June-July Event 2006

What did you think of the last event? Post your opinions and disucss the comments of others here!

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June-July Event 2006

Post by Kalphoenix »

My appologies for the brief note here (As everyone knows, I will probably post in this thread about 6 times, hee!) but I thought I'd get this thread started anyway before I head off to work. I spent most of today sleeping and scratching my 10 billion buggie bites, which was the only low point of the event (and obviously beyond GM control).

I had an awesome time, the roleplaying was great, I had a lot of emotional and depth-probing roleplay with other PCs and the NPCs. My appologies for the moments when I went out-of-character, I had some difficulty in stepping back into a mostly full-time PC role, but I consider it a continuing process.

Many thanks to Sen/Travis for all the cooking. MANY huge thanks to all the people who jumped in to NPC throughout the event. There were so many different things going on instead of one major one that it really felt alive.

I will name some of my specific favorite moments later, but it was great to play my character again and I was really flattered by all the folks who were happy to see Delayne back in action (Many thanks for all the compliments on my new outfit as well: http://www.vixensfashions.com/ <- great gals who do custom work at a great price, just make sure you contact them well in advance for anything custom). Everyone, PCs, NPCs and GMs really make the event feel special for me.

I had a great time and now I am just THRASHED. I am NOT looking forward to my shift today, I may just fall over instead, but it is worth it. :)
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Post by GM_Chris »

WOW only 1 feedback post? I don't think this has ever happened because like all Larpers you are very opinionated!

I wasn't there and I want details! Was it good? bad? Hohum? Anyone die?

Alot of cool stuff was going in this event and I know the politics should have been awsome
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Post by Kidwynn »

So tired...

Event was awsome. Some really good roleplaying was had over where I was.

It will take me a few days to recover, but it was so worth it.

Will post more later.

Battle tactics and sticking to them was fantastic.
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Post by Smitty19 »

Overall, I loved the event!

It had a lot of great roleplaying opportunities for myself, and I think I really started to get a good feel for Voralen, and his backstory.

There were a couple times when things dragged down to a little bit of a null, but thats when the rp came though in spades.

A couple memorable moments for me was when we massed the assault against the abbysmals for the crystal and Nelkie and myself held one of the corridor entrances for what seemed like forever. Me blocking all attacks with my shield and Nelkie banishing everything over my shoulder.

The other thing was searching for Herb's missing potions...that was a fun event to go out and be a gumshoe investigating all the leads we got. I know Voralen has made a new ally in Gabrial from that entire plot line

Overall the GM's did a great job for being shorthanded, and many thanks to all those that ended up playing npc all weekend! It was very much appreciated! Now, to get the rest of my armor, and wait for another month!
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Post by Shea Stonebrook »

I had a GREAT TIME!! My regret was that I didn't get into plots as much as I wanted, because our group spent lots of time "bonding" AND it was sooo hot and humid.
THANK YOU for keeping big battles in the evening when it was not OMG hot.
It was wonderful to have flushie toilets but where were the showers???

Missed cabins like we had at camp Kidwell....I think not having them made a difference Roll Playing wise. At Kidwell it wasn't odd for groups to hang together in their cabin but it did seem odd that one group was not based in the Inn at Bertha Brock.

The Gargoyles were very cool…Lady Rosamund fainting at the strange sights when meeting them I thought was pretty funny.

Still digesting all that happened….I’m sure I’ll post again.
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Post by dier_cire »

Event was good. Getting to the event at a decent hour was nice. Leaving at 10pm on Saturday sucked, but was very much needed. All in all, a good event.

Arrived, got stuff put away in our tent area, got checked in. Tent area was great. Excellent planning on that set up. Having all the tents facing the central picnic table really made for a much better effect so people could only enter from the one side. And since that side hade the fence and the gate it reallt reinforced that it was all one building. Now once the event started, we all met and dicussed our new group strategy and planned actions for the weekend. After that, the caravan bringing sutff in was attacked so we went to go help. Having a group that actually stayed together was pretty nice. Having a polearm next to me again was great. Needless to say the bandits weren't much to fight and the few town members that had run down there were holding their own before we even arrived (as a large group will always move slower than a single individual). We did the shield, polearm thing and I don't think our group took a point of damage. Good job guys. Healing the injured was fun, especially Mike's face when I told him I really could do it. We then went back and somehow I got involved in handing out resources and stuck in some such nonsense about how to do it each event. Thanks to Donovan for letting me go after awhile.

Then came our cave. There was some such thing about our cave happening while the other cave did (travel time or something) so were only able to do the one but, eh, there was enough to share. :) Cave was great (if a little dusty). We formed a nice group with the healers in the middle, empaths and secondary warriors in front and behind them and then primary warriors in front and behind. Even with semi continual Npc attacks we made quick work of most. And it was rare that I had to drop defensive matrix to actually rage kill one. This was only at the corners where the polearm couldn't reach. Finding the big monster was scary but once we got going it wasn't so bad. Only got hit with one 10 crush that I couldn't use parry. Actually counting down the cool time as Mike began dishing out the heavy damage continually was fun. Our exit was a little stumbled but first aid proved to be a great skill as I kept our injured alive while the surgeons could work on few that needed it and the other warriors took care of the monsters streaming from the cave. Forgot the 60 count on first aid the first time I used it, but then thought 'wait...' and corrected from there.

