The next few days...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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The next few days...

Post by Robin »

The day after Robin’s explosion, no one saw hide nor hair of her. She kept to her room and refused to see anyone but Eli and Audry. The next day, however, dawned bright and fair and found her sitting at her table downstairs. Drake and Kidwynn were there with her, and her cousin as well. They were talking softly, and the Lady herself was writing in the great scarlet Book of the Duchy. She looked worse for ware, pale and drawn, but other than that, the same as ever.

Audry leaned over and patted Robin’s hand. “Shouldn’t you really be resting? Anything else can wait for now, or until Corbyn returns.”

Robin paused in her writing and looked up into the pale eyes of her cousin and First Mate. “I slept for an entire day, Aud. Any more and I’ll become a lay about.” A ghost of a smile crossed her lips, but only for a moment. She sighed. “No, I want to be here where they can all get to me if they wish it. If they have something to say or discuss, then I welcome it. I have duties I must not neglect or what kind of Lady am I?”

The strong warrior woman regarded her captain for a long time, weighing a response. She elected to simply shrug. “As you wish. You know I’m here for you in any way you need.”

Robin nodded. “I know.”

She gazed out the window where the Phoenix were training. They were her friends… or had been. How many now still stood with her? She did not know. But, she remained in public view never the less. She was not running, nor hiding. She would wait for Corbyn with grace and let his decrees stand for them all… even her, and no matter what.
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Post by Kidwynn »

*After awhile of sitting and talking, still barely audible to the ear without it sounding raspy so she's been whispering.*

Well, if you will excuse me all. I gotta go rest some more. I'm not a lay about, but I don't think I have the strength to argue with a few people currently especially when they are right. *Looks outside an then at Drake.*

*Stares outside for a moment.*

Hopefully soon I can start practicing again. *Looks at Drake and Audry* Make sure Robin eats something again soon. If you need me before dinner, wake me up please.
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Post by Dallid »

*Dallid approaches Robin*

May we talk?
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn stops in her tracks and watches the exchange between Robin and Dallid.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Eli »

A puff of smoke rolls out of Eli’s laboratory, followed shortly by the young elf child whose cloths are just a slight singed…

“Hmm, well that certainly was not the result I sought,” he claims with a wiry smile. “Perhaps less of the yellow powder stuff, and more of the white.” With that he runs over to the bar and asks for ale. As usual a smiling Atrum fills his tall frosty glass to the brim, with foamy Milk. “My undying thanks good barkeep,” he exclaims in his best grown up impersonation, and proceeds to reach into a pocket and produce as if by magic a small brown paper bag. With that he looks around for any ‘green Elves’, and seeing the coast is clear he heads over to Robin’s table, smiles at Dallid, and pulls a cookie out of the bag. His smile grows from ear to pointed ear as he dunks it in the milk.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Midnight »

*Midnight, spotting Eli with his milk and cookies, hops up on the bench next to him and tilts her head to the side in the curious way that she has*

To you I give greetings, tribemate.

Milk and cookies, you have, I see. Very good, those are!

A favor to ask of you, I have, if a moment to spare, you have!

*Midnight arranges her head feathers while she waits for an answer from Eli*
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Post by Eli »

Eli smiles at the funny bird girl and says, "sure." He then looks very serious as he looks at Robin and then over both his sholders... "will you watch these, I hear there are green elves about... and they have habit of eating all the cookies, even when it makes them sick to their tummy!"

With his treasure secured he follows Midnight over to a private table to chat with his tribe mate.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Midnight »

*Midnight follows Eli to the new table and hops up on the bench next to him, then begins a quiet conversation with the young elven child*
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Post by Robin »

Robin gave Dillid a warm smile, "Please, my friend, sit. I would hear your council."

For a moment her eyes strayed to her adopted son once more, and a true smile lit her face. When he made such serius mention of his 'treasure' she nodded solomly. "Upon my life, magus, no one shall take thy presious. This I vow." She gave him a wink as he happily ran off with Midnight.

To no one in particular she said softly, "His is my light in a dark time. If for him, if for nothing else, shall I pass through any darkness. He is what we are fighting for."
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Post by Dallid »

"Yes, you are enveloped in Darkness right now, and feeling it's terrible bite - both from without and within, for the nature of the Night is consuming, and its cold penetrates to the bone. I would offer perspective, but must first know better the situation."

*He sits at the table*

"Tell me, if you would, the nature of this sacrifice. What did you seek? What was asked of you? What was offered, what was taken, and what was received, in turn?"
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Post by Corbyn »

*Corbyn comes down the stairs, carrying two long wooden poles and a spool of woven line. Walking over to his table, he kisses Robin's hand and greets Dallid. Looking about the main floor of the Inn, he spies Eli and strides over to where he and Midnight are speaking. Keeping a distance so as not to overhear their conversation...*

Eli, when you are finished, join me at the river. Looking out my window I noticed many salmon, and thought it might be fun to try our hand at catching some for dinner.

*Turning, Corbyn walks from the Inn and makes his way to the stone outcropping overlooking the river a short distance from the structure.*
Corbyn Gravesbane
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The Hand of Woodhold
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos has been spending most of his time in the guild hall and rarely comes out unless his services are called upon. A couple days later he comes out with a bundle under his arm and walks into the Inn and approachs Robin and Corybn. He bows to both of them and hands the bundle to Robin*

I have created this for your child *Arthos smiles warmly* I though we should start making some toys for him/her, because I meant what I have said, I will work tirelessly to find a way to make Corybn's and your child whole. I aplogize for using such a rash statement earlier. I see you as wife of Lord Corybn, a good friend, and most of all, my sister. I will fight for you and stand by your side until I can not breath no more.

