About the ball...

What did you think of the last event? Post your opinions and disucss the comments of others here!

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About the ball...

Post by Esmerelda »

I debated long and hard with myself about whether or not I was going to say anything, but I've decided that I need to say my piece and be done with it. The whole idea behind having the ball was so that we could have a PC driven plot that would provide an opportunity to have a lot of fun and promote role playing in game. I never expect everyone to go, because I recognize that kind of thing is not everyone's thing. However, given the amount of time, effort, and money invested in the ball both in and out of game, not only by myself, but by a lot of other people as well, I would have thought that could be respected by the other people, especially when time and time again on the boards I've seen people complaining that there needs to be more roleplaying. That being said, I do think that the player motivation to cause trouble with the elven embassador was cool. However, next time the players involved want to do something like that, I'd just ask that maybe you look at your sense of timing. If you want to ruin a lot of other people's fun, maybe let them enoy it a bit more of it before you bring it all crashing down around them. Especially when so much work was involved.
That's all I really have to say. I'll get off my soapbox now. It was just very frustrating to have put so much work into something to have it cut short after half an hour of it getting underway. I guess I'll think long and hard before I go to that kind of work for my fellow players again.
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Post by cole45 »

I have my own issues about what happened at the ball, But, I did like the fact that the ladies worked very very hard to get the ball rolling again.

as for myself, I literally at myself sick on truffles and those little cream filled things.

The feast: Thanks for going. I am REALLY sorry about the timing. I did NOT expect the food to be done for at least another hour. That was a failure on my part, and I feel really bad that alot of you all did not get to eat. That was SOOO not my intention. I did not mean to leave anyone out.

Special props to Shanna, for helping me with the food, getting the apple sauce and what not. To Kidwynn for the butter that I very desperately needed, to voralen for/brett the veggies and atrum/erik. Any everyone else to. (art for keeping the building from burning down.)

I still think that we should persue an annual ball. I really enjoy helping! Again, sorry about the feast timing issue.
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Post by Kidwynn »

My turn on the soapbox...

I'm a little disappointed on how it all turned out. As Melissa stated a little head's up on a few things would have been appreciated before time, effort, a lot of money and all went into things.

Sen..hey the applesauce was good and everyone appeared to enjoy themselves. I know I forgot to send over the pasta salad I made for you. I too was looking to have more fun and be silly at the ball.

That's about all I have to say for now...

Oh and Travis, sorry for getting you sick on those things. I just didn't want all that food to go to waste and thought feeding the prisoners was a good idea after Melissa went to all the trouble of putting out such a fantastic spread.
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Post by GM_Chris »

I am, oh I know this is a collossally bad idea, going to step in since I can see this blowing up pretty quick. Oh brother how do I say it I am litterally shaking with fear that my words will cause someone's eyes to bleed.

I don't know who knows what in game or out of game. I do know from the GM side the following things.

1) we blocked off 9 to 11 for the feast and would not run any combat related plots during that time. Infact we only ran 1 plot and that was for those people not going to the ball.

2) I believe that the attempted murder took place near 11, but I am unsure so I am a little wierded out that the ball was only going on for half an hour.

3) Treeman enguaged the elf as well and the elf did die after Treeman left so the idea that it was a PC thing may not be true, and if it was an NPC it was near the end of the time that was alloted for no plots.

4) If it is a PC thing or an NPC thing I belive that a "heads up" would have defeated the purpose"

5) I will always ALWAYS defend the players to do what they want to do weather that is kill the Elven ambassador or to have a ball. NPC guards and such were placed to help maintain peace though so I don't want anyone jumping on me for saying that. :)

6) I thought that the event added to the RP not detract so though the purpose of the event may have changed thus making some people feel cheated it did serve as a vehicle for some REALLY REALLY cool role playing thus achieving what it really wanted to do.

7) Could someone PM me why the ball actually stopped. Since Treeman never actually killed the elf the ball could have continued or at least continued after events were taken care of.

8) I cannot cominsate for time, BUT I did eat and drink some so I will be happy to help contribute to the expense part of the problem.

Lastly, PLEASE continue to have balls they are alot of fun and it was really cool to see PC's put on their formals to attend. I really think it adds to the atmouspher especially when war is around the corner. I especially enjoy, even though it bothered you, that the world still continues. That the world actually breaths with life.

Hope I didn't anger anyone it was surely not my intent especially since I love you all.

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Post by deviantdante »

It didn't really end after that guy died/fake died whatever, it went on a little longer...

But anyway I thought it was great for the time I was there ans stuff happened. I loved the music and the food, and I am ever grateful for all that food, even though I got sick later (eating sweets then going into a tough battle right afterwards not good idea hehe)

Only part that pissed me off was that most if not all the pictures I took at the ball are fuzzy or dark cause of the setting, and i didn't use my flash cause it is way too bright and didn't want to blind anyone.

Oh and to that woman I recorded dancing, that video is, after watching it on my computer, is a lot darker than I thought and is not really usable.
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Post by Shea Stonebrook »

The spread was beautiful...the treats and the chocolate fountain YUMMY...Corbyn made his welcome speech and introductins, the first game was fun!! and the first dance begun....

