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Holly RenFest back at the Ranch

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:07 pm
by Samantha
This is going to be duplicate info for some of you, but for those I haven't yet reached:

Many years ago, some of us began a tradition of having a bonfire at my mom's house, camping out (literally - big yard, small house), and heading to the Festival the next day. I lived about 3 miles from the Faire, so the commute was a breeze.

Anyway, we're trying to get it together again this year, after a long hiatus. The difference is that we'll probably do it in reverse, so as to more easily accomodate those of you with wee folk that may want to get home at the end of the day.

SO, the plan is to have a general meet-up day at the Festival, then retire in the evening to my mom's house on Groveland Rd. and start the bonfire and continue the merriment.

At this stage, the tentative weekend is Sept 12-13th. This is the weekend between Serenity and the Irish Music Festival/CARPS 1-day, so it'll be a busy month for some of you! However, stay tuned for any changes as this is, again, only tentative.

If you're keen to join us, please do. Bring general camping gear (sufficient to sleep in the back yard; tents, bags, pillows, etc). This way, we can continue our making merry and no one has to drive home until they wake up/recover on Sunday. Huzzah? I think so.

So PM me, email me (, call me, knock on my door at 3am wearing nothing but a clown wig and boxer shorts - oh wait, that's only for special occasions. Either way, just give me a shout.

Thanks, gang! Look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks if I don't see you for the 4th!