*As Robin unwraps the bundle a wood craving of a wolf is seen*
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Seeing that Robin is alright, Kidwynn heads up to lie down. Over the next few days she appears to help feed the Phoenix Guard and to guard Robin's door if so ordered or any other orders that are given to her, but mostly the young woman does something a few of her friends and close individuals have been trying to get her to do, she rests and takes it easy.*

*Once her Commander deteremines she is better, Kidwynn joins the other Phoenix's for manouvers and resumes ever so carefully the frantic pace of a life she is growing accustomed to, somehow managing to find time to be social with those who wish to talk to her. Her voice doesn't return to normal, normal for a week or so. It's raspy but more easily understood after she takes the time off.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Eli »

After talking to Midnight he sees Corbyn with the poles and a big smile fills his face...

He races out to the river to "fish" still unsure that the long poles are for...

When he gets there, and see Corbyn fishing he shakes his head...

"If we want to cash them fast we need a big net! Then I can blast the water and we scope them up!" A ball of energy glows faintly in his hand as if to express his method of 'fishing'. "What's the stick for?"
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Robin »

Robin was about to say something to Dallid when Corbyn walked up. She gave him a warm smile, and a blush colored her pale cheeks when he kissed her hand. When she heard what he had to say to Eli her face was illuminated by an even brighter smile. They had spoken at great length about the little elf, and she was glad to see the two boys in her life getting out and taking time together. They needed a nice afternoon after the stress of the last few days.

When she saw Arthos coming her way she tensed for a moment. However, when she saw the look on his face, a softer kind of smile pulled at the corners of her lips. He knew he had hurt her feelings a great deal, and she knew he was sorry. There needed be nothing else said on the matter. Both of them knew that everyone was under a lot of pressure right now, and that those they loved most dearly came first.

She took the bundle and unwrapped it. “Oh Arthos!” She exclaimed, “This is amazing!” She stood and gave him a big hug, lingering there for some time. She whispered in his ear. “Family we are shall ever remain, my brother. Words said in the heat of a moment are easily forgotten, and always forgiven.” She stood on her tip toes and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Besides, with your roguish charm, I could never stay mad at you for long, and well you know it!” She laughed and gave him a wink as he smiled, bowed, and took his leave.

Those things settled, Robin turned her attention back to Dallid, with a very thoughtful look on her face. “Most of the tale you know already. That there was the group of us trapped in the Shadow Realm awaiting the High Magus to open the Receiving Circle. We were being attacked by creatures of that dread place, and could not speak to one another. Neither could we make use of our healers, nor even harm our unnatural foes. We were out of potions, and in disasterous state by the time we got to Haven proper.”

She sighed. “In my original party we had Arthos, Incarius, Don Mayo, and myself. However, the guardian of the Cave granted us one person to aid in our almost impossible escape from the Cave, and we chose Ug. We did not know that at the same time, he was just finishing casting a Sending Circle to get the rest of the larger group out of the upper level of the Cave. That left Donovan, Sir Claude, and Sethriel trapped in the Shadow Realm. There was much fighting, and then Ug managed to get his Circle off… and we all were together. However, the High Magus had failed to perform his end of the task, and the Receiving Circle was not open at the other end. This left us stranded.”

Robin began to look tired, or maybe it was sad. Either way, her voice grew softer. “There had been a vile in the Pit of Creation… one Don Mayo and I said should be left. However, it was decided it should be brought with us in case it was useful.” She shook her head sadly. “I only wish that it had never been brought. All this misery because of that.”

“For a long moment she was quiet, and then continued. “There was more fighting while we waited for the Circle to be completed… a long and complicated process apparently. We trapped kept our distance from the Shadow creatures, afraid to fall and die there trapped between worlds. However, it caught out attention that something was going on in town, so we went to check it out. It was Incarius… acting not at all like himself. It took only a moment to realize that he was under the influence, or possessed, by something… Something evil. I grew angry, for he is dear to me, and that vile thing wore his face, and pushed him around. Then Corbyn came into view. It took one look at me, then him, and went after Corbyn.”

The Lady’s hands began to shake, and clearly the memory was not an easy one for her. “It kept disrupting the Magus… we were all going to die there. It said it could open the gate and let us out… it said it would kill us all… it wanted Corbyn’s soul…” A single tear fell. “I was the commanding officer… they were my men under my protection. I couldn’t let them all die, Dallid! The entity… it wanted a life as the price for opening the gate, and the safety of all our folk. We had the Relic, and if we failed to get it back to Haven, the Prophecy would come to pass and all would be lost!” She met his eyes with desperation in her own.

“It was going to kill Corbyn… it promised to do so. I couldn’t let it, Dallid, I couldn’t! I would give up anything for him, and so I did.” She shuttered. When she spoke again, her voice was hardly a whisper. “You knew… I had only just found out… about our son. Corbyn was so excited… so happy… But if I gave my own life, which I would have done a thousand times over to ensure his safety, the child would have perished as well. For the life of my Beloved, for the lives of our party, and for the safety of Haven, I gave the life the entity demanded… the life of my first born son.” She bowed her head, desolation in her words.

“I sacrificed my precious son’s life. I sought to safeguard the life of my Beloved, my Party and friends, and that of Haven. The entity asked for a life, and so it was given. It offered safe passage for us in return, and so it was granted. My son was lost to me… or so I thought.”

When she looked up, there was endless sorrow in her eyes. “I gave the only thing I had to give to save everyone else. I would do it again if I had to. Go ahead, Dallid. Damn me as so many have. I deserve it.”
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"