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"Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:05 am
by GM-Brad
Stop! This is a subsection of the "Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics" story thread. Read that thread first! Only if you have been directed to come here in that thread (it'll give you the choice) should you read what follows and post in this thread.

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read by invitation o

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:07 am
by GM-Brad
While the dwarves and elves have servants working for them, no valkyn’vi can be seen here outside of this single, small tent.
Read only if you have Spot.
The nearby forest has eyes. More valklen’vi, watching. But even with scout, they elude you and disappear.
You enter the tent. Inside are cushions on the floor. You smell incense. Scrolls liter the room haphazardly, lying half open atop chests, on the floor, and stuffed in corners.
Read only if you have decipher script.
The many scrolls are confessions. “I cheated on my wife.” “I stole from my brother.” That sort of thing

Sitting cross legged are two identical valkyn-vi women, and it’s not just their matching face make up. They are clearly twins. They have an annoying habit of finishing each other’s sentences, but not always to the other’s satisfaction. They introduce themselves as Meteora and Memee. Memee has a spacey look like she’s just ingested some hallucinogen, but it’s Meteora who burbs, and a green puff of smoke comes out of her mouth.

You ask if they’ve seen the bandits, or anyone odd come by recently.

“Maybe. Are you stranger or friend? Or just a stranger friend?” says Meteora. “You’ve come to-“

“Trade your soul,” Memee interjects, eyes glinting, ”for secrets-”

“No,” Meteora says. ”They’ve come to ask for help. No soul trading, I think.”

Memee looks dejected. “But, how bold they are to come. They must want sight badly. Why else seek us, the twin sisters of-“




“Ugh, no!”



“Secrets. That’s what I was going to say. Why else seek us but to gain a secret. And for that you must trade…well, if not your soul, then one of the lesser secrets. A Secret for a secret. Simple.”

If you chose to share a secret (any secret, yours or someone else's) you may state it here aloud to all, or PM me.
Read only if you share a secret. You are granted a vision.
It’s a spot in the nearby woods. With a scout you may find it. No people or footprints, but you find a false beard –used for disguises- caught on a tree. Describe your detour.
They are very closed mouthed otherwise. Memee lights a pipe, and green smoke comes out of her mouth. She offers you a puff, leaning in conspiratorially to whisper, “It’s my grandfather’s ashes. He was very wise. Well, until he died.” She smiles wickedly.
Read only if you smoke the pipe.
A male voice whispers: “Encourage greed. Burn the body. Trust the lesser kin of those elevated.” Memee giggles at your confusion. “Grandpa was kind of a drunk.”
Lastly, the twins offer you a riddle.

"Ohhh, I love-“

“Riddles?” suggests Memee.

“No, answers. Solve this simple riddle and we’ll give you a gift.”

The poor have it,
the rich need it,
and if you eat it, you'll die?

If multiple people are here, they offer the reward only to the first person to answer (though you may work together).

Make your guess, then read:
The answer
The answer is NOTHING. If you were correct, they grant you a vision. Once during this adventure you may peek at one hidden text box of your choice.

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:41 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
*Kaylan grins when the twins get to the riddle*

"The answer is the same thing as what I expect we will gain from investigating in here...NOTHING."

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:01 pm
by Abaddon
The old Valkynvi walks through tents.

"More people here than you would think." Abaddon says. He picks up. Scroll writes something and then puts it down.

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:18 pm
by GM-Brad
When Kaylan whispers his secret in Meteora’s ear, and when Abaddon writes his down, Memmee gently puts a finger to each of your foreheads. Anyone else present sees their eyes glaze over in a trance, as if receiving a vision.

When they snap out of it, Memee smiles and winks at Abaddon. She rips up his written document. She then takes out two clean pieces of vellum and begins to write on each in the same strange language all the other scrolls are written with. She whistles, but is interrupted by Kaylan’s shouting.

Meteora sneers. "Nothing to learn?! You refuse the pipe. You doubt our visions. An unbeliever as vapid and stupid as..."

" A goldfish."

"No, No, Memee. A goldfish.”

“That’s what I said.”

“Oh. Right. Dwarf, I would show some courtesy. Maybe your companion, “ and she waves to Abaddon, “can teach you how to be more kindhearted.”

“Meteora, he got the riddled right.”


“He got it-“

“Oh, shut up, I know what you said. Riddles. We should have gone with that math problem about dimensional quantum mechanics."

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:33 pm
by Zydana
A Valkin'Vi woman wearing rich purple robes, enters the tent after Abaddon. She says nothing to the twins, nor to Abaddon or Kaylan for that matter. (nothing as in, she remains silent - not as in she answers the riddle) She stands behind and just to the side of Abaddon with her head down.

While in the tent, she offers no secrets to the twins, nor does she accept a pipe. When the twins ask the riddle, she does not speak - she immediately and silently mouths the word "nothing" as the riddle were too easy all the while looking at the floor of the tent.

As Abaddon continues to conduct his business, she watches the floor but sometimes the green smoke will catch her eye and her gaze drifts to follow the rolling shapes before they disperse in the incense filled air.

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:21 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
"vapid?! stupid?! My... My...Memee ...Meteora..."

*Kaylan chuckles and shakes his head slightly with a small grin on his lips.*

" ....As Memee states, I did answer your riddle, though it was almost childish in simplicity. Then you offer such a slander, that only shows my concerns true. You presented yourselves as seers and mystics of knowledge, yet you direct me to learn to be kindhearted from a master of thieves who makes his living form the pain and loss of others. You also miss the thin illusion I used and why I used it. That is sad ... sad indeed.
Ah well, I must ask out of disciplined habit rather than hopeful expectations....would you be able to provide any information on the abductions that took place?"

*Kaylan makes effort to paint a look on his face that hints that he is disappointed and expects to find no help form the twins.*

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:32 pm
by Abaddon
Abaddon steps out of the tent and walks a little ways into the distance. Something catches the old man's eye. A tall tree with long bent branches that sweep toward the road.

"This is what I saw." He says reaching up and plucking something from the leaves and tucking it into his pouch.

From here he heads back to the main camp just in time.

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:39 am
by GM-Brad
To Kaylan Meteora says: "We know of no abductions. We only know of what's important. That we have already told you -or offered. It is not our fault if you are too oafish to listen."

Re: "Action is the s..." ValkynVi tent (read disclaimer)

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:08 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
"So now I am vapid...stupid.. AND oafish? Odd that the sisters of ...all those titles you fly like banners... cant see past your upturned noses. If I were what you say, how would I have come to posses the Valkin Vi artifact I own?
I think it unlikely that your council would be pleased speaking to such slanders to someone holding on of their broken let me know what they say when you tell them."

*Kaylan turns to leave the tent, a soft chuckle preceding him.*