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July Tales for Garret

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:21 pm
by Dallid
*Before leaving for Brokehill, Dallid recites passages from his Journal for Garret*

The parasite within now requires me to nearly double my intake of sustenance. Its rate of growth is alarming, and soon it will have to claim my life. Either it must die, or I, so I have chosen to expel it. I have worked my restorative powers upon it, purging myself of its presence in the manner of a disease. For hours after I meditated on its loss.

I have had a most vivid dream – perhaps even a vision. In my minds eye I saw terrified people desperately trying to escape from a ruined tower, only to be thwarted by the specters of the dead.

Brokehill. Though I had never been there, had never found it, I was certain beyond any doubt that it was what I had just experienced. I am now filled with conviction that I must find it. But how?

I approached the Sage, Lao, for help. I showed the Brokehill Scroll to him and spoke of my dream. I explained my need to find the stricken town. He promised to seek answers within his Lore. With luck, I will learn if the South Road will indeed take me to the ruined tower.

In the evening, a young Undead Slayer named Sikozu, anxious to work her powers against those in defiance of the Circle, sought the Graveyard. A number of adventures accompanied her, either to offer protection or merely in the search of excitement. Admittedly, I, too, have long yearned to strike at the Graveyard – a super-active source of undead entities. We traveled in small groups, hoping to lure the dangers of the night into the open by appearing as though our numbers were smaller than they truly were.

The trailing group consisted of Sikozu, Varys, and a merchant named Dusk. However, Dusk was not as he appeared. Through either sorcery or clandestine skills, he rendered Sikozu unconscious and caused Piligin to flee in terror. When their absence was noted, the rest of us began a search for them.

Varys eventually returned to us, and described what he saw. He led us to the site of Dusk’s ambush. Sikozu was gone. We attempted to track Dusk, but his trail ended abruptly, as if he and Sikozu had simply vanished.

Considering the ease to which Dusk overpowered his companions, his targeting of an Undead Slayer, and his subsequent disappearance led us to suspect him of being a vampire – one that could walk under the sun and disguise his undead nature from healers and slayers alike. A vampire on par with the Master.

With this suspicion in mind, we continued on to the graveyard in the hopes of rescuing Sikozu. There we encountered a powerful pair of undead trolls, each requiring several blasts of my most powerful essence strike to destroy. Shortly after the fight we found Sikozu lying unconscious but unharmed on the ground, with but a single superficial wound to the scalp.

We could not believe she survived the encounter with Dusk unchanged. However, a Banish strike had no effect on her, and Corbin could find no sign of an implanted suggestion. She did indeed appear none the worse for her abduction. We returned to Haven.

Once again, we found the town besieged by snipers firing Witchwood arrows. Lao found a sniper hidden in the tree by the Inn. When discovered, it bolted for the forest, a dark blur moving as fast as the arrows it fired. Lao walked to the forest edge and attempted to communicate with our attackers, with the only response being three Witchwood arrows fired at the ground before his feet. Clearly, these malevolent entities did not want us entering the woods.

Lao consulted his lore to discover the nature of these beings, and found they were an ancient elven race closely bound to nature. As such creatures were unlikely to expand their territory, Lao theorized their sudden presence here indicated they sought something. But so far we know not what their objective might be.

A villager approached the Inn, followed closely by a golem. He had found it sitting idle under a tree near his field, and when he spoke to it, it came to life. Now it would not leave his side. Worse, it struck at any that stepped too close to the villager. Several tried to destroy it, but could damage it little. The golem itself was a powerful warrior; quickly dissuading any further attempts to harm it.

Another villager staggered into town with arrows in his back. After being healed, he told of Dark Elves ambushing him and his wife on the road. They had taken his wife captive. A number of adventurers set out in the hopes of rescuing her.

We had not traveled far when a pair of ghosts attacked. With concentrated Life energies, the deviant things were banished, but then we heard shouts from the village. Fearing the Dark Elves had lured us away to attack Haven, I bade the adventurers to quickly return, only to find the battle had been against the golem. The Phoenix Guild and several others set out once more to retrieve the captured woman from the Dark Elves. They later returned in victory, having recovered the woman and slaying all but one Dark Elf - who retreated through a magic portal.