Got up around 9:30 with Nelkie to stretch and have some lite breakfast. After that we began doing some target drills for martial arts and then did some defense drills. Around 10:30, Nelkie came in hard and caught my foot pad and we both went down. My middle finger took the brunt being dislocated and tearing two ligaments (which now meant I couldn't swing a sword but could hold one to block with). Eh, soldier on. Spent most the day resting and icing it. Did a scouting mission to the Abysmal cave, which gathered some useful infomation, but didn't take down more than one or two. Plans were made, I iced the hand. After game break, we did the Abysmal cave.

This was a fun battle. Since Corbyn couldn't be on our side, he had to npc. Since this jar had to be taken 3/4 of a mile away, I knew the good guys would have a bad situation as anyone who's run a marathon is going to be trouble to keep off your butt. So I became a runner (can't fight anyway). We had Kels bringing the jar out, and we would travel with him till he got stuck or tired. I also had one of the town's newer members (Crush guy, Iold you can't remember names) who was much closer to high school than me. The first cave went down and I went in and helped with the puzzle (thanks to Npc's for checking it first :)) And damn Mike for giving the one clue we really needed as the last one. Stupid GG. Then the vial came out and we pressed our way through the cave. Kels got stuck by our own guys and passed it to me. I booked out of the cave and found Crush guy, and he was off like a bullet. I've done my share of long distance running (some with Corbyn) but I have never seen him move like that, especially after fighting for alomst a half an hour. He was past me before we reached the top of the hill. It was like those dreams where you can't run any faster. We did require a game to make sure there were no physical injuries just past the cabins but after ensuring we were ok, we took off again. Calling the game on then turning to see Corbyn and Crush guy already running sucked. I lost about 4 strides that way. Eh, I caught up as Corbyn was finishing him off and saw Corbyn take off into the woods followed closely by our backups we had placed along the way. One of our troops took down Corbyn and handed me the vial and I took off for the field. Corbyn then still had the ability to reel me in and hit me enough to for me to go defensive matrix and backpedal the last 30 yards or so. Damn you Npcs for making that so difficult but it was very fun. And I think we need to chop Corbyn off at the knees and force him to take up smoking to slow him down and reduce his endurance.

After this, my hand just became too much of an issue and I decided to head out. Excellent event all!
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Post by Amagus »

Woo hoo! Excellent event! The NPCs did a fantastic job pulling off a lot of stuff. They made us feel a part of a busy and complex world – despite being short-handed! The event had everything – combat, role-play, puzzles, mystery, da works!

As usual, can’t wait until next time! :D
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Post by Kels »

Nice Job yet again! You guys RULE!! Thanx to all the GM staff and NPC's. It was a blast as allways. :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by Eilonwy »

Intensity, mystery, happiness turning to sorrow, surreal nightmarish scenes, and pain of all types. Call me a masochist but what a combo...

I think that the words I will most hear near me out of other PC's mouths (besides my name for hints) will be "Oh, not again...", referring to the the frequency of my eyes glazing over for painful, impromptu visions, right in the middle of doing something else.

There was even homage paid to Eilonwy's namesake (played in days of yore by Karen), as I was lectured for running off in a passion to stop the murder of a child, supposedly alone. Actually, I was with some brave companions contrary to popular belief. The scene of the "as yet to occur murder" was freaky. Dark, surreal, tense, with a red glow as the child's eerie singing was heard.

I cannot even begin to explain what the Lord Malcolm plot did to my character (pheew, Mike...), nor the PC political currents(you all know who you are). Add to that the great puzzles, caves and being kept constantly busy, made for some insane chemistry.

The NPC's were absolutely excellent, more so considering how few there were. Thanks to the great PC interactions as well.
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Post by Corbyn »

Great event all around! NPCs did an excellent event of keeping things moving, and the political action was intense as always.
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Post by Lao »

The Event seemed well run, specifically given the heat and the small number of NPC's. I myself had at best an OK time, but that was no fault of the NPC staff. I just couldnt seem to get into character, and I seemed to get sucked into some PvP political stuff which I really just dont enjoy.

It was great seeing everyone, and I am sorry my roleplaying totally sucked this event. Hopefully I wont have as much trouble getting into character next event.

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Post by Laura »

I loved this event for the fact that there was a lot of role playing going on. The last couple of events there was a lot of action but not a whole lot of role playing it was great to get to know the person behind the warrior! I also thought that the NPC's did a fantastic job. So thank you to GM's and NPC's for thier hard work.
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Post by Peace420 »

I was only there for a portion but here are some of the negatives that I came across.
The amount of trash seems to be increasing even with fewer PC's this time, a concerted effort needs to be made to get rid of your crap when you're done eating\drinking it and not leave it for someone else to pick up.

While I had some really good roleplaying, especially super secret snacky time, people need to remember to try and keep OOG talk to the barest minimum, I know certain people are really bad at that and drag some of us down with them but we need to try and point that out to them and make an effort to correct it. There was a point where I walked through the Inn and outside past every conversation searching for one that was IG to no avail.

I think the NPC's did a really good job and for the most part the PC's as well, we just need to raise our awareness of a few things.

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Post by Kels »

I Think Every event should have super secret snacky time Cuz that was so much fun. We got Onyx wasted, and the Ogers were funny as hell.
I laughed my little ass off.
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Post by General Maximus »

I had a blast and love my new character. I was a great event and looking foward to the next. I have to say great job to the those of the Order of the Elder for keeping to the battle tatics. It made a difference. I found found it great that the shadows could not break the shield wall, even when they started to resist the booms.

A couple things

There many people (PC/NPC) confused on what evade can do.
Evade - You can avoid a melee damaging effect. Noting more, nothing less

A thank you to Evan for pointing out an arcane or alchmist can create 4 mystic components, not 2. Thank You.

The produciton source disperment whet well, and I'm excited about the new politcal system. Job well done.
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