a black capes person in the door way

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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a black capes person in the door way

Post by Kittien »

A black caped figure walks throw the door way strait up to a table. As Donovan is seen writing a very small dark figurer walks up to the side of the table. Standing only an 4 inch taller then the table the figurer pushes back her hood. Opening her cape at the shoulders and placing one hand on a hip Solvanya goes to one knee. Lowering her very small head she speaks, “I am small but in honor of those that have fallen I will join your ranks. I will do my part by making only the best of weapons and armor. I may make some mad with my jokes but I swear there will never be a knife to anyone’s back if I stand behind any person of haven. I swear there will never be a warrior’s hand with out a sword when defending your home. But most of all I swear to uphold the values and honor of the people of Final Haven.”

Saying this Solvanya takes the hand Donovan was writing with and places in it a sword. “This is the sword that I forged in the fire of Mount. Morningrock. This is the only thing I brought with me from Morningrock before I was lost in this large outside world. But maybe I was not lost but found? For now I have a people again. Dropping her feet back on the floor she pulls the shirt over her belly and smiles.”
Last edited by Kittien on Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan looks at Solvanya and gives an approving smile.*

“You may be small in stature, but your fire burns as brightly as any against the Darkness. If you would join us, you must swear the oath of allegiance to enter the Order of the Phoenix. You must be prepared to be loyal to the order and uphold our Code.”

*Donovan hands her a copy of the Code and reads it to her if need be.*

Code: Select all

1st General Order
I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.
2nd General Order
I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner.
3rd General Order
I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief.


Honesty & Justice
There is no room for dishonesty in the heart of a Phoenix. Lies corrupt the soul and distract the mind from honorable pursuits, something a true warrior cannot abide. When confronted with criminal behavior, a Phoenix must see justice done. It is his duty.
Heroic Courage
“For the coward, there is no life; for the hero, there is no death.”
For the Phoenix, to die without fear in the fulfillment of one’s duty is the ultimate honor. Fear is for the weak of mind and those who have no faith in the their own strength and the strength of their brothers. For those that have faced the horrors of Harrison’s Pass, faced things that can break a man’s spirit with a single glance, courage is a valued trait indeed.
A Phoenix is strong and noble. Mistreatment of those below us is a sign of weakness and insecurity. A Phoenix cares for and protects those below him, just as the Preceptor sees to his needs.
Polite Courtesy
A Phoenix is a civilized warrior. He is taught not only the art of combat, but also the virtues of civilization. To treat another with rudeness or disrespect is to abandon that which makes him worthy of the name Phoenix. Without courtesy, even towards one’s enemies, a man is little more than an animal. A man cannot be respected who does not conduct himself with poise and etiquette.
External judgment is worthless to a Phoenix. The true measure of worth comes from within. If a Phoenix is true to himself and makes decisions that stem from his own sense of what is right, then he cannot be dishonorable.
Complete Sincerity
There is no difference between what a Phoenix says and does. If he says he will perform a certain act, that act is as good as done. It has nothing to do with honesty or dishonesty, merely the recognition that the word and the deed are both the extension of the Phoenix’s honor, and that they are ultimately one and the same.
Duty & Loyalty
The most important facet of a Phoenix’s life is his duty. Loyalty to the Guard and the execution of the duties that he is charged define what it is to be a Phoenix. Failure in this respect is inexcusable. On this count there is no dissention. Those who do not fulfill their duties are of no use, and thus are worse than traitors.

When in doubt, a Phoenix will always choose:

Honor over deceit.
Excellence over mediocrity.
Courage over cowardice.
Courtesy over incivility.
Wisdom over ignorance.
Loyalty over betrayal.
Purity over corruption.
Justice over inequity.
Strength over weakness.
Temperance over excess.
Fortitude over failure.
Duty over disregard.
Humility over arrogance.
Compassion over callousness.
Righteousness over evil.
Sacrifice over self-interest.

On Wrongs…

To the repentant who wrongs in error, bestow forgiveness.
To the repentant who wrongs in neglect, allow redemption.
To the repentant who wrongs with malice, seek reparation.

To the unrepentant that wrongs in error, use caution.
To the unrepentant that wrongs in neglect, find retribution.
To the unrepentant that wrongs with malice, deliver oblivion.
“If you are willing to do this, to take the oath and enter the Order of the Phoenix, then present me with your sword and we may begin.”
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Post by Kittien »

OOG I have had a hard time making a screen name for Salvona and Have used Kittiens untel I reseved one. so i am now using Salvona Moonstone's
Last edited by Kittien on Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by moonstone »

Solvanya takes the paper out of Donavan’s hand and stopping for just a moment she reads the paper and speaks. “I was born as a chieftains daughter….that time has ended. So as the sun may set on this day I will be born again as a Phoenix is born again. From the ashes of my old life to the skies of the new, weather the skies are dark with storm or alight with promise. I will aleays fly in theys skies so long as there is breth my body. I Solvanya Daystone Swear. I may not be a warrior and may not fight but I can aid you in other ways.” Taking a low breath Ms. Daystone Goes to one knee once more and taking the sword placing point to the ground she places her head to the hilt.

In a loud voice as to leave no confusion she speaks:

I Solvanya LuloLu Daystone cast off my family name and take on a new name for a new family. My name will change as the sun will set so my name is now Solvanya LuloLu Moonstone.

