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July 2011 Event Feedback

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:35 pm
by Smitty19 that was a heck of an event, I will edit my post more, and go into more detail, but thanks to the GM's, NPC's and all the PC's for making this an enjoyable weekend...even if it was SWELTERING!!

Now time to recoup and pass out...

Ok, now that I have had time to re-cooperate, here is my feedback

Once again I LOVE the camp, it is a beautiful place, with a awesome feel to it, I dont even mind the hill.....until it hits 80+ degrees that is..
I thought the plots and Puzzles were all well thought out, and the cave was a very nice touch with its moving walls, made for a lil bit of dramatic aspects as our groups were occasionally split up/cut off from each other.

I loved the fact that I was ALWAYS on the move, never with ANY downtime, when Game on Started, till late Saturday night I dont think I was not involved with either scouting or coordinating our next move to the excavation sites.
I definitely felt that I was a force for good at this event, and was able to talk my way through more battles than needing to blow some shit up...which I still got to do ample times, and I have to say that my favorite part of the weekend, was the tense stand off with the Dark elves in the library, but aslo see my "Bad Comments" about that


I really didnt have any issues with this weekend, I think the only real bad thing other than the Drive was the fact that we seemed to have needed the Dark Elves to solve the puzzle of where the Amulet was for us....Almost seemed anti-climatic to do all the searching and foot work for all the puzzle pieces, and then not have any real chance to solve it. I think we had all the information to solve it, just really didnt have anyone to be able to spend the time to look into it.... we were all so busy, and our lack of numbers as a PC base was a definite problem in having the man power to put forth the effort....

My only other complaint would be the message we got about the warnings of Greediness and not attacking everything on site for there would be Dire Consquences that would hurt us in the long run seemed to really not affect anyone or anything... Kinda was hoping that that warning would have come into play a little bit more..


The heat, the Bugs and me losing my GORRAM sandle in the River....

Overall it was a very good event and I had a blast! Thanks for the fun, and a big thanks to all the players. Staff, and even the weather while it was hot, it was at least enjoyable...

July, 2011 Event Feedback

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:07 pm
by Torakhan
Great event.

... Arrived and check-in was quick and easy. Of course, I already knew what I needed, and so that probably made it faster for everyone too.

Other than the heat, humidity, and overly-abundant insect populations, everything seemed to go pretty well from my side of the counter top.

I really can't say much about any plots, their outcomes, or the likes as it wasn't my intent to know what all was going on (and did a good job of that) so most of this "feedback" probably isn't very helpful.

I do appreciate that the staff was kind enough to bring in a few NPCs, even if it might have just been an excuse to abuse the walk-in cooler. ^.^ I know we're a strange breed of LARPer who are more interested in providing services to players/characters than being active out on the field, so I hope that the staff didn't feel that they had to bring in monsters/etc. to keep US occupied/happy, but if it's necessary to show the dangers of the area, that's cool too. Just don't attack us thinking we want to be attacked. :)

Check-out was also quick and easy (though, again, I'm not a very complicated character, mechanically speaking.)

The only bummer for me was the late start on the game. As someone who really utilizes the time to its maximum, the 1.5+ hour delay actually did effect me, but... I do understand its purposes, and so if that's the worst there was for me, then that's not bad at all. :)

THANK YOU to everyone who put up with the Traveling Tipsy Tavern this weekend. Sorry about the inconvenience with the locked doors, but with our squishy insiders and lack of reliable protectors, or alternatives, we used this method for this event. If we can come up with something that works better, or differently with the same level of protection, we will. :) As for the "business", we're still working on prices, IC and OOC, as well as how to handle services to the PCs. This is all a pretty risky, expensive, and chaotic experiment to prove that a player-based economy can work. I think our distance from the rest of the PCs, and perhaps the plots involving folks as completely as they did, kept services and payable jobs limited this event.
We love/need feedback OOC and IC regarding how we're doing, and how we can improve, so feel free to let us know if you have ideas or concerns (in-person, or at least in another thread if you'd like.)

Over-all, I think this was a pretty good event and I'm glad that I was there and able to participate in it. It was also very nice to see some other players (PCs/NPCs) who I haven't seen out to the events, or even to the gatherings in quite some time. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:17 am
by Kalphoenix
Aside from the mega heat and bugs (which isn't a fixable problem) I had a great time NPCing this weekend. There was an amazing cast of NPC staff and I really felt like I wasn't able to keep up half as great as the rest of you in either combat or RP. I hope I helped make someone's event fun and interesting. Thanks for providing an entertaining environment to be in, both OOC and IC, I love it all. :D

Both IC and OOC discussions and actions by players and NPCs have really encouraged me to try a lot harder to make it to future events. Thanks for having me and I am looking forward to the next one/s.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:03 am
by Leo
Great event. I loved the drive, and the managment. "Hey, do you guys want me to get the smoker out and smoke these bugs?"Pause,..."yes that would be fantastic, thank you."

