Rallying Call

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Rallying Call

Post by Slisk »

The early morning sun shown through the haze and leaves to form shifting patterns of light on the road. Slisk stood by, the travel kit he had carried into Winter Haven that one fateful stormy night again on his back, his meager rations slung beneath. A shield on his arm and a sword slung at his side, he was more than ready to depart. True, the lizardfolk of that village were merely barbarians - with no clan resemblance to his own - but they were the closest thing to kin he had seen in six moons, and he was determined to find them. Fortunately the urges of Spring had begun to slacken. He was disturbed to find the thought of even those barbarian females had become appealing. How shameful it would be to court a non-citizen of the Ascendancy.

But the search for the Lizardfolk was but one task on a long list of objectives Haven’s Regent wished to achieve on this quest, and likely the least tangible. He wished to contact a number of peoples, and knew how to reach all the others. The Lizardfolk would have to be found, if they even yet existed. They would likely be last on the list.

Slisk took a long, slow breath of humid air. The weather of the last few days had been a heartbreaking reminder of home. He longed so for the company of his own kind. Standing here waiting for the others of the party to assemble was difficult indeed. He very much wanted to set out immediately on his own – head South immediately to begin the search and ignore the other missions of diplomacy. But he was no scout – he’d have no chance of success on his own. Besides, it would be a craven and dishonorable act. Waiting here and carrying out the full mission of the Havenites would be a feat of endurance, and it was for his greater honor that he would endure it without complaint.
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Post by Laura »

*Laura came out of the wood to see Slisk satnding there by himself. Laura looked tires like she had been gone for a long time.

"Slisk You look like you are about to go on a journey... I hope that you are not going alone. If you would like i would love to go with you and offer what little bit of assistance I can. Weather it be my healing skils or helping you find you way in the woods."

*She looks at him and awaits his reply.
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Post by Slisk »

“I do indeed ssset out thisss morning. “ Slisk looks around. “And othersss should alssso be arriving sssoon. But with your asssissstanccce, we may depart by noon with or without them.”

“With the othersss, Atrum will declare the way. But if we mussst travel on our own, we shall make for the Lizardfolk village and follow their exodusss sssouth until we find them. Prepare yourssself, if you mussst, for the quessst may take many daysss.”
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Post by Shea Stonebrook »

*Shea walks out of the inn with a sour face and rubs her head, as if it aches. She takes a deep breath of the fresh air then looks over to Slisk and Laura, finally smiling, walking over to them.*

When do we leave to see where the other Lizard folk went?...I am ready when you are, if I am still needed.

*Shea turns to Laura, and gives her a big hug.*

Laura it's been quite a while, it's good to see you, we have really missed you...are you coming too?
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Post by Laura »

* Laura Gived Shea a hug back.

"Yes it has been a while I have not been far i was just getting "lost" In the woods. It has been to long for me and I needed that to clense my soul."

*She then looks at Slisk as well

"I would be more than happy to go with you and any one else that might be comming along. I think that I am ready for a new adventure. I will just grab a few items and i will be rady to set out. and do not worry about me in the woods Slisk I cna take care of myself."

*Laura walks into the inn and grab what little she would like to take with her. As she does this she takes a look around. She gives a shiver. And she says softly to herself.

"There are to many shadows here that have haunted my travels....perhaps it is time for me to move on. But first i have one more journey to go on to help a good freind."

*She nods and walks back out to where slisk and Shea are standing and waiting.
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Post by Slisk »

Slisk nods to Laura. "A Ssscout isss required. Your tracking ssskillsss are indeed needed here."
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Post by Laura »

"You have my services"
*With a nod she waits for the others to join them.
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Post by Sunny »

Out of the deep forest three silent figures make their way toward the group. The one in the center is slight, hidden mostly from view by a voluminous black cloak. The other two are… strange to say the least. They are vaguely human in appearance, though far more willowy, seemingly all sinew and strength. Their coloring is a cocoa shade, earthy and warm, and their hair is long and braided in intricate fashion. Their clothing is mostly of hides, denoting them as a more savage kind of kin. Their eyes are large and almond shaped, green and striking. It does not take much to guess that these are Vaun’s mysterious Doppelgangers.

The trio drew up and the Storm Elf gives Slisk a nod. “I have come as I pledged, and too brought some aid. There are a few others in the forest, scouting in advance. Thou shall not see them, but I know they are there. I shall warn thee of they find danger.”

She let her dark amethyst gaze drift over to Shea and Laura. She knew neither, really, and so seemed indifferent to them.
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Post by Shea Stonebrook »

*Shea looks wide eyed at the trio as they approach...trying hard not to call magic to her hand, even after hearing Vaun speak with Slisk.

As Vaun's eyes drift over to herself and Laura Shea, gives her a slight nod of acknowlegment.*
Shea Stonebrook

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Post by Slisk »

Slisk nods curtly in acknowledgement to Vaun.

"Underssstood. The Regent isss sure to appreciate thessse additional forcccesss."
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Post by Slisk »

Slisk studied the sun, now high in the sky, it’s warmth invigorating him. He would wait no longer.

He turned to the others. “I will hold no longer on thisss quessst to find the lizardfolk. Sssuccesss isss more likely with your involvement, but no honor isss lossst should you choossse to wait here for the Regent’sss hossst.”
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Post by GM-Mike »

Slisk wanders off in the general direction of the lizard man village, hoping to pick up the trail. Who else follows?
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Post by Shea Stonebrook »

*Shea does not lag behind, she keeps up with her bag ready for anything she could think of this group may need.*
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Post by Laura »

*Laura sees Slisk start to walk off on his own and she runs to catch up with him.

"My friend I am here to help."

*Laura Starts to take a good look around her and see if she can not find thier way.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*I was going to post in here earlier, I was just waiting for a reply from someone*

Atrum with a pack on his back and Kidwynn aprroach the the group just as Slisk begins to wander off.
Atrum Draconus
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