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One Long Unseen...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 11:31 pm
by Kayla Foxwood
The early fall sun has begun to set, bathing all the world in the last rays of gold before fading into the sapphire of evening. The distant sound of wolves can be heard, and from the shadows the long unseen druid, known to the early settlers of the Final Haven as Kayla Foxwood, joins those few by the light of the fire. For some time she says nothing, as is her wont, though it is odd enough to see her among people and away from the solitude of her forest.

Finally she says rather quitely, "The forest is uneasy... it whispers of unrest. I have left this place alone so long as it has been at peace with the natural world. This is no longer the case." She looked up and regarded those around her, jade eyes keen. "Pray, what events have passed here that whould cause such unrest? I know that I have not been active in this community, but do not think that I have been any less vigilant than any others who protect these lands. I have wtched even if you have not seen me." A ghost of a smily played upon her pale face.

The druid woman stood silent and still, awaiting the answers she so desired.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 5:39 pm
by Eilonwy
A moment after, the young Valkin'Vi in shades of blue-gray exits the wood and approaches the fire.

"I am sorry that I cannot help thee, stranger. But I as well would know what has happened this past moon at the least. Would someone kindly tell us?"

*tilts head curiously, and waits while leaning on a staff*

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 9:34 pm
by Azara Blackhawk
*A figure can be seen coming from the woods out to the fire pit. The woman has a longsword strapped to her back as she looks around. She looks over at Eilonwy and smiles*

So, what has been goin' on here as of late? I do appologize for me absencene, but I was out scoutin' about. Seeing what is out there and all.

Figured I'd come back here for a bit before headin' back out there.

*Azara stands there and awaits a reply warming herself by the fire.*

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:21 pm
by Eilonwy
Eilonwy chuckles ruefully.

"I am afraid that the two of us are also in need of enlightening. I can offer no information. But I do hope someone will soon. Perhaps I will try the inn in a moment. Where could Roland be this time....?"

Glances around in distraction.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 9:47 am
by Azara Blackhawk
*Azara looks at the two females and chuckes herself*

I have no idea where Rolland might be. If y'are headin' to the Inn then perhaps I shall join ya. For none of us out here know what has been occurin'.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:23 am
by Atrum Draconus
*Atrum steps out from the trail leading up to the guild halls and approaches the firepit*

Hello all, how goes everyone this day?

*looking to Kayla*

I have not seen you in some time, I trust the days have found you well.

*Looking to the other ladies*

It is good to see you as well, mayhaps we can sit and talk a bit over a few mugs of ale?

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:32 am
by Azara Blackhawk
*Azara smiles at Atrium*

'Tis good to see ya Atrium. Glad ta see at least you are well.

*Looks at Eilonwy and Kaya*

How's about we go and get that drink and then you can tell me what has been goin' on in our absences.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 8:57 pm
by Eilonwy
*notes whom Atrum means and nods, walking to the inn, going inside....