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Out of curiosity...

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:58 pm
by Sunny
Vaun sits in the darkest corner of the inn, reading her cards with an expressionless look on her face. She noted that there were several folks in the inn and decided to ask the question which had been nagging at her since the night before

“Out of my general curiosity, and because I am new here, I was wondering if it was legal here to threaten to slay someone for NO reason? Along those lines as well, is it permitted to levy false and groundless charges upon someone for absolutely NO reason and without provocation?”

She lay down another card, scowling at it as she waited for an answer.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:27 pm
by Corbyn
*gives a slightly weary but welcoming smile.

Vaun, as a community we are still sorting out the laws we desire to live by. If you fear for your life or that of someone else, I suggest you bring it before the constable or whomever he has left in charge. Those presently serving in the town guard have earned the respect of the House of the Crescent Moon and will be able to keep you safe.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:13 pm
by Sunny
She tilted her head to one side, regarding the High Elf silently for a long moment. After some thought she answered in that same level tone,

"And who is the Constable of this Haven? Though I do not fear that I am capable to take care of my own person, I see no need to be careless. In sooth, it is for my accuser I fear most. If he should accost me, I assure you that I shall defend mysef in every way necessary including that which may claim his life and any who stand beside him."

She sighed and drew anoter card, eyes narrowing danerously. She swept up the cards laid before her and shuffled them in iritation, clearly displeased with what she Saw in them. The violet eyed elven looking woman turned back to Corbyn. "You are the Lord of this... House?" she asked, a slight smile pulling at her lips. "Is it your House, then, that decides policy for the town? I cannot concieve of a place where threats of murder cannot be agreed upon as untoward and punishable."

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:36 pm
by Corbyn
Our constable is Roland, although he has not been seen for some time. I would not worry about defending yourself, no one could be faulted for that. The House does not decide policy for the citizenry of the Haven, but does strongly support the formation of a representative council and elected officials to handle town matters. The problem has been that this place has been constantly under siege, as you no doubt have witnessed in your short tenure here, and has drawn to it an incredibly diverse group of inhabitants. The strain from these factors has made the developement of a civil system...difficult. If you are ever threatened by a member of the House, please do not hesitate to inform me.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:59 pm
by Kidwynn
*A woman with two shor swords and a feathery hat stands in the Inn, leaning against a wall in the building carefully observing the interaction between Corbyn and the woman.*

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:55 pm
by Sunny
Vaun gave him a slight bow of her head, seemingly content with his answer. "I would... if I knew who was in your House, Lord Corbyn of the Crescent Moon. Unless you have an angry dwarven sailor in your House I do not think that you can help me."

She sighed, her haughty demeanor slipping a little. It was impossible to tell if she was tired or just homesick, for her colorless skin gave away nothing, nor did those odd eyes of hers. Finally she said softly no underlying emotion in her voice at all. "The problems you face are those of all I have come across in this land. I confess... I do not understand, for my kin have no such problems. T'is one of the reasons we kept so much to ourselves forsaking all contact with the rest of the world. The rest of the world could keep its problems, and we were happy to let it. We acted only when others invaded our territory."

She gave the elf a more easygoing smile, her first all day. She seemed tense, ill at ease most of the time. Clearly she was having a hard time adjusting to the cultural diversity in Haven. However, this smile was a kind one. "Shall I read your cards for you, Lord Corbyn of the Crescent moon? Perhaps Fate will see fit to grant me insight into the path before you and your House."

Her eyes were drawn to the swardswoman leaning against the door, but she ignored her. The woman clearly did not like her, for whatever reason, and Vaun was not about to invoke any more trouble for herself than she had done just by settling in Haven.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:17 pm
by Kidwynn
*Looks at Corbyn*

You going to get your fortune told?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:47 am
by Kidwynn
After a few moments, Kidwynn turns her attention to Vaun*

Vaun it is? I want to appologze for my behavior the other evening luv. It was a rough evening and the effects of it did not have me in one of my more hospitiable moods.

The last visitor that played around with elements like lightening, fire, and all ended up killing half the town through an untested magic thing.

Let's try this all proper like luv.

*Tips her hat*

I'm Kidwynn. Master Craftsman of the Steel Guild in House Cresent Moon. Nice to meet you especially somone who knows the seas so well.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:58 am
by Grok
*Grok watches Vaun with interest as if watching a doe or rabbit, unsure how to approach her delicate nature. Finally, Grok shrugs and sits down across from Vaun and starts talking.*

"Hey Fawn... you gonna read dose picture for me? I wonder you gonna get de same tings I get when I read de bones. Maybe you read for me and den I read for you...? I want know if we hearing from de same spirits."

*Grok looks at Vaun eagerly to hear her reading*

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:17 am
by Sunny
Vaun turned her attention away from Corbyn and thence to Kidwyn. For a moment she just looked at the woman without expression, thinking. Finally, a very slight smile pulled at the corners of her black painted lips. She bowed her head ever so slightly. “So Donovan Thynedar has explained to me. It seems this is a… chaotic place. I accept your apology, Kidwyn of the Steel Guild of the House of the Crescent Moon. I Saw the fire… and felt it rend nature. Your fears are not groundless. Let me assure you, however, that I am but a Storm Dancer… and lightning, while my element of choice, is no indication of my elemental nature. I am flesh and blood like any other.”

