The Morning Outside the inn

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Post by GM_Chris »

Azra sees Brey craw over and stab one of the elves on Dallid before falling over in a charred heep. She takes Aim and strikes the remaining elf in the shoulder.

Dallid sees the urgency of the situation and begins to glow with a white light. He hits the remaining elf with his shield and the elf falls over.
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Post by Crist0 »

After seeing his brother drop to the ground, Cristo yells "help!"and then runs to his brother's side slicing and pushing away at any who get in the way(not allies).(if an elf blocks his way completely he will use press to get past them.) Cristo jumps in front of Dallid and stabs at the falling elf while fending off any enemies so that Dallid can start healing Brey uninterrupted.
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Post by Theon »

Theon follows Malachi toward the chanting, both blades glowing with magic.
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Post by Zeira »

Zeira stands ready at the door

"Bring Brey in here!"
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Post by Marcus »

"Sonofabitch!" Daine yelled, as the men and Azra charged out from the cabin, and readied his hammer and bolted after them. He sees Brey go down, but Dallid and Cristo get to him first. As he makes for the melee, he swings his hammer in two-handed arcs at any enemies dim enough to move within it's reach.

Once he reaches Dallid and Brey, he plants his feet, yelling, "Get him back to safety!!", jerking his chin back at the cabin.
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Post by Azra »

*Having hit her target, Azra ducks behind a tree for cover to nock another arrow. Having not seen any other threats for the moment, she takes a deep breath to compose herself before turning her attention toward the others. Her eyes scan the area, for any other threats*
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Post by GM_Chris »

Before anyone can reach Brey, Dallid turn and touches his cheek with his hand, he whispers a couple words and you can see some of Brey's wounds heal. Dallid turns to face the enemy when he receives an arrow to his back (3 Vorpal)

Daine and Cristo are quickly at Dallid's side as the elf Dallid knocked back is getting up. Cristo swings hard removing the head of his foe.

Two other elves crash into daine as he hold fast protecting Dallin and Brey.

Azra, Takes a shot, at one of the elves on Daine, but misses.

At Daine's command to get Brey to safty Cristo turns and lifts his brother, lifts him above his head and begins to carry him to the cabin.

Dallid, injured turns and lifts his shield as an arrow imbeds itself into the steal, saving Cristo's life.

Azra, with another arrow at the ready lets it loose at the archer, and find its mark as an elf falls from the tree.

Theon and Malachi make their way toward the chanting at first there is just a faint glow, but then as they approach the light is nearly blinding. You can see an old elf, silver hair, still even amidst the storm, as if it does not affect him.

Clash, as Theon turns just in time to meet the blade that was aiming for his head.

Azra, peering through the dark is looking for another target, when she feels a great warming feeling in her side. She looks down to a sword in her side and an elf grinning. "You should know your place". He kicks her as he releases his blade and Azra falls to the ground. "9 damage"

*I’m going to leave it here for a moment as this seems like a good cliff hanger type of moment. The next update I make, and it will happen sometime today, will be the resolution of the combat 1 way or another so make your updates good.

The Current scene is we have 3 confirmed dead elves. We have 1 glowing, and chanting elf, we have 1 on Azra and we have 1 n Theon. You know there were 8 so where the other 2 are remains to be seen*
Last edited by GM_Chris on Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Azra »

*Azra's eye's widen as the blade pierces her. At being kicked, she crumples to the ground, bleeding to death.*
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Post by Dallid »

*Dallid downs a Cure 2 healing potion, returning him to full health, then moves, with sword and shield, to engage the Elf that had attacked Azra.*
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Post by Zeira »

Zeira stands ready at the door waiting for Christo to bring Brey inside
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Post by Crist0 »

As soon as Azra falls cristo yells "Azra is Down!". Cristo will bring brey into the cabin and set him down. He will then rush to Azra's aid as fast as possible to fight the elf that dropped her.
Last edited by Crist0 on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Theon »

Theon jumps back and gets into his groove.

"Malachi, go end his chanting. I'll be there in a minute."

Theon's blades begin to dance.
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Post by Marcus »

Daine flinches at the movement of the air as the arrow Azra fires misses his ear and cheek by a grass blade's thickness, but then it is lost into the night without hitting either of the elves that bear down on him. He never sees her fall as she is stabbed.


......It is suddenly a year earlier, in Haven.... the Night of the Burning Skulls. He stands before the door in the dark blacksmith shop of the fishing village, it's candles extinguished in hopes of missing unwanted attention. Men, women and children are behind him in the dark, the dim sounds of battle coming through the thick wooden door as the battle rages outside. White knuckled, his hands nervously wring the handle of the wooden maul in his hands, the closest thing to come to hand when he led the people inside with hopes of safety.

....A child whimpers, "Mommy?" and her mother quickly cradles her, soothing her to silence. A pair of old men whisper to each other, "Do you think they know we're in here?".

