Final Haven event July 08

What did you think of the last event? Post your opinions and disucss the comments of others here!

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Final Haven event July 08

Post by Shea Stonebrook »

I came in Sat at 2pm and had to leave around midnight but soooo wanted to see FH people I had not seen, in what seems like forever! But didn't see many others "regulars" much from WH...

It was hot and buggy (typical July Event Right?) I got to hang out at Cabin 2 for most of the day, had chicken and cherries...though those bacon burgers dogs smelled wonderful...not something I would eat. Tried to figure out what in the hell was going on, in game. That was not an easy task, then again I pretty much stuck around cabin 2....the good zombies the bad zombies and the townsfolk that attack by dawns early light!? Most of the townsfolk were new to Shea so I got to meet a lot of new faces, and see new folk that had been in WH recently, It was VERY COOL to see Lyshon there from CARPS!!. He'd detected magic on me so I detected magic on him...he was ALL magic!!, so I asked his name...when he said Lyshon, that didn't mean anything really to Shea but Christine thought that was very cool!! It was hard not to react.

For the battle Sat night I was glad to be there....with one other Master Healer, and another advanced healer I felt useful. Making Finn in charge was a great choice, he made sense, you knew what he meant, and meant what he said AND you could HEAR HIM!! The fighters did a good job keeping we squishies covered, I went down twice, but they were both packet attacks. It was very chaotic...people yelling for a healer here there and everywhere, Trying not to step on anyone, figuring out who needs help and getting to them, having all we could handle and more....prioritizing was important, and Dani's new character(forgot your name :( ) I thought did a great job "keeping people alive" till Malamhin or I could get to them. The game break for water was wonderful!! (thank you Karen for asprin!) I barely saw Malamhin! but it didn't seem long before everyone was up, with Elonwy's super help!!.
And Sages Esmerelda and Ingrahm got the puzzle solved under stress! Though next time make sure you have a light source of your own BEFORE we leave. If you need one I ALWAYS have extra ones, but you need to get it before we leave.

It was hard to leave but I was lucky to be there for the time I was....thank you for a great time!!
Shea Stonebrook

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Post by Ark »

.....OW, I hurt myself A'LOT, but it was fun watching everyone, there was a big talk saturday night around the cabin 2 fire and i was SO mad I couldn't get involved, but had a great time :D
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Post by Zaire »

Ark fall down go boom.
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Post by Ark »

BOOM, crash, even when i fell over the fence as Raviel they were going to call a game stop, but i just got up and ran, and ran, and ran :)
If it storms or snows, or the sun smiles on us. The day burning hot, or ice cold of night. Dusty are our faces, but joyful are our minds! - Panzerlied
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Post by Kalphoenix »

I apologize for my early departure; without going into details I will say I had a fairly serious set of health issues occur during the game Saturday morning through the afternoon that led to some possible difficulties in getting me as far west as I could to be picked up and sent home. The FH players are some of the nicest people in the world and I am humbled by how amazing everyone was about helping me out. Also, Rick (hubby) apologizes for over-reacting on the phone loud enough that everyone could hear him. He's really not a jerk, honest. >_< There was a logistics issue and he wasn't where I thought he was when I was asking folks where the closest place to meet was. I slept somewhere around 16 hours and am starting to feel better today.

It seemed to be a fairly combat-heavy weekend from what I saw, and the lack of a central gathering place or ease in getting to one (Which was the only awesome thing about Bertha Brock park) I think led to a continuing lack of ongoing roleplaying. The heat and insects didn't help that much, either though. That was my only issue this weekend.

I got to hit one of Reid's NPCs with a 1 knockout (Sage Waylay) at the same time as he hit me, we both kinda stood there for a second (I wasn't sure if I had been interrupted, since the hits were at almost the exact same time) and he was like "One Knockout?" and I was like "Yeah." I did the happy dance because it actually worked. *giggle* Made my night, man, thanks! :P

I (again) missed my chance to interact with some PCs that I specifically wanted to roleplay with this weekend. The plots/setting were awesome, I'm only sorry I didn't get to see more of them due to leaving early. I loved the mirror-faced Gollems and after one "befriended" a bunch of people, how we decided that everyone else needed to meet this nice guy and went looking for folks.

Abbadon: "He's coming back, he's 'totally' coming back."

MUCH appreciation for the NPCs shuttling us back to the cabins on Friday.

I had a couple scary IC moments due to the distance between the outhouse and the cabin: One was three "affected" players coming down the road (fairly close) while I was speeding back to the door pounding on it to be let back in before they got up to the building.
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Post by celegar »

hmmm, well im not one to say a whole mess about how much i enjoyed the event, but needless to say i did, but of course whenever im even remotely involved i enjoy it.

this was my first fh event and wont be my last, it was also my first time as a warrior class person.

i have to say that i enjoyed playing Trusk more than any other character i ever played. i especially enjoyed pressing npc's into the ground on the last fight saturday night. also enjoyed making nicknames for trusk to call people , like "fix lady" "monkey man" and later, after interacting more with vaun, "scary lady".
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Post by Aurora »

I'm still pretty wiped so more later possibly.