The white skinned Vau’An’Dar woman paused a moment, almost a sad smile appearing. “In sooth… I know the seas less than most of my lost kin. I am a Mystic of the highest order… most of my time was spent in training. It was only in my later years that I was given a ship upon which to serve my kin and protect our waters.” Her eyes flashed a little at the memories. “Are you of the Sea, then? Usually humans who have sailed and made the grave mistake of trespassing into our waters do not like us much. Your charity is unexpected, and no small bit welcome.”

Vaun let her livid violet eyes drift over to the Orc who took a seat before her. She was not yet sure what to make of this wild folk, for in sooth she had only recently ever even encountered them. In Vau’Xannen’nor only Storm Elves lived, no other kin at all. So she regarded the Orc with interested curiosity. A slow smile graced her colorless features.

“Vaun. My name is Ana’Vaun’Ithily inen Dreya’Mornay.” She sighed a little, knowing no one would ever pronounce it correctly. However, her mood of good humor did not slip and she looked at the cards in her hand. “I would read them for you if you like. I did not know that there were other visionaries in the world. Truly, you must have Valkin’vi blood in you to be so gifted. I would read for you then… and see what the Fates say to you of me as well.

Vaun shuffled her cards and drew out one. Upon the ornately painted card was the loop of Infinity. She scowled at it in confusion, and then looked up at Grok. “The first card is the Eternal Loop… the endlessness of the Cycle. Let us see what we have to modify it.” The next card she drew was the Move card. Then a look of comprehension crossed her face. “Ahhh… I see. You are always on the move, I think. From one place to another you have wandered, seeking a place to call home, but never fully accepted.” She sighed, “I understand that feeling well.” She moved on and drew another card. This time it was the cloaked Shadow card. She frowned. “There is a darkness here which plagues you… follows you and gives you no rest. Perhaps…” she drew one more card, the Sand card this time. “Hmmm… very odd, that combination. This Shadow is one which takes on many forms, both firm and moving. It is deception; I think… the inconstant and misleading.” Her strange eyes met Grok’s. “Beware… the shifting path before you… there is danger there.”

The Storm Elf sighed, a kind of weary sadness coming into her face. She said softly, “I would hear what your Spirits have to say of me… for I can never See my own Path. It is my curse that I can See for others, but never for myself. My way is in Darkness, lost. T’is why I cannot find my way home, and why I am so very alone here.” She shook off the moment of emotion, realizing she had said too much. She looked at Grok and awaited her reading.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:03 am
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn's gaze from her greenish blue eyes meet Vaun's*

I can barely remember the life on the sea prior to the big wave that sent me to a fishing village not to far from here luv. On board the ship I was on I was just the craftsman. They tended to keep me out of the fray and all unless our ship was boarded by a rival or someone trying to do us harm.

I was the only one after all who could keep the pretty little boat looking pretty and all.

So forgive my ignorance on this matter, but why would somone from the seas not like you or your kind?

(OOG note; Kidwynn appears barely 19 if that).

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:18 pm
by Sunny
Vaun blinked a few times as she looked at Kidwyn, as if trying to find the correct words. Finally, she seemed to settle on an explination.

"Your kind often calls us Storm Elves, for we ride the storms of the sea, dance upon them in mastery. We are not elves, exactly, though the blood of that kin does run also in our veins. However, we are a fiercely territorial people, suffering none to enter into our realm without permission. None. For countless ages humans have sought our island kingdom, looking for the treasures and power they think they are going to find there."

Vaun seemed vert emapthic about this subject, as if there was so much she knew humans would never understand, and that lask of understanding would earn her their hatred forever.

"What they found instead was death. I will not decieve you, it is true that our kind hath sent hundreds, perhaps thousands of ships to lie in the grave of the deepest sea. And it is true that we burn down each and every settlement which springs up too close to our home. We strike without mercy, and without warning. We leaven behind messages so that others might be wise enough not to make the same mistake. They rarely learn"

The Storm Elven woman shruged. "So, sailors hate us. They name us murderers, sea wraiths, and evil. I ask, what is so evil about protecting one's home? Is it not a basic right for a people to defend their own lands from invasion?" The bitter smile did not light her face. "According to that dwarf and his friends, the answer is no. Apparently we should have just let them all slaughter us, take away our lands, and steal our treasures, destroy our way of life. Apparently we are bloodthirsty, murdering, sea deamons for simply doing what any other race would have done in our place."

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:48 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn appears as if she is searching her memory.*

Vaun, this might be either my youth or all these blocked memmories in my mind, but I can't seem to recall any memmories I have of hearing about your people luv.

Protecting your family and all however I can understand and well a normal thought patteren tends to run amok when they are in danger and all.

The dwarf and the others who are being cranky about your arrival are clining onto past stuff that in all reality shouldn't be held onto so tightly anymore. It's a new world and this code or whatever they are clinging to is better off being more guidelines these days.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:53 pm
by Sunny
"It is no surprise you have not heard of us. We desire it that way. Both through our own campaign to remain unknown to the world at large, and the fact that the High elves have stripped any mention of us from history," she gave Corbyn a side long glance, "we remain little more than myth. As I said, we like it that way, for that means perhaps the rest of the world will forget us and we can live in peace and solitude"

She shrugged. "I do not expect much understanding from the dwarf. They are stuburn people, uncooth at times, and fiery. Reason plays little part in their actions, I have found. If he feels I should have to pay for all the actions of my entire race, then he shall find me more than capable of defending myself."

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:12 pm
by Corbyn
*Corbyn catches Vaun's glance, but does not acknowledge it.*

Kidwynn, spread word through the ranks of the house that this woman is not to be harassed in any way.

Now Vaun, I would have you read your cards for me. If they can provide any guidance I would be grateful, as we face many pressing challenges in the months ahead.