As if in answer, the door suddenly crashes open, the sillouette of an elf against the flames of the burning town filling the opening. People scream in terror, cowering away from the intruder. Daine..... a man the size of a child, is left to stand between them and their would-be murderer.

If as of their own accord, Daine's muscles burn, and he swings the hammer in a vicious roundhouse arc at the attacker's face...........


Daine blinks. As fast as the memory appeared, it is gone, but it leaves a terrible sort of clarity. He looks up, and sees the two men running at him through the rain across the clearing. Time seems to slow; it's as if he can see the individual drops as they splash off the men's studded jerkins.

He roars, and grinning, tilts his head in assesment, staring them down calmly as they come at him, seemingly confident in their ability to handle such a little man.....

As the first elf reaches him, out punches the head of the hammer at it's full 4-foot extension, driven two-handed into the lead attacker's teeth. (6 damage- (2nd level critical strike)). His right foot then drives at the second elf's midsection, in a move to knock him back far enough to give time for the hammer to sweep across at him. The combat is joined..........
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Post by Malachi »

With the clash of steel on steel and the cries of the wounded and dying, the night is alive with the sound of battle.

Raindrops splash off Malachi's armor as he runs, creating a ghostly visage of the craftsman.

His blade is stretched out behind him like a single deadly wing, it's edge gleaming like silver fire.

As Theon deflects the blade meant to take his head, Malachi does not break his stride. His mission is clear.

The old elf is close now, and Malachi picks up speed. He brings his blade across in front of him, the tip switching sides, and he lowers his shoulder.

A primal roar tears through the night as Malachi hurls himself into the old elf.
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Post by GM_Chris »

You can hear the arrows shriek as they fly toward Egren and his family. Their aim is perfect and would have both plunged deep in Egren if he didn't slip and fall in the slick muddy earth.

The family continues to rush forward as if an invisible force compels them. Two more elves emerge swords high and head towards the family. Egren and the elder members take up defensive positions. The wind howls as the elves approach and for a moment it is enough for them to lose their balance. The battle begins, and the family is clearly winning.

Daine's blow knocks the first elf into a nearby tree… hard, he is dazed, but very much alive. The second elf slashes at Daine, but the blow is parried only leaving a scratch upon his face. A smile appears on the elf's face. "HA! human's are worth nothing and you must be worth half that." Anger fills Daine's face and he swings wide and low knocking the elf down. He brings forth his hammer and as he is about to bring it down on the now crippled elf the one he knocked against the tree tackles him. The elf is upon Daine, a dagger lifted above him says, “Worthless”. Dain looks back defiantly, but knows the end is upon him as the dagger falls. Just then a snarl can be heard as Mortimer leaps at the elf ramming 2 daggers into his back as both roll off of Daine. Mortimer gracefully rolls off the elf and remains crouched down like an animal about to pounce. He then pulls out two more daggers, his hair now wild, his breath visible. “Get up Daine! There is yet more to kill”

Cristo gets Brey to the cabin and turns to run back toward Azra. He can clearly see Dallid in a fight for his life as the elf, clearly the better fighter, driving Dallid back. Cristo runs with all speed intent on getting to Azra. As he nears Dallid takes a solid blow to his arm and blood begins to flow (5 damage). There is a moment of pause, but hears Zeira say “Go Help Dallid I will help Azra” Cristo, without thought hurries toward Dallid. Sensing Cristo’s approach the elf Kicks Dallid’s shield as he falls back and the elf turns to Cristo as blades meet and sparks fall to the ground. Swords dance and Cristo is slashed across the chest (3 damage), but the blow is returned and the elf stumbles back to meet Dallid’s weapon. As the elf falls, Dallid does not delay but hurries toward Azra.

Theon and the elf begin to dance but the fight is equal with neither gaining an upper hand. Blows are exchanged and both Theon and the elf fall to all 4’s looking at each other. “I guess we will die together, I knew this was a mistake” Both Theon and the elf are about to strike, one last time, but then Graven stabs the elf in the back and he goes limp. Theon turns in the direction of the chanting and yells “Malachi”

Time seems to slow as Malachi approaches the chanting elf, blade at the ready. The world begins to spin as the chanting becomes a thunderous sound inside your head. ‘Fool, you cannot stop me, you are too late!” The elf turns now to directly face Malachi and raises his hand. Malachi flies toward a tree and the glow around the elf now take shape as 10 glowing orbs begin spinning around the arcane. “Now you die, you all die”
Virgil finally sees his chance, with the arcane’s attention clearly on Malachi the elf is unable to see Virgil appear from the ground not 15 feet away. Virgil springs forth dagger in hand “Not this day”, as he plunges his dagger into the back of the elf, but not before getting hit by multiple balls of energy (15 damage) The elf turns to look at Virgil, disbelief fills his face as he falls forward dead.

Malachi is dropped from the tree, and Virgil falls to the ground
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