On the following day we received an ambassador from Woodhold. He said his King wanted to reclaim a keep currently occupied by Beastmen, and sought the help of the adventurers of Haven. He required a mage and some escorts to travel to the Keep and set up a ‘Receiving Circle’. On of the Kings own mages would create a Sending Circle in Haven to teleport his army to us. The party at the Keep would be in great danger while the circles were being established, as the Beastmen’s shaman might well detect its presence and sent out forces to thwart us.

Atrum and Lao came up with a plan to infiltrate the Keep and assassinate the Shaman. They, along with Ryshon and Gideon, would disguise themselves as beastmen and infiltrate the Keep. Ug volunteered to be our mage and cast the circle. As there was sure to be a great deal of fighting and wounded, I decided to go, as did Corbyn. Sethreal, Kels, and another also volunteered. Gideon was informed of the way, and together we set out for the Keep.

Before long we found ourselves challenged by a small group of lizardmen. They laid claim to the lands before us and would not grant passage through. I attempted to negotiate with them as their archers began sending occasional arrows at us, but the others of the party had had enough and charged their position. The lizard folk were defeated with minimal effort, and I set about saving those I could, and managed to heal all but two.

Taking one of the revived lizardmen prisoner, Atrum hoped he could be led to their chief and negotiate passage through their lands. Along the way we encountered several other small groups, and had to fight them, though I was able to prevent any more deaths. Eventually Atrum was taken before the chief and did manage to secure us safe passage. We traveled through and left the lizard realm behind us.

As we journeyed on, we found a group of beastmen chopping up the corpse of an Ent. We attacked and downed them all. I was able to save but one of them, whom was awakened and questioned. He told us his tribe traded Ent wood with the Keep, and that we had to pass through a haunted forest to reach it. As we couldn’t let the beastman go, lest he warn his compatriots, and we couldn’t just leave him tied, lest he die, I carried him with us.

Soon we came across the Dark Forest. Venturing into the twilight, we found a tree from which numerous skeletons were hung. With caution in mind, I summoned Life energies into my hand and cast it at one of the Skeletons. It crumbled as its Undead state was destroyed.

The other skeletons immediately surged forward to attack. More emerged from a cave beneath the dark tree. I banished all I could while the others of the party engaged them in battle. One of my spells hit the tree, itself, and it suffered for it. Noticing its aversion to Life, I hit it again and again with Essence energies. Soon it toppled, destroyed. No further skeletons emerged from it.

But further into the woods we encountered a more dread foe. Nearly a dozen eight-foot-tall skeletons engaged us in battle. I immediately charged a Banish Spell and hurled it at one approaching me. It weakened under its influence but maintained its existence, continuing to close. I had no time to properly gather a second attack, so I drew upon my own essence, instead – allowing me to blast it with an immediate follow-up spell. The monster crumbed to dust.

The effort nearly undid my own existence, but I could not pause to recover, as other Skeletons were upon us. Instead I focused my Life into my mace, Repelling the Undead things with every hit. Another foe dropped, then a third, and I was able to summon up another Banish to destroy a forth. By then no more foes remained, and we were able to find our way out of the Dark Wood.

The rest of the journey to the Keep was uneventful, and we soon found a secluded spot for Ug to set up the Receiving Circle. Lao, Atrum, Gideon, and Ryshon, disguised as beastmen, continued on to the Keep to face the Shaman while the rest of us waited.

A mere ten minutes later, they returned successful. Ug began creating the circle. But before long a group of beastmen, seeking their Shaman’s assassins, came upon us. Fortunately Atrum was able to convince them we were but simple traders, and the beastmen departed. Eventually the circle was completed, and the rest of Haven’s adventurers arrived to wage war on the Keep.

