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Movie fun night

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:19 am
by Aurora
It's almost time for summer blockbusters to begin...

The first one is on May 2nd when Iron Man is out. Now, I love seeing blockbusters with a group of friends so be it the movie is good or bad it's still a whole lot of fun.

Iron Man should kick ass least the previews are pretty damn good.

Those interested I was thinking maybe we could see it on May 3rd or perhaps if people are up for it maybe do what we did for Harry Potter last year and see the movie in East Lansing after the first FH event.

Great FH action followed by a summer blockbuster...sounds fun.

If you all want to see the movie before hand just PM me and perhaps a group of us could see the movie on Saturday May 3rd.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:17 pm
by Marcus
If people can wait until the weekend of Final Haven, we could all stop at the Kalamazoo 10 on West Main after game-off on Sunday. West Main is just a little north of Centre Avenue. (Just go under I-94)

If lots of people head north (I know the Lansinger's don't, M-89 in Otsego costs about 4 freakin' dollars per ticket, with even a little less for an early showing.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:01 pm
by GM-Taki
I'd be up for a movie after FH.