Is the limit on batch processing true? If so, it's no where in the rules and must be clarified. This past event I know I batch processed up to 8 alchemies at a time.After that it was determined the making of alchemy potions was only done during the game session. As you know each potion consits of certain time it takes to collect herbs (Great roleplaying if you go out for 5-10 minutes it takes to collect them), a mix time, and a brew time. The alchimst does not need to be around for the brew time, only for the herb collecting and mixing. You only can make a number of level potions up to your alchemy level at one time. This includes brewing time.
Example: I'm 4th alchimist so I can create 4 level 1 heal potions or 2 level 2 awaken potions, etc.. The total level of potions * the number of potions can not be greater than you alchemy level. You can not start a new potion until the brew time is completed of the current brewing potion. The current in game time allowed to make potions is about 43 hours.
If alchimist can collect herbs inbetween event than I'm there. It will save time during the event and maybe (depends on what potions are being made) allow 1 additional potion to be created.
So collecting herbs is only a minor time save to an alchimist, expect for the components that must be quested for.
This is how alchemy was explained to me, please let me know if this is wrong, and if so, what are the new rules an alchmist is suppose to follow.
I did sit and crush and mix the herbs for the required herb time and then set the vials right side up in a tankard to brew. Seemed logical to me. Would a lab affect your capacity for alchemical brewing (or is that FOIG)?
Please let me know and what (if anything) you want to do to remedy my mistake(?).