Uh...the elven ambassidor dropped in the middle of the first dance...later I remember looking at the time at 10:45 thinking "should I start to help clean up?"

Yes there were girls dancing after everyone left but the "Ball" atmosphere was gone after everyone ran off to look for "suspects" in the rain.

I am very sorry to say this but I know that if I was one of the people who forked over all the $$ and went to all that effort I would certainly think twice before I did that again....I really do not know what could have been done differently because everything was certainly "IN GAME"

No one was at fault, no one did anything wrong the timing just sucked. I agree a heads up would defeat the purpose...
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Post by dier_cire »

GM_Chris wrote:NPC guards and such were placed to help maintain peace though so I don't want anyone jumping on me for saying that. :)
NPC guards played by a PC who was wasn't told anything about what the NPCs were capable or were really supposed to be looking for and who was attempting to man two npc guard posts at once. :)
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Post by Slisk »

Yeah - it's easy to see both sides of the issue here, and there's no easy answer. I'd hate to see folks miss an in-game opportunity for fear of offending someone OOG, but it's a shame to undo someone's significant OOG time, cash, and effort.

But it is a LARP, and there're in-game risks for in-game actions. A lot can go wrong when hosting a ball with multiple political factions present when those factions are on the eve of war. While doing so does present AWESOME RP opportunites, it could all come crashing down - as we witnessed.

Balls are great, and I hope we see more of them. But remember - victory celebrations are less likely to be interupted than pre-war parties. :P
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Post by Eilonwy »

I wasn't really clock-watching so I'm not sure what time the ball drama happened. I think the ball itself seemed only to be going for a short while because the dark elf plot before it kept people busy past the 9:00 mark. Then there was resurrecting/healing, and finally, the sorting hat ceremony... I mean, shakedown of all who dared enter the fort. :twisted: (None shall pass...) No idea what the clock said by the end of all that.

Timing just got in the way it seems. Really the only way to avoid the conflict would have been to wait a bit longer to drop the elf, or to have had Doug wait to let the effects take place. Increase the suspense. *shrug*

Regardless, I had fun with the whole thing. Excellent food, music, dance, and decorations. And Travis, I actually wasn't hungry earlier in the day so it's all good. Thanks for the rootbeer though.

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Post by Wyrmwrath »

The whole idea behind having the ball was so that we could have a PC driven plot that would provide an opportunity to have a lot of fun and promote role playing in game.
I would have thought that could be respected by the other people, especially when time and time again on the boards I've seen people complaining that there needs to be more roleplaying.
I think what seems to be going on is that you are saying what happened after the elf keeled over wasnt RPing. Anything a player has his or her PC do, that is motivated by how the PC feels and thinks, IS role playing. Thats what RPing is about. making a PC, building his/her views and and personality and acting in accordence with that as best as the rule system will allow for. If those responsible for the elf keeling over had waited when their chance showed itself, just because it would "ruin the ball", then they ARENT role playing. RPing ignored OOC influences when making decisions as the PC (or NPC actualy)

If you want to ruin a lot of other people's fun, maybe let them enoy it a bit more of it before you bring it all crashing down around them.
I wasnt involved in any of the ball or ambasador events, except for acting like Atrums right hand man during the trial stuff, however i think its nearly insulting to imply that those responsable for taking down the elf were motivated by a desire to "ruin a lot of other people's fun". Yes I know it was alot of work to make that ball happen and yes I applaud you. Slamming somone because the event you planned didnt go as you wished, when you planned for it to happen in such a chaotic and dynamic setting, is unfair and just trying to shift the blame for your dissapointment , from where it should be placed.
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Post by Eilonwy »

And this could be where the "causing someone's eyes to bleed" happens. Chris calls it like he sees it. :twisted:

Quick aside on the OOG influences: GM's do take this into account, even if the reason is only partly OOG, hence the slot 0f 9-11 set aside for the ball (obviously IG reasons as well for this one, yes?). Sometimes for story purposes and good RPing, you have to "fudge" things for in- or out-of-game reasons, including timing. Having GM'd, I know how messed up things can get if you don't. Ex: PC's are tired or in desperate need of food and so RPing/thinking is going down the tubes; just one OOG reason and oh so many more examples I could give. If it hurts the RPing or story, it makes sense to me to deal with it so it won't. You do the best you can I guess. From a PC standpoint on this same issue... *shrug* There it gets trickier.

Anyway, it's over, it happened, maybe next time a compromise could take place, maybe not. With any luck there'll be another ball and some contingency plans set up in case of interruption. If not, "Farewell, and thanks for all the fish?" or in this case, food. Your time, effort, and money were definitely appreciated, Melissa, regardless.

*after a hug, dives for cover in case the eyes bleed red anyway*
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

*looks around frantickly* ..i think she stole my towel!...*moves papers and furniture* She did! She stole my towel!!
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

*looks around frantickly* ..i think she stole my towel!...*moves papers and furniture* She did! She stole my towel!!
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Post by Eilonwy »

I thought it was your blankie. You know after all that agreeing with Reid going on? :P
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

that only required a pillow and Dramamine...
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