OMG I had an absolute blast. I thought last event was my favorite event in a long time, but nope things with Aurora keep getting more and more interesting, so I had fun.

Friday was just NUTS. Being one of the diseased and plotting and planning with the others was pretty cool. We adventured a ton and I thought took care of each other really well. I felt horrible when I had to take off for the mischief that followed cause when Josh saw me all painted up he was like you all look pretty creepy.

Saturday and going for the shield and then taking off into the woods. You all don't want to see my legs, but it was great. The lake was probably one of the best things ever for after that and the nap OMG I was soo ready for that evening chaos.

It was one of the better total group battles we've done in awile. Kudos to Nick (Fin) and well the crazy 3 for their skirmishing. All the healers, armor repair folk, sages....yep great going gang.

Taki...yeah that scene we had in the car about being on the same page and planning on the dash and grab for Fin was great.

Fireside chat, it was probably one of the most entertaining and intense scenes I've had in awhile. JJ, Mal, Eilinwy, Korrigan.....damn when it got intense. I am loving opening up Aurora to other points of view.

All and all fantast-fricking-taskic.

Who hooo...can't wait for September.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Malachi »

It was a very enjoyable event.

I especially like the dream plot that Todd is running. I think it's a fantastic idea!

I will say that the melee on Saturday night was one of the most enjoyable battles I've ever been involved in, and that the tactics that the PCs used and the counter-tactics used by the NPCs were amazing and well executed.

All in all, a great event, even with the miles of trail between cabins! :D
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Post by GM_Chris »

Hey I am going to pop in here because I played the same NPC the entire time.

I felt out of step at the event, because I didn't get to play until 12am. This was my choice though because I really really wanted to finish the maze proper, and was happy I did. It was fun running around crazy with Bill.

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped with the maze it was greatly appreciated.

I got to jump in as everyone's favorite super hero Tree Man. The walk alone from 1 camp to another started to freak me, but I highly enjoyed the lightning bugs in the trees, then I heard players comming and got to jump out which was fun

I got zombiefied, but had to reconcile the interesting Tree Man character situation. Once that was done I got to get into the cabin and participate in some cool RP.

Next I got to be zombie tree man standing at the side of the road. This was kinda fun, but I got worried about the other zombiefied PC's since that part didn't go quite as planned so had to have a mini meeting on it.

Then I passed out and came back and had probably my best fight and that was with the cabin 4 people. They had the door open and I got to rush in. It was a close fight ending in my zombie death, which was exactly how I wanted it to end so very cool fun.

The players was awesome, and even though I felt 1 beat behind the entire event I had fun and it was good to see everyone. Now to pass out because I am way tired from much driving, larping, and hanging at the county fair.

I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
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Post by Malachi »

That was a fun fight! I almost forgot about that one!
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Post by celegar »

wait, which group were you with that attacked cabin 4, there were at least three that cought us with our pants down.
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Post by Kalphoenix »

I vaguely remember that, Chris...that was during one of my "outs." I remember someone saying:

"Ummm...door-door-doorshut-shutnow-doordoordoor! AHHHGGG!"
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Post by celegar »

ohhh, yeah, i remember that, i sat in my bunk next to the door and kept pressing the guy out of the doorway with my "thumper"
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Post by Aurora »

Ok I'm a little more awake this morning....

I'm going with my organization review now.

Friday night was pure chaos. I know when I arrived back on Saturday the npcs were apologizing for fu bars that happened Friday night. Saturday however things were much, much smoother and seriously I'm a big fan of the new system when it's running on all cylinders as it was on Saturday.

Todd, whatever you were controlling was great. I totally appreciate you coming around with that notebook in hand and writing things down for everyone and not only that coming up with all those multiple dreams. Super supreme excellent work my friend.

After seeing some of the advanced stuff in action I'm still on the fence about it. To me, it's getting increasingly CARPS-like but hey I'll go with the flow. Just 14s and 12s ick.

Any other concerns or issues I had have already been discussed with the appropriate gm so I feel no need to write about it on tha board.

Oh and thanks guys for allowing the means of transportation we used for the big gap between where we were vs where most of the action took place.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by dier_cire »

I had a lot of fun this weekend. The Saturday battles were my favorites. The "monorail" chase was great. Can't believe you shot me with the supersoaker through Doug's sunroof while driving down the road. Pure win. The battles up top with Taki spraying us with the supersoaker were fun too. I especially enjoyed the final combat as you contiually added more people to the fight. Two to three on one is my limit though. I'm too out of shape to push myself that fast anymore. And the trudge through the woods was fun too, though the bugs sucked literally.

The friday situation was a bit chaotic and with the PCs so spread out it was tough at first to gauge how powerful to make the monsters. You'd go in once and get slaughtered. Beef up the monsters a bit (as we planned to increase the difficulty over the set), and go back in only to find half the warriors left and now you are set up to roll the players.

Also, to anyone I discussed skills with. I never considered anyone to be cheating. I just really want to get everyone on the same page with these new changes. If you didn't know or got told something else, it's no big deal, just fix next time. If I really thought someone was cheating, you'd know.
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