Back from fishing...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Back from fishing...

Post by Robin »

Robin, looking tired but content, enters the inn with soft smile on her face. She gives Atrum a tip of her extravagent hat, and looks to see who else might be about. Seeing few, she takes a scrap of precious parchment from her sachel and sticks it to the door.

"I'd like to see if we can have a town meeting," she said to Atrum by way of explination as he handed her a welcome mug of ale. "I know I've been away all month at the fihsing village, but I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I think I finally have our laws in order." She grinned, little abot to keep the roguishness out of it. "I think they'll all be at least agreeable, if not in favor of them completely. I hardly expect everyone to be of like mind."

She took a long draft of the fine ale and sighed happily. "Wouldn't happen to know where Donnavan is, would you, my friend. I have need to find that fine warrior and disciuss some finer points of law with him if he's about."
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Atrum Draconus
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

It's good to see you made it back safely. I believe that room there, *points to a room down the hall* is his room.
Atrum Draconus
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Donovan Thynedar
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan sits working at his desk, as yet unaware that anyone is seeking him.*
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Post by Robin »

There was a soft knock upon his chamber door.

'Enter,' he said.

Robin, feathered hat and all entered the room on silent feet, marking her a rogue to any who had the keenness to see it. She bowed deeply.

"Hail and well met, Donovan," she smiled. She liked the straightforward man, and it still warmed her heart to think of the friendship he had given her when she had first come to the Haven. "I have finally finished the laws, after much contemplation. I think you and all the others will find them satisfactory." She took a seat on the bed to his left, as the small room had few other places to sit.

"I'd like to call a council meeting for late evening on Friday, because there are some things that need to be discussed. The positions on the council need to be affirmed and all that." She smiled.
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"