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Drfiters on the outskirts of Haven

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:48 pm
by Ark
Liet stood quietly on the old log he was now using as a seat, he stood in a low crouch with a small leather book in his paw. he dipped a nail into a small ink pot he had set on the log next to him, his ears twitched and his tail waved back and forth as he he begin writing down various points of interest about the current journey so far.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:16 pm
by Sunny
"Liet... I'm BORED!" Came the youthful voice just off to his left. A colorfully dressed Valkin'vi girl was laying on the ground staring up at the canopy of trees above. She would occasionally pull a shadowy dagger out of the air, toss it up, catch it, and dispell it.

"I know you want to write down all your thoughts... but you either have to think less, or write faster." Sunny wasn't really known for her patience, and she'd been REALLY good for the last hour or so. "You promised we were gonna go somewhere new and maybe meet up with the others."

She rolled over and lay on her tummy, hands propping up her chin. "Imagine the fun they're having without us!" Her 'brother' didn't do much more than twitch an ear. He was far to used to her prater. "Well... I can imagine the fun they're having," she amended sullenly.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:34 pm
by Ark
Liet went on writing in his book, though at a slightly faster pace, from his will to be done fast, Sunny wanting to do something, or perhaps just her constant ranting about this and that caused him to concentrate better. whatever the case, he was writing faster.

Until he stopped, his ears twitched and his tail stood still, he immediatly put his journal and ink away. He had felt it, a distortion, when you live so long feeling the word in a specific way, any change is easy to notice. it was as clear to him as if the sun had changed green.

"Sunny, we're moving."

He stepped off his log and started walking, knowing full well she would be right behind him in a second.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:41 pm
by Morgan
As soon as Liet started walking, a figure burst from the bushes, running full speed through the clearing. Morgan clutched his satchel for dear life as he ran. Not far behind him, a group of three bluebirds swooped in for the attack. Morgan squeaked, thrust his hand in his bag, and flung a handful of blueberries into the air. The birds appeared to lose interest in the fleeing Guthrie and ate their fill. By the time they were finished, Morgan's trail of dust was all that remained.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:59 pm
by Sunny
Sunny didn't question Liet. He was smart. He knew all kinds of things, like the best place to find the most yummy mushrooms and when the weather was gonna get icky. He'd always looked after her, and she'd always had his back.

Which was why when a colorful figure came bounding out of the greenery without so much as a 'Heya, nice weather we're havin' she was instantly at attention. Shadows formed in her hand, in the shape of a wickedly pointed poniard. The little Valkin'vi was about to send it lancing at the figure, but he was REALLY fast... and she smelled blueberries.

A grin spread over her impish features. "I think we should help 'im, Liet. Those berries need rescuin' or there won't be any left for him to snack on!" She did a lazy cartwheel in the direction the bird harried figure had vanished into the trees.

"Can we follow? Pretty please? I think Sky's gonna meet us over that way anyway..."

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:54 pm
by Ark
Liet watched the scene unfold, then listened to sunny talk, after a moment of thought he shrugged his shoulders.

"Those birds worked hard for there food, would you be happy if we chased down a helpless figure for his food, only to have it taken from us? thats just wrong....the taking the food part, not the chasing the helpless figure part, thats just nature."

He sniffed the air and peered at their surroundings, before turning the way Sunny was, in her own fashion, pointing towards.

"We will indeed go this way, and on our way find our own helpless person to take food from."