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Post by GM_Chris »

I really like the idea of a "stance"

You could also give a bash skill. Can not use any time based skills until you "shake it off" for 10 seconds
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Post by Morgan »

Guard adds a damage call so needs to be compelling. I like the idea, but lets say we have a mass battle, your in a line with a person to your right and left. People are alerady ignoring about 33% of the hits taken due to confusion. Then the person to the left and right are hit and you call "Guard" how does the player know they are the ones guarded?
A year or so ago, I had an idea for a hidden discipline with a skill similar, but the only way I could make it logistically tolerable (instead of an all out nightmare) was that it could only be used during game stops, and it would only affect someone that you could physically touch (even with a weapon) without moving your feet. It also made the person who used the skill take the damage that the Guarded person would. For example:

Guy casts Attack of the Elements. Martin, James, and Rachel are caught within the affected area. Martin has the Guard ability, and can reach out and touch Rachel with his weapon, but cannot reach James. Martin uses Guard on Rachel, and when Game On is called, Rachel takes zero damage, James takes 10 damage, and Martin takes 20 damage. If Martin had been out of the spells area, he would only take 10 damage.

With this, the only thing the character needs to say is "you take no damage from this attack", leaving responsibility only on the character with the skill, and it doesn't cause game stops.

Personally, I see this skill as kind of an inverse Dive for Cover, where the character throws another out of the way, or shields them with their own body.
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Post by GM_Chris »

The pally heal spell is kind of like a guard.
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Post by Ark »

i am very much not in favor of giving warrior a "guard" skill.

its a logistics problem, that at the very least it creates a small oog moment of figureing out who is taking damage for who.

i am not personally in favor of taking damage for someone else, the only ones usually at the front are rouges and warriors, warriors will soak a hit, rouges will walk away from it, empaths way behind, sages and healers at the front? i hope not. if you cant fight stay away from combat, if your in combat run away, if you cant run away play dead, most nice GM's NPC's will leave you alone.

also, the skill would be situationally usefull at most, you could be out of range, no casters, etc.

warriors have 2 things.
-melee damage
-melee soak

if you dont want to increase either of those give them a skill that augments what there goal is, melee combat.

i already suggested the trip skill, i am very much in favor of a skill that while not doing alot of damage, gives you another option thats not game breaking. root, slick, some form of a press
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Post by Leo »

I really like the idea of gaurd being a warrior skill because of what they do in the everyday line of combat to make themselves master Warriors.

I agree with the hand/sword tap "Gaurd" skill, to take on damage to another player. I do on the otherhand think it should be done just like a parry would be in real-time, because rather then -1LP for parrying one of their own damages, its taking on all the damage of someone else. It WILL infact hurt more EVERY time.

Also, if we're worried about adding more calls to the game(Thus adding confusion) let me remind everyone that the Charm skills added in the H&V expansion were 3 more then i wanted to remember. They also had a fair amount of battle confusion tied in with their effects as to which one was which. Calm, Passify, and i think it was mesmerize i could be wrong.

I really like the idea of bash as an advanced Warrior switch out, Trip with root feels too much like Rogues Hamstring skill. You would lose the whole point of that switch out being special to Rogue.
Leo Edanis of Geldaland

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Post by Haku »

If a warrior needs a 'guard skill', have them take hold ground, defensive matrix or parry. I remember a few times I've parried calls that were intended for other people :P
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Post by Ark »

Leo wrote: Also, if we're worried about adding more calls to the game(Thus adding confusion) let me remind everyone that the Charm skills added in the H&V expansion were 3 more then i wanted to remember. They also had a fair amount of battle confusion tied in with their effects as to which one was which. Calm, Passify, and i think it was mesmerize i could be wrong.

I really like the idea of bash as an advanced Warrior switch out, Trip with root feels too much like Rogues Hamstring skill. You would lose the whole point of that switch out being special to Rogue.
agree 100% on all the charm calls, even i got confused by them.

first, rouges is a slick effect, also an advanced one, and its far from rouges sginiture skill.
second, if rouges are getting comparable damage to warriors, i think warriors should get a trip.

I personally, who have played a FH warrior almost full time for over 3 years, would like some way to hold monsters back aside from standing in front of them taking damage until i fall, its not fun

the trip idea seems like a very reasonalbe idea, no damage increase, no soak increase, no new call, no insta win ability, etc.
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Post by Leo »

I guess what i was hoping/figuring would get used in this case was either Press or the Bash thing. But if Bash is an option then just dont make it a new call, string the call up like, "4 Calm" .

Then Calm can get a "note card" skill kind of, because Calm now would be a possible warrior skill so then we could see it activly and with a damage call in it and seperate it easier when they get hit by the Charm version skill.

Most calls that are special like that have a second way in disciplines to get it. In Hamstrings case Druid and it was a Magic root. Course if you do this Healers are gonna feel robbed of their skill, just like I'd feel robbed if they get root. Just root as a whole if you give it too many access's is gonna get annoying. You'll get Rogues, Warriors, and Druids, with root, so EVERYONE can get their hands on it through a discipline. Warriors dont have to take a loss in points and can still get a more tankish or plot moving discipline. Rite now you have a path and a discipline to get it, no more.

