One stormy night.

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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One stormy night.

Post by Abaddon »

Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle. Clang. Jingle.

The sound of slow walking with each step punctuated by a clang and jingle of metal rings bouncing against each other.

The door to the inn opens late one night when the humidity has just fallen leaving a veil of mist on the road. In steps a man clad in a thick black and purple cloak with the hood pulled all the way up. The stifling heat of the day makes it to warm to have a fire but outside a storm is brewing and the rain drops are starting to fall. The taste of metal like just before the lightning storm as the wind whips violently through the trees.

The man has a staff made of seven rings, with a handle carved in sigils. Every spot on it has an ancient rune burned into long ago. The wood has bent over the long years warped as water soaked in and out.

The cloaked figure sits down at the bar and pulls a jeweled silver goblet from somewhere inside the cloak. The hand is old and so pale it is translucent, while the knuckles are swollen with arthritis of the joints. An old wineskin comes out and fills the cup to the top with what smells like hard apple graf. The old hand lifts it shakily to his lips which cannot be seen under the hood. The goblet spills a little liquid as the figure sets it back down and keeps the hand upon it at all times.
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Post by Dallid »

Dallid speaks up from a seat near the wall behind him. "These are not the most hospitable lands, I'm afraid, but I welcome you all the same. What purpose have you here in Haven?"
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Post by Abaddon »

“While I appreciate being welcomed I don’t think I need the warning.” The man under the hood said with a familiar voice. His arm swept out and pulled the hood down revealing the white and purple porcelain mask. Black and white eyes looked out from under them. Abaddon took another drink of the Graf. Candles flickered and toasted the warm light around.
The old man sat in his seat leaning on the staff for support. The rings rattled and clanged together like music
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek stood behind dallid as he addressed abaddon, his ears perked up each time the rings on the old man's staff jingled. the beast man recognized the old valkyn'vi however a confused look came across the beast's features as he looked at abaddon then at dallid as if he was waiting for someone:

"where pale face cub? where Mary?"

:his question was posed to both dallid and the old man:
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Post by Sunny »

"She conspired to murder one of her kin without the consent of the Circle. As such, she was removed from the tapestry of Fate by my hand," came a soft voice walking into the Inn.

Sunny didn't look like herself. Her manner of dress was the same. So was her hair, her arrangement of weapons. Her paint was changed... more dots added to the intricate spirals that marked her a Master Shadow Reaver of the Valkin'vi. It was her eyes, dark now, and serious. Something of her playful and innocent-like nature was gone. Something had changed her.

She came to stand behind the old man... the one she had attempted to kill only a few months earlier. Only this time, her posture was not that of executioner... but guardian. There was the distinct aura about her that if any attempted to harm Abaddon in any way, they would have to get through her first.

Dark green eyes met those of Rothek. "Apologies if she was your friend, but her existence, tainted and twisted as it was, could not continue. She was a threat to the Kin, and that I am not allowed to permit. If you wish satisfaction, I will solemnly accept a combat of arms, and spare you should I best you. If you win, my life is in your hands, I suppose."

There was no real feeling in her voice, just resignation.
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek turned around to face the new pale face and although the beast didn't understand most sunny's words, the message was quite clear. Mary was gone. that much he understood and this new little pale face woman had something to do with it:

rothek looked at dallid out of confusion:

"what this mean white man?"
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Post by Dallid »

Dallid turned to Rothek. "Mary was slain outside the laws of Haven. The matter will be addressed within the laws of Haven. Sunny's own code does not superceed that of this land."

He turns back to Abbadon. "And I find a question unanswered most disquieting."
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Post by Francesco DeLemuerte »

Francesco stares in disbelief at Abbadon. Rumors said that the Valkin'Vi mage was dead. Upon the arival of Sunny the old knight is in more shock. As she moved behind Abbadon he positioned himself between the two painted folk as best he could

"You killed Mary and claim it was because she was tainted and twisted? She was being manipulated by Ashearth. A child being manipulated by a sorcerer. You kill the child...instead of helping her find redemption? Someone who you would consider kin?"

"I can see why you would be scared to help her. In order to help some one else through the darkness you must face your own corruption. Yours would be a terrible beast indeed."

"Then you turn your sights to this man. Someone who you and your fellows thought wasn't punished harshly enough. So you take "justice" into your own hands and strike him down. You do not represent the Valkin'Vi people nor the people of these lands. You do not get to choose the fate of any one here."

Francesco has no weapon in his hands. His shield and sword are sitting at his seat where he rose from.

"I ask that you and your fellows turn yourselves in for judgement for the acts you have commited."
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Post by Abaddon »

“Dallid, My motivations have not changed since the last time I saw you. As for Mary, yes she is gone. I wish it were not the case.” Abaddon said.
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Post by Sunny »

“Outside of the laws of Haven?” Sunny tilted her head to one side, appraising Dallid rather blankly. “We made the Queen fully aware of both our intentions, and our reasons. We could not gain entry to the Keep without her direct intervention and permission… both of which she gave when she asked Fiona to open the door for us. Had she wished for us to act other… she could simply have denied us entry and made it clear she did not wish us to do as we did. As it stands, she did neither.”