We approached enmass. The beastmen lined the Keeps walls, ready for us, and responded to our approach with hails of arrows, stones, and spells. Several adventurers charged the wall and hunkered down before the main doors. They seemed very vulnerable, and I figured casualties would be inevitable, so I, too, charged the wall, hoping to be in position to carry the wounded out of there.

I ran with my shield before me. First a rock bounced off it, then a spell shattered it, but by then I was at the wall. Fortunately the Keep design seemed to prevent them from attacking us so long as we remained flush with the wall. Still, there was little we could do from here. Eventually Ollumm began battering at the door, and I put my mace to work with him. After a time, our blows became telling, and the doors collapsed.

The other adventurers immediately surged through. Amid the shouts and clash of steel on steel I heard my name being called. I looked behind me to discover that while we had worked against the Keep doors, casualties had been mounting in the field. The medics there were currently overwhelmed, and so I ran back out to render aid to the fallen.

Throughout the battle I worked on no fewer than two injured at a time – stabilizing one with the Healers Clamp while performing delicate surgery on another. A steady stream of wounded flowed to us from the Keep, the injured carrying the dying.

Then, with a shout and a roar, the beastmen went on the offensive. A hoard of their warriors broke through our lines and fell immediately on the Healer’s triage. I brought my mace up in time to ward off a heavy club swung towards me, but the attack had disrupted the flow of healing energies, and within that half-second loss of control, the stricken man’s essence dissipated into the ether.

But with a supreme effort of will, I called a trace of it back. Focusing upon that single spark of life, I nurtured it, allowed it to grow. Healing potions did the work magic could not, and together mysticism and alchemy repaired the worst of the damage and stabilized the mans condition. I turned him over to another healer and looked about for the next dying patient.

And saw another surge of beastmen approaching. No adventurer stood before the healers, the wounded and the attackers. People were going to die. I looked down at the four wounded closest to the beastmen and raised my hands toward them. Instead of nurturing their essence – coaxing the injured to heal themselves, I poured my own Life energy into them. The effort was as draining as the rapid-fire Banish attack I invoked in the Dark Wood, but it brought the four warriors to their feet immediately – forming an instant line between the beastmen and the rest of the wounded. The immediate danger at least temporarily averted, I returned to my surgical work.

Eventually the battle degenerated into a stalemate. The Beastmen could not afford to launch another attack, and our own forces were too beaten and demoralized to take the battle into the Keep. The beastmen on the walls continued to send their arrows and spells at us, occasionally dropping another adventurer. The healers were still pressed to the limit with spells and stones falling all around us.

We were losing.

Then, from out of nowhere, Donovan emerged from the side of the Keep and hurled himself through the shattered doors, falling upon the beastmen with unbridled ferocity. With a rallying cry the remaining Phoenix warriors surged in after him, followed by every combat adventurer who yet remained standing. The sounds of battle echoed from the walls for several minutes, then gradually died down to nothing.

All was quiet, and those of us outside waited with dread awe to learn which side had emerged victorious. Then one, followed by another, then yet more adventurers emerged from the smoke filled breach. The battle was over, and we had won.

We remained at the Keep for another half-hour as the last of the wounded were tended and the Keep was explored. Miraculously, not one adventurer had died during the battle, though I arrived in the Keep too late to save any of the fallen beastmen.

The Woodhold ambassador thanked us for our efforts, and rewarded each adventurer who had traveled here with Ug with a ring of protection. During his speech, the ambassador indicated the King of Woodhold all ready considered Haven part of his domain. While I believe being a part of a greater Kingdom would be a boon for Haven, and I have heard naught but good about Woodhold, the arrogance of this assumption by the King does not bode well. With the formalities concluded, I released the bound beastman I had carried here, and we traveled through a Sending Circle to return to Haven.

We hoped to settle down to rest, but that was not to be. A small force of Dark Elves infiltrated Haven disguised as villagers, and attempted to capture Nyk. Their efforts were thwarted, but snipers besieged us for much of the night as the Dark Elves attempted to kill the prisoners we had taken. By dawn, no Dark Elf prisoners remained.

But while nothing more threatened us from the outside, internal forces worked to tear Haven apart. Arthos asked me to attend a meeting in the Guildhall. I figured the Guilds of Light and Hope were to discuss some internal issues, but, when I entered the Hall, I saw adventurers from nearly every organization present.

Talk began on destroying or driving away the Broken Tusk Clan.

The Guilds of Hope and Light, along with the Order of the Phoenix and Robin’s band, had joined together to form the House of the Crescent Moon. Led by Donovan, the House would present the Orcs with an ultimatum – Leave or Die.

The reasons given for this development included the Broken Tusks unwillingness to accept Laws drawn up for Haven, fear they would attack the other adventurers of Haven, and belief the Orcs cared about nothing outside of themselves.

These fears and doubts were alarming and wrong. The Orcs have defended Haven against attack time and again. They have saved the lives of nearly everyone present in the meeting. They had proven, to me at least, they were an honorable people who would never resort to underhanded attacks. They would kill no one outside their clan unless someone tried to kill them. They were willing to talk things out.

After relaying such statements at the meeting and begging for a more peaceable solution, Arthos agreed to try negotiations one last time, and left for the Inn to talk with Donovan and Robin.

Gideon and I went immediately to the Orcs to warn them of the situation – to give them time to prepare for the negotiations as the other groups were preparing.

Then Roland approached. He claimed the Crescent Moon was not looking toward peace, but preparing for war. The three of us and the Orcs abandoned Haven to hide in the Woods.

House search parties arrived and began combing the woods for us, but Roland parlayed with them and drove them off. Grok asked the Orc Chieftain, Esa for permission to go to the Inn and try to work out a peace. Esa agreed, and Roland, Gideon, and I escorted Grok back to Haven.

For the next hour or so, Grok pleaded for peace with the Crescent Moon. Fortunately Donovan, Arthos, and Robin were willing to listen. Esa eventually arrived, and negotiations concerning the laws recommenced, but no progress was made. For now, though, the Crescent Moon has promised to take no action against the Broken Tusk.

Despite this inner turmoil, I must leave Haven for awhile. Brokehill calls to me, and I must answer. Lao had discovered that it should indeed lie along the South Road, though is several days away. I will request assistance from the other adventurers, then the volunteers and I shall set out upon the South Road by afternoon. The trip will be long and dangerous, and I cannot foretell if any that travel on this Quest will ever return. Who knows what secrets Brokehill holds? I intend to find out.


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:10 pm
by Nelkie
*Arthos Overhears the conversation*

I would like to add some insight to the House of the Creast Moon decission about the Orc's.

Our main goal form day one of the house was to bring peace and safety to this town. We only wish for people to live in peace and not fear for their lives. We all have been through much and just wish a place we can call home.
I will be the first person to say the Orc's have fought for this town and have helped us. But we all have fought, sacerficed, and bleed for this town. Some of my house mates have died for this town. If we do not work together, than we shall all perish.
The difference between most people in town and the orc's we do what is nessary to protect the people of the town and leave it at that. We do not wish praise, rich's, fame for what we do. But the orc's demand payment for the equipment they used defending the town, they throw there deeds into everyone face what they have done and expect praise, and threaten town members on a daily basis. It has gotten to a point where other town members would not travel alone in the town becasue fear of the orc's. We have spent many moons agruing over the laws of the town with them, and they are not willing to come to a compermise. It has to be their way or no way. We have many people try to befriend, and many people consider the orc's as friends.
It boils down to this. We are willing to work with the orc's to bring peace between them and the town. I do not understand the orc's ways, but compermise is very valuable when trying to come to agreement with both sides and live by. I have not witness or heard about the orc's trying to come to a compermise. Unfortuntaley the orc's actions and mannerizims have made people fear and not trust them.
The House of the creasent moon was willing to take the will of the people to the Orcs and ask them to follow the laws as they are written or leave Final Haven. We figured a force of arms would show the orc's we were serious. Peace is still being worked out, but the orc's know now we will not bow down to their demands.
It is siad the orc's believe Might makes Right. I hope this show of unity and force will help us find a compermise with the orc's that both the town and the orc's can live by.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 7:47 pm
by Grok
*Upon seeing Garret, Grok walks into the Inn with no apparent weapons on her person and waits patiently while Dallid and Arthos tell their stories, although she shoots some darting glances at Arthos as he speaks*


*Grok speaks up as politely as possible once Arthos is finished speaking*

“You know I come tell you de stories all de time, ever since we get to de Haven. I know you hear me tell you wut happ’n and dat you actual know trut about de Broken Tusk Tribe. Now I gonna tell you wut happ’n dis past weekend and I wanna ask you tell de villagers all wut you hear… ‘cause someone tellin’ dem dat de Orcs tryin’ hurt dem and do bad tings. You can tell dem dat dis story from de same ‘greedy’ Orcs dat give dem de food grain last moon…”

*Grok shoots a glance around the Inn to see if anyone is going to interrupt her before she embarks on her tale*

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:51 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm Stands up form his set over form the far side. He Shakes his head form side to side as he listin to everyone. He waits there with a steadfast look upon his bisioned face. He than moves to a place nearest the talking*
"Master Dallid only one small note of your tale is false. I am not a Dwarf good sir. I am a Tsunotaur of the Pivo House and Knight to Lord Hermthous of the Burning Sea. It was I whom helped you bash in the gate on that fated night. I am to sound travil about your stroy. But I thought it important to bring up before you should leave upon your quest. "

*Ollumm wheels about and bows to Grok. Never leaving eye contact with her.*

"Forgive my rudeness Grok it shall not happen again on this night. Please tell us of your thoughts."

*Ollumm stands there waiting for Grok to go on with her thoughts. While she talks he grabs a mug of ale. Than beging to sip on it slowly.*


Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:07 am
by Nelkie
*After Arthos gets done speaking he takes a seat and listens to what people have to say. He does not intrupet anyone and is very pleasent to everyone, including to Grok*

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:22 am
by Dallid
My appologies to you Ollumm. I will make the correction at once. Appologies to you, too, Grok. Please tell your tale.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:01 pm
by Grok
*Grok nods confident that those around are going to listen, at least at first and begins speaking...*

"So we come live in de Haven for most a year, and dere lot of talking bout de law, and wetter we even need dem. Ventual, de Broken Tusk Tribe agree to law on dese term:

** "Dat Robin gonna write up de law and dat e’ryone gonna agree to dem, even witout seeing dem, witout debating dem or witout changing dem
** "Robin gonna be de Magistrate forever, and dat Orc only agree to be subject to de law, long as Robin gonna be de one judging us on dem
** "Town people not ever gonna be able change de law, only Robin as de Magistrate, and only if she tink it need be change
** "Donno no can be de Constable and he no can be in power over de Orc again.
** "De Broken Tusk got to get land to live on deeded to dem

"Robin tell de Broken Tusks dat e’ryone else agree dese term and dat we all just gonna put de matter in her hand. Donno announce dat he gonna step down as Constable and de Orc tought dat de deal movin’ forward as we all agree.

"Affer couple few moon, Robin come to de town and present de law to de Council. De law pretty basic, only five dem: no murder, no steal, and no walk around – den dere two otter for how get back at someone dat do you wrong. Iza and Jux not dere at de meeting, so I sit in and listen dem.

"But I notice sumting little odd, ‘cause Robin read dat more ‘bout how de town gonna be, include de Council wit majority vote, de Constable, stripping army, and den Donno gonna be elder…again!

"After few people ask de question and some jus’ grumble, I say dem dat de Broken Tusk gonna follow dese law, witout de challenge, ‘cause we made de deal, but dat Broken Tusk no agree to de system dat Robin try make, for de Orcs already see bad decision dat people like Donno and Artos make

"After me, few otter agree to law, as we all tought dey would and as we tought dat everyone agree to according Robin. But den, Artos say dat Guild of Light and Hope no agree yet, ‘cause he need time to tink dem and talk dem wit he men. To us – de Orcs – we tink Artos break deal right dere on spot, but we only find out later dat otter group not give same agreement Robin. Robin trick us say dat we gonna agree anyting, but she tell de otters, dat dey can tink ‘bout it and see if dey like de laws, den dey can vote dem in or out.

"In de meantime, we know dat Gnosh men gonna come kill de town (since we get de information and give it to de town, and we pay lot of food and skins and potions to keep Gnosh from attack de town, den to make Gnosh tink we gonna fight by he side, so we can trick him, kill him and keep town safe). So I say, we got get ready for de Gnosh, but no problem we follow 5 law and talk ‘bout de rest of stuff later. I go up cabin and ready Gnosh. We ‘ventual kill Gnosh men and I personal kill de Gnosh.

"De next moon, jus’ before de people Haven get togetter, Robin post up de law in de Inn. Iza actual get read and hear wut Robin make, den Iza and Dag make de Orc come to de Inn and listen law, so we know wut we got do and wut we no can do. Iza say dat she need talk Robin and dat we no can talk ‘bout de laws to anyone.

"We get to de Haven and find dat we in de middle sumting where Dwarf who got attack by Artos few moon back, come back to demand honor combat. We say dat we tink Artos gotta fight and e’ryone keep talkin’ and talkin’ ‘bout how dere gonna talk it out, but dey no understand how it work. You get challenge, den you got accept or you a coward. Artos accept. Dis first smart ting I see Artos do, he understand dat Dwarf got custom like Orc. Artos fight de Dwarf and win, which we surprise, but den we no make any otter comment – Artos prove dat he right and we must been wrong somehow.

"Den after Iza talk Robin ‘bout de system dat she try make, dat not part of deal. Iza say de same ting I did at de first meeting, and dat we no want law change by major vote, we no want Magistrate overrule by de Constable and Elder Donno (who we ask dat stay out power) – dese two tings we say from de start we no gonna agree to, but Robin include it anyway make e’ryone happy. She no keep de deal yet.

"While we talk, dese tree new traveler start talk ‘bout what dey no know. Dey just tink we some kinda animal and dat we no got rules or sumting and just making a fuss be difficult. One Dwarf or Tsunotaur, not know which, start calling us name and mutter and keep interrupt. Jux get mad and tell him dat he not need talk when it not he discussion, but he just keep on talking ‘bout what he no know. Jux warn him, he keep going, so den Jux make de scary face and den he run off all scared.

"Robin keep talk bout how she trying make it work. We say at first dat we know she trying, we no tink she doing sumting to be mean or stupid, she just got too many people talk her ear. But we do say dat de system she make, we no agree to, not from de start, dat we got make sumting else. ‘Ventual we all walk dis way or dat.

"Dere some kind attack and visit by peasant dat found big Golem wit hole in de heart. De Broken Tusk over by de fire, trying talk and not see at first wut happening. Ug start cast ritual and de people start flicker here and dere. Someone start talk ‘bout saving some woman, den de people dat travel with Tsunotaur dat Jux scare away come over and ask us help. We say dat we help de town all de time, but dat last time we do and de Orcs dieing and needing help, dat no one move, and me – de Healer – got go get dem and dat I got hurt bad and de only one dat help any de Orcs was Floren and Roland. Dey swear us dey gonna protect Orcs and we swear we gonna protect dem. I give dem all bunch potions – I give de potions same people dat we argue wit few minutes earlier, ‘cause when we say we gonna protect you, we no lie. We go to get de lady, but by time we ready, e’ryone already leave. We try follow dem, but no can find dere tracks. So we go back to town.

"Little later we get attack Golem. De Broken Tusk, McYouIn, Elderet, Ollumm, de Gypsies, CoCo, Atrum and a few otter I no can ‘member fight de Golem long time. Lot people get hurt and I even got to use my tools twice. After dat, de Broken Tusk invite all de town back to dere cabin, to keep dem safe and so dat we all can heal, fix de armor and rest. I make sure dat e’ryone got sumting eat and drink, Broken Tusk make sure dat e’ryone got de material dey need fix armor, Iza and me make sure e’ryone good and hearty, and we all sit ‘round and talk and visit, til dey want leave cabin ‘cause more people back in town again.

