and then brushed a stray piece of her red hair behind her ear:

"you're safe now, this is haven and this inn is "the tipsy traveler"

:braidenvayl smile lessened as alice mentioned dizzy and happy and then disappeared completely as she spoke of alrion, and he sighed and hung his head down:

"dizzy and happy both died in the no-men city.......and alrion was.. murdered. in the confusion of avangard's destruction." :braidenvayl looked back up and breathed in deeply, his breath was shaky as he exhaled:

"serena and tyr are upstairs. as for the rest of the town, i dont know, most of them were headed towards the fishing village last i heard.

:braidenvayl shook his head trying to shake off the sadness and bad feelings, he sort of half smiled and beckoned for alice to follow:

"c'mon, there's probably still some rooms left"
elgoain Onyx.

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Post by Serena »

A soft thudding was heard as a figure decended the stairs to the main of the Inn. Serena Blackwell made her way down, calling

"Oi, Braidenvayl. Give me your shirt so I can...

At the sight of Alice, the archers voice stops. In a rush she jumps the last few stairs, throwing her arms around Alice's shoulders.

"Alice! Thank the gods you're alright. Are you hurt?"
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Post by Alice Tex »

At the mention of Dizzy, Happy, and Alrion's deaths, a very grave expression crossed her delicate features. For a moment, another wave of guilt passed through her. 'You should have been there! You could have saved them!' her mind screamed. Her heart felt close to breaking!

At once, Alice's expression turned to false hope. "The others are working to bring them back, though, right!? We can still save them, right!?"

When he sighed in despair and changed the subject, beckoning her to follow, Alice was prepared to argue the point. She had to know that her friends were not lost forever to her! But before she could push the subject, Serena came bounding down the stairs and threw her arms around her and asked if she was hurt.

Blinking back thankful tears, the small Half-Elf replied to the beautiful woman, "I'm fine. I'm just so glad you all are alright. I was so scared that I wouldn't see any of you again." Her expression darkened softly, "Did Winter Haven fall like my Elven homeland? Is there a Winter Haven left to go home to?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Serena »

Serena released the half-elf and met her gaze. Her eyes shone with pain as she shook her head.

"Avangard has fallen, but there is still hope, many of those who didn't come through the portal went to the fishing village and across the sea to Ragnaroc. They're being led by Lord Callahan to safety. A few members of our guild are there, too. The rest of us came here."

The young human smiled suddenly.

"I'm so happy you're alright Alice. I was afraid I'd lost you, too."
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Post by Alice Tex »

Satisfied with Serena's answer, Alice bowed in appreciation. She blink and looked around the Inn inquisitively, "Who else has come through the Portal? It certainly can't be just the two of you?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Serena »

The archer shook her head quickly.

"I honestly don't know, Alice. I know Tyr is here and I believe Paer'an and Sunny got through, but I don't know other than that."
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Post by Elgoain Onyx »

"Theon and brey made it through that much i know, and i am pretty sure cristo was with them as well. but other than that, Serena's right. all that's left of avangard is dust and ash."

:braidenvayl sighed and put his hand on Alice's shoulder:

"but i am so glad you are here.... and safe :braidenvayl's words were heavy as it was clear he was still bothered by the destruction of the town and the loss of alrion:
elgoain Onyx.

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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice takes is hand from her shoulder, but holds it gently for a moment in comfort, giving him look that says 'worry not' before finally letting his hand go.

"Hopefully, I can lend my skills to this town as well as I did Winter Haven. What can you tell me about these lands? I know so very little of there a mayor? A steward? Are--well--you know, my kind welcome here?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Serena »

"You mean half-elves, Alice? I believe so, but even if they weren't, you are a member of Frost Hold and under my protection. I won't let anything happen to you."
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Post by Elgoain Onyx »

:braidenvayl nods: "same here, like i said, you're safe here"

"haven is ruled by queen esmerelda, i am sure she would welcome a person of your talents"

:braidenvayl looks over his shoulder and all around as if he was looking for someone:

"and Korrigan just got back into town, hes the innkeeper, he's around here somewhere."
elgoain Onyx.

for i'm a rover, seldom sober
i'm a rover of high degree!
when i'm drinkin'
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how to gain my love's company.