Inside the Guild of Light

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Inside the Guild of Light

Post by Corbyn »

*After several minutes meeting alone, Corbyn and Latham emerge from private chambers and address the group that accompanied them from the Inn. A look of hope and determination rests on Corbyn's face. *

Latham, I would have you tell those assembled everything we have discussed. We have an opportunity, my brethren, to find some of the answers we need.
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by GM-Mike »

Latham nods to Corbyn and addresses the group:

"As I have said, my brothers and I have been researching this prophecy and it has become clear to all of us that the impending result, should it be allowed to take place, can only bring about a greater darkness over these lands. However, we have discovered information that speaks of ancient relics that will hopefully be the key to stopping the disaster so that we may once again not fear night..."

The man speaks quickly and with passion, pausing now and again to peer into the eyes of those listening, determined that he has their full attention.

"Even as we speak, my brothers continue to research the location of these relics, four in all, that will be instrumental in our survival. We believe that we already know the location of two of these pieces. And so I have come to ask of you two things. First, I wish for you to scout out the areas where we believe the pieces to lie and to retrieve these pieces if possible for our study. I cannot stress to you enough the importance of this task. We will continue to search our books for word of where the other two pieces lie, knowing that full enlightenment will not come until all four pieces have been obtained.

"Second, and this is not meant to offend anyone here but please understand that I do not know any of you. Second, I wish for Corbyn to be the keeper of these relics. It would not be wise for me to join you on the journey as time is not on our side and I must continue my research. I have seen Corbyn work as tirelessly on the prevention of this prophecy as any of my brothers or myself. For my own piece of mind, of which I have so little these days, it would take one burden off my back if I knew he was the one safeguarding these relics until I returned to study them."

He pauses then and looks humbled a moment and finally concludes by sheepishly saying to Corbyn, "That is, if that is all right with you, my lord."
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Post by Corbyn »

*Looking at Latham with a bit of surprise, then nodding affirmatively.*

Very well Latham, I will hold the relics for your Order to research and they will not leave my presence, but the sages of Haven must also be permitted to examine them thoroughly.

*To the assembled leaders of Haven*

I have verified the truth in Latham's words to my satisfaction. Let us this very hour send forth scouts to the two locations his Order has discovered, and learn if the relics are guarded. Donovan & Claude, please determine which of the Phoenix scouts are available. I would also have Arthos lead a contingent to one of the locations.
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Listening to Lathums words a steely smile spreads across Claudes face. Upon Corbyns orders he turns to Donovan and the two speak in hushed tones for a few moments. After a few whispers and several nods, he turns back to the assembled group*

We shall send immediately for Kels, Kidwynn and Ravinal. They should be able to travel fast and deal with any trouble which may arise. As soon as we find them you can inform them as to their destination and we will send them on their way.

As for you Lathum, you do not know me or I you, but your words have brought me much joy this day. While I can not speak for the rest of the guard on this matter I will speak for myself. I will go laughing to my grave if I know that my death denies this Darkness the victory it seeks. If these relics give me that opportunity... so be it.

With that Lord Corbyn, I beleive we have forces available if Arthos requires an escort... but I can not speak for their speed acorss the countryside.
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos upon hearing the situation and the request of Lord Corbyn goes into back and comes out fully equiped*

I will go and see what I can find. I need a couple volinters to go with me. I seek 3-5 house or town members that will be willing to come.

I will wait down at the Inn for anyone that wishs to come. I will extend the offer to anyone in the Inn also

*Arthos heads out and down to the Inn*
My Thoughts

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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum stands seemingly casually leaning against his nangato with no expression on his face while everyone talks and watches Arthos leave.*

Hopefully he knows what he's looking for, a relic could be anything.

