This is a conversion of the conventional months used by the Gregorian calendar into a system of months and days more appropriate to the people of final haven. This is a human calendar based on the Kingdom of Silverthorne. It is known that the elves maintained their own calendar, as did the valkin’vi and the gnomes. However, significant dates in those calendars are not available to the majority of scholars. Some, perhaps, can be found in other texts.

Gregarian MonthFinal Haven MonthHolidays
JanuaryFirst MonthNight of Tears, Cataclysm Day
FebruaryTrapper’s Month 
MarchMarchSpring Equinox, Warrior’s Day
AprilFarmer’s Month  
MaySailor’s Month  
JuneWeaver’s MonthSummer Solstice, Festival of Light
JulyDraellin’s MonthFounder’s Day Celebration
AugustJohanne’s Month  
SeptemberHarvest MonthFall Equinox, Reaper’s Feast, Naming Day
OctoberHunter’s Month  
NovemberStorm Month  
DecemberDark MonthWinter Solstice, Festival of Passing

Each month contains the same number of days in each calendar, however the days of the week are numbered in the Final Haven calendar, First Day, Second Day and so on through Seventh Day before repeating. (Monday, Thursday, and Friday would make little sense in a place with no Norse mythology.)

The Holidays:

A number of holidays are celebrated throughout the kingdom, and with the destruction created by the cataclysm an exact accounting of days is very often impossible in small towns and villages. Local elders often set the dates for different festivals based as well as possible on memory, and the actual date of celebration may vary from locale to locale.

Night of Tears – This is a night shortly after the beginning of the new year in which to remember the great darkness that fell over the land immediately before the cataclysm. Families often gather together on this night and purge the ill-luck of the past year by burning small tokens of misfortune.

Cataclysm Day – The day after the Night of Tears is Cataclysm Day and folk have begun to celebrate their survival by holding large village feasts. They also commonly leave food outside of the towns and villages on this day as a peace offering to local beasts and monsters.

Warrior’s Day – This day remembers the gathering of soldiers to march for their rulers in past times. Generally militias gather on Warrior’s Day to train and induct new members, and also to remember fallen comrades.

Festival of Light – On the night of the Festival of Light, the shortest night of the year, candles, glow baskets, colored lanterns and fireworks are used to keep the sky lit up all night. The night symbolizes a triumph of light over darkness and a celebration of life and survival.

Founder’s Day Celebration – Not all people celebrate this any longer, but in the Kingdom of Silverthorne, founder’s day celebrated the arrival of Draellin Falconbridge, first king of Silverthorne, in Silverthorne bay to free the oppressed people dwelling there.

Reaper’s Feast – this is a great party of ale and food after all the harvests are in. In addition, the reaper’s feast is usually accompanied by naming day. On this day children who have survived their first year are named, and those who are old enough are apprenticed to guilds or instructors.

Festival of Passing – The festival of passing is a quiet time for remembering those who have died in the last year and letting go of the past year in preparation for moving on. On this day many families spend time building small relics in preparation for the Night of Tears coming up.