weapons and how you can RP them
Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:38 pm
i have brought this up before when talking about pikeman slightly, was told it was going to be addressed in the new rulebook and never was. so here we are again on another discussion.
first off, headed, bladed, pikes. two of these are very general one is not.
Pikes: what constitutes a pike? length? i see no minimum pike size in the book?, shape? not any of that either. when i first brought up pikes and pikeman i belive the answer was...
"it is a discipline given to benifit a hard to use weapon"
...so i asume were talking about length here, in that case say minimum length was 5 feet, and anything over could be considered a "pike" for skill uses.
if this is not reasonable please inform me as to why? why is one persons 5 foot pike able to use specific skills a 6 foot sword could not?
SOLUTION: thats right, i generally dont complain unless i have ideas of how to fix it.
change it and other skills refering to "pike" to "long" and list a specific minumum length required, no need to force the shape of a weapon on people if it does not matter.
round 2
claws and fists, and there use with normal weapons.
if someone has claws, and/or fists, and can do damage with them, could they weild a sword or another weapon in one hand, and a claw and/or fist in the other. we all know you can weild a fist and a sword at the same time, as this was allowed a few years ago to allow empaths to channel through them, im simply asking that if you can do damage with them, can you.
i dont see why not, but if you cant, please give me a GOOD reason whay not.
round 3
sheilds and weapons, is there any restriction on what weapons can or cannot be used with a shield, as in can you use a shield and sword, but not a shiled and dagger? i did not think there were, but just making sure. if there are any there better be a darn good reason for them.
first off, headed, bladed, pikes. two of these are very general one is not.
Pikes: what constitutes a pike? length? i see no minimum pike size in the book?, shape? not any of that either. when i first brought up pikes and pikeman i belive the answer was...
"it is a discipline given to benifit a hard to use weapon"
...so i asume were talking about length here, in that case say minimum length was 5 feet, and anything over could be considered a "pike" for skill uses.
if this is not reasonable please inform me as to why? why is one persons 5 foot pike able to use specific skills a 6 foot sword could not?
SOLUTION: thats right, i generally dont complain unless i have ideas of how to fix it.
change it and other skills refering to "pike" to "long" and list a specific minumum length required, no need to force the shape of a weapon on people if it does not matter.
round 2
claws and fists, and there use with normal weapons.
if someone has claws, and/or fists, and can do damage with them, could they weild a sword or another weapon in one hand, and a claw and/or fist in the other. we all know you can weild a fist and a sword at the same time, as this was allowed a few years ago to allow empaths to channel through them, im simply asking that if you can do damage with them, can you.
i dont see why not, but if you cant, please give me a GOOD reason whay not.
round 3
sheilds and weapons, is there any restriction on what weapons can or cannot be used with a shield, as in can you use a shield and sword, but not a shiled and dagger? i did not think there were, but just making sure. if there are any there better be a darn good reason for them.