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Coins For FH

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:49 am
by Nelkie
I have access to a metal supplier how can stamp out simple metal discs of varying thickness and diameter which we could use for money. Is there any interest of trying to bring coins into game? If so what sizes would be wanted, how many, painted, and would they be introduced via NPC or PC's? I can get them cheap, and I can get alot of them.

What do people think?


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:13 am
by Malphus
my understanding is that there was no coin in the current economy. Its a barter system, so what good does a liitle chit of "precious" metal do me when I'm starving to death, right? I think coins would be awesome, but not fitting for the game (In my opinion). May want to see if CARPS wants to take you up on it, tho.

-as usual sticking my nose where it don't belong

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:40 am
by Lao
Carps has actual minted coins, But thanks much for thinking of us. :)


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:45 am
by GM_Chris
We as GM's do not want to make coins.

What we do want to see is guilds and houses making their own coins and then using those to represent what ever it is you want.

We want YOU to create the economy that is why it is set up as it is.


CAPRS and coins

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:56 am
by Malphus
Carps has actual minted coins, But thanks much for thinking of us.
wow, I'm impressed


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:31 am
by WayneO42
Ok, here's how I see a coin or guild mark system working in FH: A guild or house stockpiles resources. Instead of handing out actual resources to people for doing things, they would hand out a guild mark or coin. The recepient can then redeem that coin at a later date for the resources it is worth. If the organization gives a hassle about redeeming them then their value would probably drop.

"Hey, I'll give you 3 Cresent Moon Marks for that armour"
"No, last time I tried to redeem them for food with the house it took 2 months"
"Ok, how about 3 House BoBo markers?"

I think coins and Markers are a great idea. It needs to be handled on the PC side though.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:35 am
by Sunny
*wishes SHE had three House BoBo markers*


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:54 am
by WayneO42
To start a coin system all you would have to do is let the citizens know that these pieces of metal (coins) are backed by the organization. Then set a value for them. Example: This big disk is worth 1 food. This Medium disk is worth 1 cloth. This copper disk is worth 1 hide. This small disk is worth space in the guild hall (1 shelter). Then start passing them out. The fun part would be making sure you had the resources to cover the marks that are in game. I think this is right up your alley Aaron. Take the ball and run with it.


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:23 pm
by Nelkie
Ok, I will work on it. This should be fun!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:49 pm
by Sunny
*rolls eyes* Oh god... more administration and plotting for Aaron... we're all doomed, doomed I say!


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:59 pm
by Midnight

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:32 pm
by Corbyn
Um, can I be head of House BoBo? I think there's less chance of my head exploding from all the Nelkie doom. :D Just kidding, I think the coin system has a lot of potential, and I'm glad there's a Nelkie to take care of it.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:06 pm
by Wyrmwrath
The only issue I have with that is that in any REAL world recovering from such a catastrophy, coins of a non-rare metal would likely NOT be accepted by anyone, especially when barter is the standard already. The coin would not feed thier family, give them shelter, or clothe them. Its obvious that a coin system DID eventualy take hold, but only when backed by a MUCH larger governmental/political structure, with much more longevity and stability, than ANY group in FH has.

Only a political structure like King Rodericks would have the rescources to produce coins of rare and valuable metals. If any coins are to be minted "in game" in FH, it should be such a stable organization. I cannot see anyone taking the risk on gettiong coin rather than actual rescources, with any other organization.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:58 pm
by WayneO42
Then, as a pc, dont accept them. Thats why it needs to be completely PC driven.

As a side note, just because some joker with some followers calls himself king doesnt mean he has a deep political structure.

Also, look at the fact that in a FANTASY world with HUNGRY monsters and supernatural creatures food is hard to protect. By allowing a larger organization to keep the food in a specialized location with more powerful guards than a peasant with a pitch fork makes lots of sense. Sure, the metal disks wont feed the family but neither will a dead head of house-hold and an empty celler. The peasants have already been pooling their grain and keeping it together (In fact there is alot of Real world historical examples of this). Marks would be a way of the individual getting as much grain out as they put in.

In the "Real" world coinage may not have developed in a post cataclysmic world as quickly, however, it would and did eventually develope. One of the primary reasons for this is the fact that commodities became inconvenient for commercial trades, due to, changes in their values based on agricultural success, the fact of being less divisible, and they are easily perishable, therefore checking the accumulation of wealth. IMHO In a society where wealth can determine social standing not birth the need and ability to become wealthy would artificially speed the growth of a monetary system.

Sure, coins may not be completely accurate in this stage of Phanterra's recovery however they ARE believable. I'll take believability over Realism in LARP any day. Not to mention, they add another dimension to the game.


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:32 am
by GM_Chris
Dont forget that one day we are going to get hard core on people and crack down on caring around all these resources!

That said do you wan to carry a ton of food or 3 silver coins..hmm