Quoting from the paper before her she says “A man cannot be respected who does not conduct himself with poise and etiquette. I like to play jokes and I love to laugh but I will do my best to conduct myself in the way of the Phoenix.” Lifting her head she then says:
“Honor over deceit. Excellence over mediocrity. Courage over cowardice. Courtesy over incivility. Wisdom over ignorance. Loyalty over betrayal. Purity over corruption. Justice over inequity. Strength over weakness. Temperance over excess. Fortitude over failure. Duty over disregard. Humility over arrogance. Compassion over callousness. Righteousness over evil. Sacrifice over self-interest.” Lowering her voice to a venomous tune she goes on:
To the repentant who wrongs in error, bestow forgiveness.
To the repentant who wrongs in neglect, allow redemption.
To the repentant who wrongs with malice, seek reparation.

To the unrepentant that wrongs in error, use caution.
To the unrepentant that wrongs in neglect, find retribution.
To the unrepentant that wrongs with malice, deliver oblivion.
This is what I swear to with love in my heart, and forgiveness in my soul.”

With that she lifts herself from the floor and pulls herself up on the table. Placing the sword in Donovan’s hand once more the sound of her feet hitting the floor can be herd in the inn.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan takes the sword from Solvanya and holds it up to the light.*

"Then by this blade all you once were shall pass away."

*Donovan places a hand on Solvanya's shoulder, moving her to her knees and steadying her. With almost a fatherly look on his face he looks her directly in the eye. In one swift motion he spins her blade with his free hand and plunges it directly into her heart. He speaks in an even, formal tone.*

"From out of Darkness will the Light once again shine, witness the Phoenix rising."

*He withdraws the blade from her chest and places it on the table. He then draws Lightstorm from its sheath. The sword glows with a soft white light as he slams it into the wound. The light intensifies, coming from both the blade and the Preceptor's eyes. It lasts only a moment, and when he pulls Lightstorm from her chest there is no wound, blood, or scar. He helps Solvanya to her feet, a proud look on his face.*

"Rise Solvanya LuloLu Moonstone. Rise a Phoenix."
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Post by moonstone »

“Thank you sir Donavon.” Salvonya places one hand to her heart and rubs the spot. With a quiet look in her eyes she clicks her feet together and bows at the waist. Backing up she terns and walks out the door.
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Post by Peace420 »

*Solari watches the exchange with great interest*

Flowery words and pomp and circumstance do not replace deed.

One of these days...I'm going to cut you into little pieces...

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Post by Fox »

Fox, sitting like her namesake at Solari's heels frowns, looking sad. She turned her pale green eyes up to him.

"We're sorry we didn't get here sooner. We could have helped them." She looked so very much like the child she was. She gave Donovan a mournfully apoligetic look. "We're really, really sorry about your friends. We can't bring back the dead, but we promise we'll help care for the living in any way we can. We hate to see so much suffering."

She sniffed the air as if testing the wind and gave the Preceptor a winning smile, as if the saddness of a moment ago had not been there. "Don't worry, though. There's a change in the wind, we can smell it. Things won't always be this bad, you'll see."
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan nods his acknowledgement to Solari and Fox as Salvonya leaves the Inn.*

"Greetings, friends. Solari, I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. What you just witnessed was a ritual of our people. Do you find it lacking? Like any ritual it involves a certain amount of ceremony, but I fail to see this absence of deed of which you speak. Please, explain."

*Looking to Fox, Donovan grins in return. The young girl's smile was infectious.*

"Thank you for your sympathy, Fox. I know things always won't be this bad. I'll take your word on that change in the wind and try to put some of these worries behind me."
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Post by moonstone »

Flowery words and pomp and circumstance do not replace deed.[/quote]

Hearing these word said Solvanya stops near the doorway. Ever so slowly she terns herself to look up at this new person. I have yet a chance to prove myself. And I promise you when the time comes I well do right by the Phoenix guard.

To tell you true these words wound me more deeply then the sword that was just in my chest. why do you think this?
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Post by Peace420 »

*Solari looks down momentarily at Fox and then back to Donovan*
Just that those words should guide your every action, not just those decisions and actions where it is convenient. A worthy and grand code it is. But I have learned that very few truly follow the codes they claim to. I am truly trying not to judge the lot of those I witnessed heartily laughing at the loss of your Duke's young one. I would expect Pentaguishine and his lot to have a hearty laugh over it, not those who claim to be on the side of rightousness, as well as claim to swear fealty to the one who's pain is mocked such. Should you not share in the loss and pain he must feel at this time, apparently he has lost his mate as well as his son. I must meet this Corbyn, perhaps he is one that understands the way of essence, most of the leaders of men that I have met would have at the least dressed those involved down, some of those would have simply had your heads. So far the deeds have not lived up to the words. I understand that it is a trying time but in those times are when those words need to be remembered and uttered most of all. *Looks to Lambic if he is inside*
It is not as complicated as some may think, your Gaurd I believe you call it has clearly lain out the virtues to be adhered to, nowhere in there does it say unless it is more complicated than that.
*Looks to Solvanya*
I do not intend to wound your feelings, only to stress the importance of them. And always remember, do right by what is just and righteous first of all, associations and affiliations of the mortal kind should never be held in higher esteem or favor than what is right.

One of these days...I'm going to cut you into little pieces...

~Pink Floyd~
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Post by Fox »

Fox's smile faded as she heard Solari's dire words, and a worried frown took its place. She looked back and forth between him and the towering warrior man. There was so much pain and sorrow here... it made her ears ring.

She reached up a little hand and tugged on Solari's, more to remind him she was there than anything else. "So much saddness that makes scars in places we cannot heal them. Why must people be so careless?" Her voice was a subdues whisper, and there was a plea for peace in her eyes as she regarded Donovan innocently.
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy.