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Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:54 am
by cole45
We at Winterhaven are proud to announce that we will be unrolling an entirely new ruleset. The Pirates VS Ninja's ruleset will be copyrighted.

In order to play you will be required to purchase one of the new PVN rule books for the industry standard price of $40.

We also have a new list of fees for the event.

$10 costume judging fee
$10 weapon check fee
$5 packet check fee
$3 Multiple fee-fee.

Since we will be using hje new rules, everyone will need to make new characters.

Thank you.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:08 pm
by GM-Taki
As one of the contributing editors of PVN, I can't wait to see the new system in action. I'd like to thank the Winter Haven GM's for deciding to go with our rule set and the Final Haven GM's for approving the switch.

I'll have copies of the rulebook for sale at this weekend's event. They're actually really nice, complete with a faux leather cover and full-color artwork.

Also, don't get intimidated by the new fees. The actual cost has only gone up $3.00, and the itemization is necessary to comply with the new business plan we wrote up for WH. It's going to be a great season, so I hope everyone can make it out for the first event!

Want some idea what to expect from the new rules? Here's a hint: All Pirates Rock, I Love Faries, Orcs, Oni, Lords, and Samurai!