Npc's great stuff, I cant even describe how nice it was to have npc's know everything they needed to know when we needed it, without many times where you'd hear "lemme go figure this out."

We could address a few times where charging became an issue, but nobody was hurt or anything so...i guess no harm no foul. I guess just keep that in mind during an event.

Those were my first experience with caves/pyramids at FH, that was my favorite part. great job Gm's.

Also I do appreciate the attacks on our camp, it made the event a lot more realistic. Also i wanted a few of those sorts of storys, thank you.

So ya, good event all around.

P.S. thank you Dallid for being there that morning.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:10 am
by Lemmy Litgher
Had a great time. So glad I came back from exile. LOL.

Admittedly the down time we had is our own fault. Thats what happens when your doing things apart from the main player base. But as it lead to great roleplaying amongst us I'm not complaining one bit. Personally I found it hilarious that we didnt run into other players for almost 9 hours.

But also was thrilled we got to join the rest of you whenever we could, made it in time to help with he dark elves, the wizard duel and the pyramid.

Cant wait for the next one to rp with the rest of town.

I really like the changes that have been made since the last time I played, kudos to the GMs on that.

My favorite moment, when everyone who took an item was asked to step forward, and it was only the dwarfs. LOL loved that.

To end I want to give a bold mighty hail to my dwarven brothers (and sister) Without all of you, it wouldn't of been as great.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:04 pm
by Wyrmwrath
Lemmy Litgher Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:10 am Post subject:

My favorite moment, when everyone who took an item was asked to step forward, and it was only the dwarfs. LOL loved that.
Im calling racial profiling ...where is my lawyer!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:41 pm
by Dallid
A great event! Plenty of combat, puzzles, and RP to keep anyone happy. The progression on the main plot worked beautifully. It became clear early on that it wasn’t going to be a guessing game of finding the right location before anyone else, but a progression of following the information path through ALL the locations. The way this was presented kept the frustration level down.

Likewise the warning at the start that some things are too big to take on and greed could be your undoing worked very well. Without that warning, we’d have been sorely tempted to take on the numerous Red Tear at the Tower of the Waif – figuring if they’re all clustered there, something important must be going down. However, as mentioned earlier, I’d have liked to see some real repercussions for ignoring the greed warning.

Fighting monsters that were susceptible to most special attacks was a welcome change, and allowed PCs to feel useful and purposeful (and not cheated). While there were a few creatures that could be fought in only one or a few ways, these were very rare, as they should be.

The Tipsy Traveler was awesome! Not only did it provide fantastic food and drink at all hours, it was also continuously staffed! Reliable and delicious refreshment goes a long way toward happiness.

Some of the wait times for plots to start seemed overly long, though I know the heat can really slow things down. Also, given the amount of land we had to work with, it would have been nice to keep PCs who were out adventuring away from town. There was too much “We’re not really here” going on. Though I’m sure the heat kept desire for travel down.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:13 pm
by Fionna
I had a great event. I enjoyed the overall feel of the event. I had some AMAZING roll playing and thank you to all involved. (You know who you are!)

My only complaint, albeit minor, has been echoed on here several times. We were warned of greediness, but there seemed to be very few consequences.

I am looking forward to September!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:22 pm
by BrodderHammerfall
Great event guys , even with the heat i still had tons of fun doing my own dwarfy things with the dwarven crew , also thumbs up for the egg plot i had fun finding ....happy and sad tree's and earning the Title "Child beater"...i mean "Exorcist" , many props to the dwarf crew I think you guys where all great along with the Npcs (also a big thumbs up for tera *nods* ) The inn was awesome I'll concur with Doug any time i was thirsty the tavern was ready for it . I am sad that i wasnt as active with the entirety of the town but i think every one was so busy with plot (which was an awesome thing)

so to wrap up Good job every one cant wait till next time

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:23 pm
by Lemmy Litgher
Sorry I heard don't take without leaving something behind. Otherwise, if it was a recurring thing, wasn't around for that.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:05 pm
by Wyrmwrath
My only complaint, albeit minor, has been echoed on here several times. We were warned of greediness, but there seemed to be very few consequences.

Fionna MacNeil
I can assure you, as one of the greed stricken PCs about which Mike was kind enough to tell the NPCs I have pantsed the Pope, spit on Americas apple pie, cheated toddlers at tic tac toe, and various unforgivable attrocities... there were consequences. When 3 and 3 crush swinging NPCs ignore those swatting them in the back just to hit you see consequences. They came after me so hard I had to potion up and hold ground in a dead end, back to the wall, for the first time ever at FH or WH. Had they not been nearly killed by others, Id have been killed in about another 20 seconds....

Just letting it be known they did attend to those that needed to be attended to.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:34 pm
by GM-Mike
any additional feedback, both good and bad, is appreciated