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Post by McEwan »

mcEwan lightly knockes on the door and patently waits for a responce. when Annabelle answers, He politily introduces himself and asks...

"Sorry ta be a'botherin' ya, mum, but I be a'wonderin' iffin' ya have noticed anythin' a bit strange in the last day, o' so?"
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Post by Neshca »

*neshca looks down at the elderly lady and nods as she talks. He than pick up his shield, looks for someone to help her back to her home. Than looks at McEwan and Atrum talking.*

"We'll find her grandson if you can let the other know Atrum. I do not see Robin with you. If you see her let her know we have things under control. Let her know we could not find Varys nor Gin. They must be looking someplace else. "

*Heads off after McEwan with jason not far behind.*
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Post by GM-Mike »

Annabelle peers into the eyes of McEwan and as he stares back he sees the unmistakable look of fear. When she speaks, her voice trembles, "The world is not right. People are confused and I don't know why. There are some who will swear to you that my hut has always been in the location where we stand this morn, but it hasn't. These people think I am nuts but I know where I have lived for the past seven years. It was..." She stops then and furrows her brow. "Right over...where was it now?" A single tear fals down her cheek and she whispers almost in horrow, "Perhaps I am crazy."
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Post by McEwan »

McEwan does something none in Finalhaven have sean him do before; he gives the scared woman a warm generous smile and reaches out to her hand

"Nay, lass, I dunna think ya be crazy. Thar be strange things a'happenin', but iffin' ye can be a'trustin' me and givin' me yer help, I can see what I can do aboot fixin' it. I be a'needin' ya ta close yer eyes and take a deep breath. Now pretend tha ye just be wakin' up an' ya look oot yer window. No' think aboot walkin' ta the well ta get water fer yer gardin. No' here be the hard part, be a'keepin' tha' all in yer mind and open yer eyes an' take me ta where yer home used ta be. Keep yerself calm, dunna think aboot it, just go home."

McEwan gives the woman's hand a comforting squeeze and looks to her patently

"Take yer time, lass, We be a'havin' all the time ya be a'needin'"
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Post by GM-Mike »

Annabelle nods and closes her eyes, an uncertain smile on her face. When she opens them again she walks from her home, traversing the village until she gets clear to the other end where she stops, turns, and says, "I think this is where it was...but I'm not so sure anymore...I think maybe I have always lived where my hut is now...but this does look familiar." The woman's face scrunches in confusion. "I'm sorry if this isn't helpful."
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Post by McEwan »

McEwan takes Annabelle's hands in his own and kisses them. Then once again he smiles warmly up at the her.

"Sure'n, Annabelle, ya be a wonder ta behold. Ya be more help then ya know. With the help ya 'ave given me, I be a'thinkin' things 'ill be back ta normal in no time. But no' I be a'thinkin' ya best be a'gettin' ta yer bed an' restin' a wee. I'm sure one o' these fine strappin' young men wi' be more tha' happy ta help ya wi' any chores ya may be a'havin'."

After Annabelle and the men leave McEwan kneels at the spot where the woman's cabin had once been, pulls a dagger from his boot and drives it into the ground. He squints up at the sun for a moment then draws a series of lines in the dirt next to the blade's shadow. Closeing his eyes he mumbles quietly to himself

"No' let's see. 623 paces...450, 460 human paces...'boot 15 degrees ..."

The dwarf pulls out Kidwynn's map and, after a few minutes of lookin around for something to write with, reaches into his pouch and retreaves a needle and pokes two holes in the map to represent the two locations of Annabelle's home. Folding the map neatly, McEwan, returns it and the neddle to his pouch then runs back to the place where the grainery once stood.
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Post by McEwan »

On his way back McEwan asks one of the villagers for directions to the grainery.
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Post by GM-Mike »

The villager looks at you with an angry look on his face, "Is that some sort of a joke? How would I know where the Granary is? I can tell you where it used to be but I'm guessing even you can see the large crowd of people staring at the empty space over there. I don't have time for these jokes," and with that he carries on his way.
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Post by Neshca »

*Neshca looks at the angerd man and shakes his head. *

"what he was hoping for good sir. Was to have someone that normally did not go to the grainry show us were it might have moved to. Seein if someone else rememberd it in a different spot as it might be. So I'll go scale a tree an see if I can see if it is near here. How tall was your grainry sir if I might ask? So I can try an find the highest place around here to look form."

*Neshca awaits for a reply. If no reply is giving he has Jason or McEwan find him the highest advanage point around and climbs to the top of it. So he can look around the area and see if the grainry is in veiw. If that does nto work than he looks for the tallest shape nearest to himself to scale. One that is running the oppisite form Mary's cabin.*

"Jason you and McEwan go look for some animals that might have gotten into the grainry. Look for tracks and sign of them having food form it. That way we can try an get an idea as to were it might be."
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Post by jason eldereth »

Jason Starts to locate a high advantage point for nesh, to go climb his tree and scout

Neshca if you look to our left you will see a great beach tree on a small hill that overlooks the village i beleave that should provide you your vantage point to scout the area.

Jason looks around a bit thinks to himself then askes Mc'ewan your a skilled tracker as am I lets go into the local wood and search for new trails with bits of grain dropped by the animals of the area if they find an easy source of food they will use it and i cant think of anything easier than a stocked grainery that just poofs someplace else to get food...

after his breif statement jason takes off into the wood..
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Post by Neshca »

*Neshca looks at the tree Jason points out than start to scale it like rigging on a boat. Till he gets to the highest point he can safely get to to see out form. That is when he starts to look around for teh grainry.*
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Post by McEwan »

McEwan moves to the edge of town then begins to circle the village clockwise, seerching for any sign of rodent activeity and also keeping an eye out for any roads, paths, or trails that may have shifted as well as taking note of any landmarks that may mave moved, or altered. He ask any villager he passes if they has a pen, or a piece of charcoal he may use. If there are any townsman that seems unconcerned about the missing grainery, the dwarf ask for directions.
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Post by GM-Mike »

Nescha climbs up the tree to the highest safest point and begins looking around, silently hoping that the tree he stands upon does not disappear from beneath him. Looking out over the village, Robert can be seen, talking to the large group of people, calming their nerves a bit, telling them all to be relaxed. Peering around the village, things do look a bit different than they had in the past, whether that be a new angle or not is tough to say, but the formation of huts just seems...different somehow, and one hut in particular, set way aside from the others, was deeper in the woods, the door seemingly facing away from the others, as if it were moved and placed backwards in a new location.

Still moving around in the tree, scanning the area, Nescha cannot see any sign of the granary, but, looking back out toward the Inn of Haven, notices he can see it, despite the distance and the trees. The inn had seemingly grown to at least twice its size.

Jason and McEwan meanwhile search the woods for grain or people not confused by the missing granary. Looking around the village area, they find neither, however.
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Post by Neshca »

*Neshca climb back down the tree. Than starts to look for that hunt with that is set back into the woods a bit. He'll make his wat toward it with the thoughts of the Inn. iIf he sees Jason or McEwan he'll motion for them to meet up with him. If not he just keeps walking toward the hut. Once he gets to the hut, he'll knock on the door frame. Than wait a reply if there is one.*

"Hello is there anyone here?
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Post by GM-Mike »

From within the cabin, a low, soft voice seems to grunt back, but no words can be understood.
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