Because we allow PvP in the game it is esential that skills are balanced so we do not have insta kill abilities. This makes some PvM situations possibly less heroic, but at least you don't have Corbyn heroicly killing people.
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
Yeah the scene I actually wanted was for about 4 of you to come to him and tell him he was under arrest and to give up his post as Elder and for him to turn and say "I am Final Haven:" then pull out some Dark Lord light saber butt on you guys.
I thought that would have been a cool scene.
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
30 magics were broken when we pointed Nelkie at specific characters just to one shot end them.
As for the "sort of" hero points, it's my understanding that the new repopable hero points will replace the old ones entirely, with the excetion of ones handed out, which would still be single use (but follow the curent rules in the book still).
and I am the Fishing village.
My posts in no way reflect that of anyone else nor are they in any way official.
Under the 'Discipline' chapter in the rule book, it states that Disciplines can be unlearned but Paths cannot be unlearned. There is no mention of Advanced Skills or Hero Points. So...
Is selecting a Hero Point group permenant like a Path, or can it be unlearned like a Discipline?
Ingram Folles - Scholar
"Integrity comes when character is tested; keep true and never be ashamed of doing what is right."
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself made the villain."
"I can't leave you alone for five minutes."