*To Latham*
Since we weren't privy to your conversation with Corbyn I have a few questions if you would deign to answer so that the rest of us aren't running off after something we have no idea of. First off, what are these relics, can you describe all 4 for us? How is it that they can aid in stopping the 7th event of the prophecy from coming to fruition? You said you may know of where 2 are, where would they be? Do you have any leads as to where the other 2 may be? Is there any special way that they need to be handled? Would it not be more prudent to keep them seperate so that they can't be stolen or destroyed in one fail swoop?
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Post by GM-Mike »

A small smile forms on Latham's face as Atrum speaks and questions him. After taking in all of the questions, he politely nods and responds in this way:

"Of course you want more answers. In my rush it appears I have glossed over some essential details. The relics themselves are each stone tablets in the shape of a perfect right triangle, each leg about a foot in length. Upon the tablets there should be symbols of some kind, a language we suspect that will give us more information. The reason why they must all be together is because only when the pieces are placed in the proper order may the message be read and understood. Only through a detailed study of the relics themselves will we be able to decipher the way of accomplishing our goal. The message itself, as it is foretold, will give us the information needed to stop the rising evil that plans on controlling the portal itself upon the completion of the seventh portent and rising to a level of power that will cause all of us to suffer.

"We believe that one of the relics is hidden in a cave about one hour due south of where we stand this eve. We know little about this cave other than it has been known as the Cave of Sorrow, for what reason I cannot say. Within it, almost certanily guarded by some magical means, the first of these relics lie.

"The second is believed to be directly east of where we presently stand, again about an hour away. We suspect the third will be North, the fourth West, but that is only supposition at this point and many hours of research remains no doubt. At any rate, the one East of here is purportedly in some sort of Well referred to ominously as only the Well of Tears. I cannot hide my concern that these names refer to a great sadness, but our guess is that this is because the necessity of these relics means that this prophecy is coming true and only these relics can stop it."

The man paused then and scratched his head before continuing. "I think that answers your questions. Oh, yes, handling them. Nowhere in the texts that we have read have they mentioned any proper way of handling them so I can only assume that there are no special handling instructions. I hope you understand why we need all the pieces together. Every little thing might be a clue. Some rubbing of the text may not be sufficient, but I share your concern. My guess is that these are not things that break easily, but perhaps that is more hopeful thinking than anything. What other questions might you or anyone else have before I trek back to my brothers and continue our diligent studies?"

The man a bit waits for replies.
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Post by Corbyn »

Latham, have you come across any leads in your research that may give us clues about the magical defenses securing these relics? I would like to give our scouts some idea of what to look for, so that upon their return, we can assemble an appropriate party to deal with what may be found.
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by GM-Mike »

I'm afraid I do not know what magics guard it. If it is any help, in regards to the first relic, the pages speak of a great patience. I know not what for and am afraid I have nothing else for you at this time.
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Post by Corbyn »

Thank you Latham, if there are no other questions from those assembled, please return to your brothers and continue your critical research.

Atrum, would you be willing to accompany Arthos and whomever he brings from the Inn to the first relic? I would appreciate your perspective on what lies there.

*To Claude and Donovan*

Let us send the three Phoenix scouts towards the second location in the East.
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Nodding to Corbyn, Claude approaches the Guild hall door after hearing several knocks.*
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Robin »

Claude opened the door to find Robin there, fully dressed for a scouting mission, fully armed, and eyes bright. "Is there room for one more," she asked with a lopsided grin. She could feel the tension in the air in the room beyond her, but decided on leavity. He let her in and she gave him a nod of thanks, proceeding to the side of Corbyn.

"Arthos is gathering a party, so I joined on, of course." Her jade eyes fell on Latham and she gave him a slight bow. She sighed when she looked back to Corbyn. "Things are that serious, eh?" Though the woman seemed to be making light of things, it was clear she was all ears and well knew things were serious.

"Just tell me what you wish of me, my Lord. You know I am your faithful, always."
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Post by McEwan »

There is another knock at the door
Ignorance can be fixed...stupid you're stuck with
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum nods to Latham with a slight smile*

Thank you for that very pertinent information. What of keeping them all together?

*To Corbyn*
Of course, I would like to help in any way that I can. I will return momentarily. I must gather a few supplies.

*Atrum leaves, opening the door just after a knock and nods to McEwan*
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Post by McEwan »

McEwan steps in past Atrum and nods in return. Upon entering he waits for a moment for the conversation to die down then adresses Robin and Corbyn

"Good eve ta ya. Thought I'd be popin' in ta tell ya tha' the anchin' graveyard's a'gone missin' an' Nashka, Jason an' meself will be a'lookin' fer it. I know yer thinkin' the prophacy be important, but I be a'thinkin' it be a good idea ta make sure that there be no poor unrested souls a'eatin' the town when ya get back."
Ignorance can be fixed...stupid you're stuck with
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