Bow use for everyone

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Trevor Owen
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List of to-dos

Post by Trevor Owen »

Eric is on the money on this one. We have a long list and are checking it twice. It doesn't matter if you're naughty or nice. We will be going over bows/xbows, resources, potions, spells, armor, fencing, etc. etc. etc. Before spring there will be a hefty revision coming out.

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Post by dier_cire »

Trevor do you want a copy of the stuff Aaron and I came up with?
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

I figured that nothing would be official until put into print by the GM's, and that's why I was hoping for a consolidation. I see a great deal of potential for re-inventing the wheel here with new people and new rules all coming in from a variety of threads. All I was hoping for was a way to make our efforts more efficient.
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Post by GM_Chris »

I printed out the newest rule book and I am editing currently.

I hope to post something by Monday.

I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
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Post by Todd »

Hey Reid. Send in on over so I can give it the look see.
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Post by WayneO42 »

While cleaning I came across some notes from one of our early FH meetings. After I re-read them (They had nothing to do with bows) I remembered suddenly why we did not allow everyone to use a bow. It was for out of game saftey reasons. We were leary about allowing everyone to pick up a bow, which is the most hazardous phys-rep, and start shooting arrows at people. I dont know if I still feel that way or not. What do you al think? Should we keep bow use rather limited for safety reasons?
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Bob-Z (kabre)
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

I can certainly see your concern, but at the same time there is no guarantee that those who decide to become archers are going to have any real out-of-game skill with a bow either. Short of asking people to perform some sort of test, I don't know how it can be proven who should or should not use a bow. Not sure on that one. To me, its sort of akin to those using spell packets. With a bow (mind, not a crossbow) you have the ability to shoot very softly at close range, but have to trust that people are going to do so. With spell packets, you have to trust that people aren't going to wind up and loose a speed ball at you at 10 feet. There may be some instances where Steve will blast Julie in the eye with a spell packet, that may be unavoidable. I dont see everyone having the ability to use a bow as being any more of a threat than that.

Post by Valane »

Never did have too much control with the forkball, guess I should have thrown a change-up.

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Post by WayneO42 »

The idea was that if you needed a discipline to shoot a bow, fewer people would have them. It wasn't to weed out people who couldn't shoot just cut down on the number of shooters. Atleast thats how I remember the argument. Any comments Todd, Trevor, Mike, Chris?
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Post by Curufin »

Very interesting indeed.........

I would agree that above all, safety first. While I think that it is absolutely absurd to think that one has to be trained in archer to pick up a bow off the table and fire a shot, I do know that the bow is the most dangerous weapon on the field. Even someone like Bob who has been bow hunting for many years, it is still dangerous. If he fires a shot at someone's chest and they try to move out of the way by ducking and it blasts them in the face (and at some point it WILL happen) the game stop might be the least off our worries. I hate to say it, but, the bow is a completely different animal then a melee weapon on the field. It is very hard to make an effective bow that is safe enough to hit someone in the face in close quarter combat, but still fires at a long range.

I guess my question to all would be: how many people in FH would bring in bows if it was allowed for everyone to use them? It seems that most people would probably not bother with 1 normal damage when they can throw spells, swing for two, or carry a shield.

The other thing I noticed is it is a 5th level guild skill "use bow" that every one would be getting. The only difference is the damage is 1 normal vs. 1 vorpal.

I think that after seeing a face shield shatter, my view on safety has gone to the next level.

Don't get me wrong, I DO want to see bows on the field by non-archers. Just trying to find the best and safest way to do so, just like everybody else.

Lost my train of thought.....
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

Wayne: I was under the impression from your first post that the issue was people shooting bows "willy-nilly" without actual player skill with one and people getting hurt, if that wasn't what you meant, and you are trying to discourage people from brining them in the game, why is that? I think a bunch of bows on the field would add an awesome element to combat.

Ryan: I assume your statement regarding the difficulty in making a close quarter safe "bow" was reffering to crossbows. We're still working on that one, but as I stated above, with a standard bow its just as easy (and poses the same risk factors) to use light or heavy force, as with a spell packet, depending on how close your opponent is to you.
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Post by dier_cire »

Granted I'm not sure what side of the fence this goes on but anyone can pick up a rock (aka foam wrapped in duct tape) and throw that for 1 damage. This is by far safer than a bow, and does the same effect though with less distance.

If I was allowed to bring a bow I probably would, how often I'd use it, I have no idea. Granted the bow I own is a 10lb bow that can be drawn and held one handed in my shield hand. The rock would still be smaller but requires me to throw with my sword vs. shooting with my off hand.

I personally would go with the saftey thing.
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Post by Peace420 »

I almost took archer just so that I could do vorpal and probably will until Fence is worth having.

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Post by Nelkie »

Fence is great. I have used it every event and able to make profit on my trades. I was able to get a magic item out of one of my trades. But I do have an entire guilds goods to use for trading. But it willbe nice to have stable rules on how faence can be used.
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Post by Peace420 »

Werd, Good to know.

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