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Rule Changes for next event!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 11:26 am
by GM_Chris
Here they are folks the changes for next event!!!

To use the disguise skill you must report to NPC camp and NPC for 1 to 5 hours. You talk to the marshal to decide when you will come in as your disguised PC. During this time an NPC marker must be worn. (Currently NPC marker will be an orange headband until further notice)

There are no other rule changes for this event because we do not want to mess with anything else without a good amount of testing which will take place over the winter.

We have inacted some policies (rules) that will be in effect next event.

1) The PC who decides to NPC.
A PC may NPC by coming to NPC camp and declaring. EVERY NPC will where a Colored band that signifies they are an NPC. NPC duty times will work EXACTLY like the disguise skill where the person must NPC a minimum on 1 hour to a max of 5 hours. [Why do we need a max?

2) The NPC who wishes to play there PC.
An NPC may play their PC as long as it is placed into the agenda at a
specific time. If it is slow or late and the NPC has permission then they
may bring their PC in for a set amount of time. An NPC that plays a PC
will operate EXACTLY like the disguise skill where they will enter game as their PC for a minimum of 1 hour to a max of 5 hours. AN NPC may never bring their PC in because of an event that transpired in-game

3) The PC who wishes to switch characters.
This will be done EXACTLY like the disguise skill. The person will report
to NPC camp and MUST stay out of game or NPC for at least 1 hour to a max of 5 hours. The PC will wear a ribbon designating them as a new character for as long as they are that character. If the person wishes to change back then they must follow the same procedure of NPC duty and will then take off the ribbon.

4) The NPC Marshal who wishes to PC.
Marshals who wish to have a PC may do so, but are not allowed to give
mechanical benefit to any PC organization in game since this would be a
conflict of interest without approval of the other marshals. (see 5 below)

5) Marshals making decisions that have a Large scale game impact.
Game impact is any permenate change to the rules, PvP conflicts, or NPC
actions considered to be a major beneficial to a PC that was not
designated in the agenda. These decisions must be made by 2/3rds of the current marshals at the event, but must always evolve 2 or more people. If we do not have at least 2 people then any decisions will wait until later.

6) NPC characters
NPC characters who pledge themselves to PC guilds. This is possible but would be considered a HUGE benefit to a player and thus must follow policy 5
