Alchemy Changes, 2/28/05

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Alchemy Changes, 2/28/05

Post by GM-Mike »

The Alchemist

Alchemy is the art of mixing herbs, minerals, and other ingredients to create potions that directly affect all manor of people and objects. As a character advances through the Alchemist discipline, they will gain the ability to brew more complicated potions and to brew more of them at the same time. Potions can only be brewed during actual game time and may not be brewed between events unless a GM grants special permission.

Brewing a Potion
In order to brew a potion, the character must have a potion recipe. If an alchemist would like to research a new potion, they must first write a recipe proposal and give it to a Game Master. The GMs will then discuss the recipe and return a decision to the alchemist. The length of time it takes to research a new potion depends on the complexity of the potion and the alchemist’s skill level. In order to research a potion, the Alchemist must be of a high enough level to be able to brew the potion and they must also have the research skill.

Potion Recipes
The Potion recipe contains the level of the potion, the type of potion, the effect, the ingredients needed, the time it takes to gather any fresh ingredients, how long it takes to mix the potion, how long it takes for the potion to brew, and an in-game section that describes how to make the potion. Each one of these components is discussed in detail below. Example recipes are given on page #. All Alchemists may purchase these example recipes during the Starting Equipment phase of character creation (See Page #).

All potions are assigned a level. The Alchemist must have the alchemy discipline equal to or greater than the level of the potion in order to create it.

The three types of potions are Poison, Transmutation, and Instant. Poisons are signified on the potion tag by an (X). Transmutations are signified on the potion tag by a triangle. They are the equivalent of an Arcane Enchantment. See page $$ for more detail about transmutations, enchantments, and Sage skill enhancements. The final type of potion is "Instant". The effects of an instant potion take place and leave no alchemical traces in the body of the target.

This is a detailed description of what the potion does after it is finished brewing.

An Alchemist is considered to have dried herbs on hand but should role-play collecting them when they have the opportunity. The ingredients list is purely for role-playing purposes unless an ingredient is listed as a Rare herb or a Magical Component. Rare herbs must be found in-game and a tag will be issued for each rare herb found. Magical components are created through the use of the mystic resource. An Alchemist may convert one mystical resource into two magical components. A tag will be issued for each Magical component. An alchemist may only convert mystical resources between events.

Ingredient Time
This time is how long it takes to gather and/or prepare any special ingredients for the potion. This must be done at the time of the potion’s creation.

Mixing Time
This is how long it takes the Alchemist to mix the required ingredients.

Brewing Time
This is how long it takes for the potion to reach its full power. The Alchemist need not be present during all of this time; however, they should “Check” on their potions occasionally. The total levels of all potions that an alchemist currently has brewing may not exceed one above the characters level in the Alchemist Discipline. For example, a fourth level alchemist could brew 5 levels of potions at one time, i.e. one fourth and one first, or one third and one second, or two seconds and one first, etc. After the potion is finished brewing, the Alchemist must write out a potion tag and fix it to the vial.

Mixing Instructions
A recipe will also have in-game directions on how to create the potion. These should be followed; however, if a recipe calls for boiling or burning, this action should be pantomimed. Any liquid made during this section should NEVER BE CONSUMED IN-GAME. It should be destroyed after the brew phase. Out-of-Game safety is the number one concern while brewing a potion.

Sample Potions