The little Silvanni girl placed a hand on Abaddon’s shoulder. “As for my affairs with Abaddon, he yet lives… and the Circle has judged as they saw fit. I am commanded to a purpose, and that is all there is.” There was something hollow when she said this… something very un-Sunny like in the formality and resignation. “He is here, what you chose to do about that will be up to you. I will lift no hand against him, and should any other chose to do so… we shall see what happens then. I have a duty to keep to my kin. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Sunny sighed when she turned to Francesco. “I am the last person you need to protect him from. Of that, you can be sure. Better to waste your time in other service, for you cannot protect him better than me. As for Mary… I killed her for no reason than her OWN actions. Asher was no part of her later deeds, for he had fled town ere she took pains and plans to kill me.” She smiled coldly. “Or were you not aware of the child’s intentions? I had nothing to do with her, bore her no ill will nor protection. However – she is not a child when she is permitted to stand on the front lines and fight… nor make the choices an adult can make. Do not cloud the issue – for it is as simple as can be. She intended to end me, and so I removed her from the weave of Fate. My own kin have exacted their price for this deed… more than you or yours could understand.”

She shook her head. “Corruption is a word you should use with care, Knight of the Old Kingdom. It takes many forms, both fair and innocent. Oft… it is right before you, and even you can chose to be blind to it if it serves your ends. I am no innocent, that is the truth written upon the stars. However, corruption is one of the few sins that would be errant to lay at my feet. I am a Shadow Reaver. It is not given to me to help, guide, or protect the Kin. Mine is a different service. I suppose I could ask of the Circle to define it for you, if you like, in written form… if that would satisfy your need for order and definition. You are one who needs things cut and dry… and I am afraid there is little enough of that in this life.”

She sat beside the old man, seemingly tired. “There is nothing for which I should be judged… for the consent was given when your Queen opened the door. She knew full and well our intent and plan, for we told her. If you take exception to our deeds, it may be in the interest of your pure and knightly conscious to address it with her.”

The Valkin’vi lay her head on Abaddon’s shoulder. “I knew this was a bad idea. Still… I will keep my bond. Just tell her to leave me alone for a while, and I will sort the rest of this myself… if we have that kind of time.”
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Post by Francesco DeLemuerte »

"I am to assume your answer is 'no' then?"

"To be honest your words mean nothing to me as you are an unrepentant murderer. I will speak with Esmerelda. I ask that you stay here while I confer with her."
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Post by Sunny »

"You need not assume. My answer IS no. I have already had the consent of the Queen... though if it makes you feel better, so be it. If your goal is to take me in irons, I am afraid I cannot permit that, for I have a duty that I cannot set aside, not even to ease your noble conscious. You are a good man, Francesco. I like you... a lot. As a man who's life is service... I am certain you can understand my plight."

She signed again, sadly. "There are things more important than one person. More than a personal goal, ego, or directive. Sometimes... we don't really have a choice. I love this town... I'd stay here forever if I could, to help and serve the Queen. Miss Ezzy is my friend. As it stands," and her gaze drifted to Abaddon, "I don't get to make that decision. I can be honest with you, and remind you that I care about Miss Ezzy and this place. I can affirm that I cannot allow you to put me in stocks. I can inform you that I have a directive independent of any of those things that I am vow locked to serve or my own being is forfeit."

Sunny smiled, gentle and kind. "I'm sorry, Francesco. If I could make it any other way, I would. Choice is not a luxury that I have anymore, and of that I have been keenly reminded. I can assure you as I have always done: I do nothing without the consent of the Queen. Never have, never will. Not within the bounds of her town. Anything more... I cannot promise."
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Post by Rothek »

:slain. it was true Mary was dead and this pale faced woman was the one who had killed her, rothek sank to all fours, and his ears bent flat against his head, a low growl came from between his teeth and fangs which he bared at the young woman.

rothek would look at dallid many times before the beast had heard enough and he let out a roar that made the windows of the tavern shake!!:
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Post by Sunny »

Sunny didn't move. Neither to defend herself, or take any offensive action. She sat calmly beside Abaddon.

"I'm sorry you are sorrowed by the loss of your friend. If it makes you feel better to knock me about a bit, and that would change anything, I would submit. Mourn, if you must. You wouldn't be the first grieved friend of one whom I have had to consign to the stars that I have met. Though... you must love much to have grown so close so fast... You've only been about a short while. Then again, I know little of your folk to judge. My sorrow for your loss is sincere, as little as it will matter to you."

So she remained. Neither running, nor reacting to either man. She'd rather expected this... and though she'd rather be anywhere but here right about now... this was where Abaddon chose to be. Thus... so must she.
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Post by Francesco DeLemuerte »

Francesco gives the Valkin'Vi woman a look of disappointment and moves to the table to gather his weapon and shield. He then makes his way out of the inn.