Here's a similar situation:
Long ago, after leading Gromm's Horde against the town, after killing Jordan, Llyshon, and others...After all this, soon after I (Pentaguishine) found myself walking back into the Horde's camp, feeling victorious, even though the Horde had suffered great losses. I was looking for Nehpets and noone would lead me to his tent. Something seemed off and as I walked through the Horde I became unnerved. 300 Orcs stood and surrounded me. They were going to feast on my flesh and pick their teeth with my bones....but why? Was it just because they were evil? Why would they ruin such a great RP moment as I came in to tell Nehpets of all the destruction I had wrought for them?
Why? Because Dimack beat me into the camp and told Nehpets that all of his plans had failed and the Horde was run off because I had screwed some of the plans up. It was an outright lie, just to get rid of me.
However, unlike Arthos in this situation, I had a backup plan (as I always do), and was able to teleport away. BLINDLY teleport away, using Elthinaar's teleportation Stone ("Fly True" bay-bee). Why was it Blind? Cause I had no idea who had the other stone.
Come to find out the Dark Lord's Underling Lords had the stone and wanted to kill the Dark Elf who had the other stone. Lucky for me, I don't look like an elf and I grew some balls of steel that ultimately saved my life from certain peril (not to mention some cool powers!).
The key thing to remember is that
"Some MotherF****er is always trying to ice skate up hill.", and knowing is half the battle.