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Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:37 am
by Rothek
:rothek nods in approval to the elf and then looks to cariel:

"Cub. You follow now. Elf come too. : the creature beckoned to the girl as he walked on two legs toward the door of the inn, he turned and looked at Gil and beckoned the same way:

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:35 pm
by Gil-Galad
"Alright? Come on Cariel."

*He waits for Rothek to lead on.*

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:54 am
by Serena
Cariel looked carefully at Gil-Galad and then followed Rothek, ears back in aprehension, claws extended, just in case.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:44 pm
by Rothek
:the older beastman flicked his ears forward and then walked out the door of the inn, he walked slow on two feet so not to lose either the elf or beast girl.

and they began to walk, away from the tipsy traveler, past the keep and off deep into the forest. rothek shifted down to all fours once they were outside of the borders of haven and after a bit he stopped and looked around before lifting his head up to the sky and let out a long howl.

He perked his ears up and waited until far off in the distance another howl answered the beast. rothek turned back toward the two followers and pointed in the direction of the other howl with his head before continuing on deeper into the woods

(OOC: gil and cariel, please continue in PM's)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:49 pm
by Rothek
:after many hours, the door to the inn was opened and through it walked the wolf beast man. Alone. He was standing on two legs when he came in to the tavern but sank to all fours as soon as he was inside and the door was closed.

he snorted and shook before he found a spot on the floor and then laid down.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:20 am
by jannypana
as aurora and galen walked into the tipsy traveler, they were being greeted by some unusual looks from the taverns patrons, at first she would have thought them looking at galen but it wasn't until one of the patrons spoke up