I was thinking that people might not understand the true power they now possess in the political environment. I wonder how many people skimmed the political section because they are not a leader of an org.
Well incase you all missed it let me tell you that unlike before all orgs are tied directly to AP's. This means that if you are dissatisfied with your guild you could leave and joing another guild.
The effect this has is simple. Lets say you had 20 AP's and you left a guild to join a rival guild. You have lowered that guild by 20 Ap's effecting DIRECTLY how many resources they bring into game. You join a rival guild and now that guild has 20 points more for a 40 point difference which could easily be enough for rival guild to now purchse your old guilds cool trade route potentially causing that guild to loose 100's resources.
Now your old guild is part of a house so now without those resources they can no longer UPKEEP their cool items and all of them go inactive. Man you showed them and all you did was change your vote on a piece of paper.
Now if you belong to an org that simply takes orders from 1 person and you do what ever HE/she tells you to do in the voting market then you are frankly not excersing your characters true power and that mean you should be angry and frustrated at yourself for being used, but not at the GM staff.
We have given you the power and alot more power than you ever had before all you need to do is scream I am ZIM!
Politics question
Moderator: Admin
Politics question
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them