My suggestion, even though our G.M.'s have a bit more practice at this, look into disciplines that have no effect skills within paths. Press, disarm, something that isn't already used for a paths switchout use. that way no one feels robbed, Warriors will get something definately useful for their path and it won't be steping on other paths toes.
Leo Edanis of Geldaland

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Post by Altearez »

1.Warrior Master C.R. needs to be I.C.R, or at least tell me why not.

2.Warriors should get Resist Shatter instead of the crush skill or battle tactics.

3.Master skill instead of +1 weapon
Resist explosion-From battle experience the warrior knows how to absorb the shock from an explosive blow, A warrior may spend a life point to resist a blow that would normally explode his shield.

Random idea (not really good)-

Get rid of weapon+1 make warrior rage swing crush with one weapon and it cannot stack with passive weapon focus, simply because you cant focus when you are enraged

Rage-A warrior can spend a life point to go into rage. While in rage the warrior may swing +1 Crush damage, the warrior has no combat reflexes when raging, cannot use a shield and can only use one weapon.

Another random idea (not really good either)

Give warrior A lv. of Ranged Critical shot(for a bow) for basic advanced and master, add 5 seconds to the rogue charge times and do normal not vorpal damage.
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Post by cole45 »

1.Warrior Master C.R. needs to be I.C.R, or at least tell me why not.

Increased soak is not the goal. Anything that adds any soak across the board needs to be REALLY good and have a good reason.

2.Warriors should get Resist Shatter instead of the crush skill or battle tactics.

No way. Shatter is one of warrior's deliberate weaknesses. It was added to empath to help make them the warrior killers they are.

3.Master skill instead of +1 weapon
Resist explosion-From battle experience the warrior knows how to absorb the shock from an explosive blow, A warrior may spend a life point to resist a blow that would normally explode his shield.

Again no way. This flies in the face of the above. Empaths are warrior killers.
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Post by Leo »

I disagree, a Warrior at master level defiantly Merits an I.C.R. that in itself should be a good enough reason.

The resist shatter i understand, that is the warriors weakness. The resist explosion to save a shield is a cool concept though, cause then you must be a warrior with a shield one, second you have to replace a MASTER skill to even be able to use that. The would mean either Parry, Rage, or a piece of Permanent soak. Thirdly, to gain +1 single weapon would take even more from Warrior as a switch out if you wanted both, so if you did the 2 switch outs mentioned above 2/3 of the fun stuff about gets effected, or 1/2 if you lose all the master warrior soak skills. They'd still swing max. 3's, have Parry, and resist shields blowing up on them.

Try and build a master Warrior with the switch out skills +1 single WF, and this explosion concept, see how it forces a choice on soak, damage, and fighting style ultimately.

This would be especially costly if you gave the warrior the I.C.R they deserve as a master. If the warrior took

Resist Explosion
+1 single WF

the warrior would not only have 3 less CR but 2 less to spend on Parry and w/e else. A resist costs life as well, and it wouldn't work to use 3's and a shield so its either sword and board or single and strong.
(end concept)

I really like this Idea now that I think about it, it forces a choice either Tank strength, or tank defense. never both at the same moment.
Leo Edanis of Geldaland

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Post by Ark »

ICR at master level warrior

NO, not going to happen, does not need to happen.

i have talked with GM's about this and conversation, 2 things

first - increase in soak is not good, in fact i would go as far as to say making helm its own location was a bad move. full quality heavy = 16.

second - if CR gets better as you level, shouldnt it be worse as your low level

basic 1 CR
advanced 2 CR
master 3 CR

so your getting nothing in the long run and making a basid warrior dip not as good, 1 point of soak is nothing, especially to an armored warrior.

second hamstring is not a rouge signiture skill, gives them an option, and its a swap out, you dont take rouge for it. you take it for

#1 reason = critical strike
#2 reason = dodge, avoid gamestop thingy, avoid trap.
#3 reason = pick locks
#4 reason = knockouts

just as you dont take druid for root, you take it for totem. i specificly didnt make trip a slick effect as i knew it would look like hamstring, it also didnt fit with you just had your legs cut out from under you, your hurting on the ground.

spend 1 life point to swing a "5 root" melee attack. this skill has a 15 second reload
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Post by Francesco DeLemuerte »

You guys keep referring to Hamstring and state that it is a "Slick" call. The call for Hamstring is "1 Vorpal Root".

I like where the thought pattern is going though. I'm not a fan of the 5 Root call but I'm digging the idea of messing around with status calls.
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Post by Ark »

weellll then thats just my bad isnt it. :P

i would however like to say while i do post these ideas, its not just me, as i regularly chat with my brother and our friend Adam, who have both been larping over a decade sence the begining of carps.
i say this because adam has only ever played a rouge, and he thought the trip idea was okay and didnt feel as though i was stealing his rouge thunder, matt just nodded and listened to our discusion :D

well then some ideas. . .

trip 1 as already suggested
spend 1 life to swing a "5 root" melee attack, 15 second reload

trip 2 as suggested after my blunder
spend 1 life point to swing a "5 slick" melee attack, 15 second reload

spend 1 life point to swing a "3 lash press back" melee attack, 20 second reload

obviously there are a group of calls i could see a warrior useing, and a group they dont use


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Post by GM_Chris »

larping over a decade sence the begining of carps.
You played in the basement of Barnes Hall at CMU? I thought that was a bit before your time. Thought sleepy hollow was before your time too?

But yes you have been here for awhile. :) :)
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