Vary's and Varlen go looking for Duke Corbyn

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Vary's and Varlen go looking for Duke Corbyn

Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*Once Vary's and Varlen leave the Inn. Varlen starts to talk about the things they have seen while on there way here.*

"I have to say no to your question of if I have been releast form service thus far. I am no longer a slave mind you but I am still a serf of type. It is the role that the fates have giving me. But I am happy with that role until the fates have changed their minds again.

But for the things we seen I am not really able to understand them yet. I am still try to get use to the land here. It has some very odd weather patterns for being so far removed from the sea's. Yet I kind of like it so far."

*he stops talking for a short time, and starts to think of western realm. Than he he just keeps to himself for a time."
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys listens and nods with appreciation for what Varlen is telling him.*

"A lot has changed in the world since we last met. Robin's boat is destroyed and Gin's boat is in the middle of a desert." *Before Varlen can even raise an eyebrow to this declaration, Varys includes, "Don't ask."

"We are heading to one of the guild halls, when we get there, I'll need to hold on to your weapons until we leave. We are very concerned with the safety of our new Duke. I figured you'd rather have me hold them than some guard you don't know."

"So how did you come to be here?"
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*As the two of them walk toward a guild hall. Valren tells Vary's what he can remember. *

"I remember being on the outer edge of the Step of D'Jous, and we were coming upon the Temple of the Scarlet Tides. An as we hit the path that takes you to it. We all heard a rumbling and felt the very land seem to awaken. It shoke as if we a old sand lion covered in dust. That is when the sandstorm came upon as us as well. It was a felled wind that sandstorm. It was so think no man shouldhave made it out of there as one. I remember the rock's jumping and falling upon us as well. I can see Ka'fer being striking with a few very large ones. As Advizier and myself grabbed the Ka'lef and took him under our own bodies. It was a blessing that the fates granted us life still. I for one was sure we would have been dead. But next we all seem to awaking in a place rocks and rubble some distance form here. It has taking us nearly a year to track the three of you down. "

*Valren sighs very heavily and stops to look up at the sky, he seem to be thinking of something.*
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys listens and nods as Valren recounts his tale.*

"I remember the Temple of the Scarlet Tides. While my memories of our stay in your lands were not all pleasant, you did have some very beautiful areas."

*They approach the guild hall while talking about the temple and Varys knocks on the door while Valren hands his weapons over to him.*

(Calls out) "It's Varys, we're looking for Duke Corbyn, is he available?"
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Post by Corbyn »

*Corbyn opens the door, and he, Ug, and Shale step out. Things between the three of them appear relaxed and professional. Corbyn nods to the two arcanes then addresses Varys.*

Indeed Magistrate, I was hoping to speak to you regarding Woodhold. Let us take a walk by the river, and you can introduce me to your companion.
Corbyn Gravesbane
Lord High Cavalier
The Hand of Woodhold
Elder of Final Haven
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys nods to the three as they exit the guild hall.*

"Ug, Shale, I hope the day finds both of you well. High Magus, if you will be around when the Duke is finished speaking with me, could I get a few minutes of your time? I have a matter I wish to discuss with you and get your ideas about."

*Varys and Valren then follow Corbyn as he leads them towards the river.*

"Duke Corbyn, I hope things are going well. Before we get to our discussion on Woodhold, I would like to introduce a memory from my past. Robin may have spoken of them to you. They come from the west, but I will let him tell you about all that. But needless to say, it sounds like we may be getting some more members of Haven. Duke Corbyn, I would like to introduce Varlen Kal'Jura. This man was the catalyst of my training as a monk while we were enslaved over there. He is a good man to have at your side in a fight and he is Kal'Jour, or...servant... to his Ka'lef, his prince."

"Tunde, this is our Ka'lef, our Duke, Corbyn Gravesbane. I am sure you will want to introduce the Ka'lef to him when he gets here and that you are here to make his introductions."

*(Of course, if Ug and Shale are walking with us, I would be sure to introduce you as well.)*
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*Valren bow to one knee and gives a blessing of the fates under his breathe. Than stand up to meet Corbyn's eyes.*

"It is an honor to meet you my good Sir. I am Valren Kal'jour of the Sapphire Thorne Advizier to Ka'lef Gowin of D'Jos. We are new to this land an d my Ka'lef wishes to make his form known to this place. So I was sent ahead to make a formal request of Lan`sio. If that can be aranged, if not we understand and than ask for sequestion of a place to stay for a time. "
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*After he speaks he takes a step backwards tot eh left of Vary's and awaits a reply in stillness.*
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Post by Corbyn »

Welcome to these lands Varlen. If Varys will vouch for the character of you and your people, you may certainly find rest and shelter with us, but I am unfamiliar with this "Lan'sio" you refer to. Please elaborate on what such a relationship might entail.
Corbyn Gravesbane
Lord High Cavalier
The Hand of Woodhold
Elder of Final Haven
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*Valren steps back around Vary's and nods to Corbyn's*

"It is a meeting of those that rule a land. It is the way that those two nobles might meet without reaction. It is custom in our lands to have a visiting noble come before in such a meeting. So that trade routes, war planning, and the common social reaction of a civilized race. Also it the start of how bounds of noblity are made. Call it a meeting of the civilized nobles in a time of unrest. That is the easiest way to say it.

If you would like once I know a meeting spot I shall go get my Ka'lef?"

*Valren steps back to his spot left of Vary's and awaits and reply*
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys looks over at Valren.* "The Ka'lef is here? Who else is with you?"

"Duke Corbyn, I would recommend that you meet with these people. They are true to their word and they are also good people to have at our side if unwelcome visitors come by Haven, if you know what I mean. Not that we've ever had any unwelcome visitors!" *Varys laughs.*

"If you would like, and if it is okay with their Ka'lef, I would act as a liason for you, my Duke, as Kal'Jour here will act for his Ka'lef. I am sure they would be most comfortable with either me or Robin, but since Robin seems to be preoccupied at this time..."
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Post by Corbyn »

Very well Varys, arrange a meeting and act as the liason. Once you have scheduled it speak to Incarius regarding security and inform me of the time and location. I am heading inside to speak with Robin.

*Corbyn nods to Varys, bows slightly to Varlen, and moves towards the Inn.*
Corbyn Gravesbane
Lord High Cavalier
The Hand of Woodhold
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*Valren looks to Vary's than smiles as he asked who has made it.*

"So far the only ones that I know are Ka'lef, Ka'fer, Advizier and myself some other might have made it. But we have been the Kal'lef form the start of this trek. "

*Valren than listin's to Corbyn, and nods as he talk's.*

"I thank you good Eshanee, I shall go at once to find Ka'lef."

*Turns about than heads back toward the inn and fire pit with Vary's.*

"he might have come into the village aready. So if we spilit up and if you wouldnot mind checking the Tavren. I'll go to the camp site and see if anyone is there. If not I'll come straight back to the tavren in less than a quarter of a day. Does that sound good to you?"
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys nods and gives a little smile as he remembers some of the names.

"Very well, I look forward to seeing them I will see you soon in the tavern."

*Varys bows in farewell and heads towards the tavern.*
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*Valren bows, than turns to Corbyn and bows to him. than he set foot out toward teh fire pit and than off to the camp site.*

"We shall meet soon old friend and than talk of much. I have many things to learn of this place, an even more to undertand.

May the winds guild your path in this world with greatness and glory."
That which we seek form without. Is what we seek form within. An if shall only be found once you understand yourself.