"Lot people come and go, den more people come, include De Lidd who say want talk Iza ‘bout de laws. De Lidd bring some man I no see before, so I go him and ask he want drink and what he name. He tell me dat he Lambic de Phoenix Guard. I surprise dat he even want be dere, so I ask him he know where he at. He say, “yeah” and he no mind being dere. I ask Lambic what he do, he say dat he Alchemist like me, so I ask wut kind recipe he got and wetter he need some. He say he only can make potion to put on wounds, so I take Lambic to my lab and show him all de components, vials, cauldron, mortar pestle I got and den I show him how make lot more potion dat gonna be helpful and keep de Phoenix Guard safe. Just ‘cause I no like Donno, don’t mean I want dem hurt. While we talk, RahRah write recipe down for Lambic and for ‘notter guy I no know dat need dem. While I do dis, Iza teach some guy how do good magic and Dag fixin’ e’ryone armor.

"Den e’ryone get tired and people leaving. De Lidd still dere waiting and Iza say sumting Guild of Light and get remind dat De Lidd waiting. Dey talk long time and dis time I knew better dan talk wit dem. Marg tap Iza back, say he want talk, she tell him no. Den Marg tap her ‘gain, say dat he got sumting say, she tell him be no way. ‘Ventual De Lidd get done and start walk away, den Marg stop De Lidd and start talking like Iza tell him no! She turn around quick, ask De Lidd nice leave, den start deal wit Marg. She yell him long time, den try ‘splain dat tings in town not so good. Iza ask Marg why he tink dat wut he do okay and he got no answer and no make no sorry. Iza ask Marg what she should do and he no even answer her. I got go use tree, Marg walk me; when we get back, Marg feel Iza wrath right in pit of stomach. I try fix Marg, but he too bad hurt for me fix. We all stand dere looking trying think wut do. We stick Marg in de bed, til we can tink how fix him. We even talk Roland and Nuk, see dey got idea.

"Next morning, we wake up and someone want Broken Tusk help dem. We go to Inn and fight big bug awhile, den we find out someone drop potion. We fight dem den we leave get cockatrice and he feather. We need make some alchemy for some lady we no know. Anotter group go to get fish guts. So de Orcs, Tsunotaur, Dwarf, Human, Varis-Bran-Snow-I-Cant-Get-Enuff-Names, a Phoenix Guard Valkyn’ Vi Rahl, Kiddie, CoCo, and Rav go and we find tree more people dat need potion. Even tree more need dem when we done fighting: Kiddie, Rahl and Tahka. All in all, I got make 7 potion and I no even know how we got start on dis.

"So Iza say we got stay de cabin, so dat we out of trouble and no arguing ‘bout laws. She gotta fix de stuff wit Robin, and we not gonna risk our life no more til we no people gonna not let us bleed at dere feet. We eat dinner by self and wait Robin come us. Instead, otter people come we no ‘spect and tell Orcs dat town coming to kill dem ‘cause dey no like us and ‘cause we no agree Robin.

"Roland come and say us dat we got leave de cabin. It he cabin and he de Constable, so we got listen and leave. We no want leave, we ready defend if we got to, but he demand we got leave. In de meanwhile, Artos try hunt Orcs in de woods like dogs, he run into de Roland, who say go home. Artos argue wit de Constable, Roland tell Artos again shut up and go back to de Inn. Artos keep argue, he say dat e’ryone tink Orc gonna kill dem and dat he speak for all de town in saying dat no one trust us, no one at all. Roland tell Artos he gonna kill him he no shut up, den Artos go away.

"I tell Iza I want go town, den dey can ask de question if me or any us gonna do anyting bad. I tell Iza 5 law or 500 law no matter, ‘cause dey no tink we gonna follow law anyhow. I tell Iza I gonna let dem test me how dey need or even torture me, dey gonna see dat I speak de trut, dat we not anyting but good stuff for Haven, our home, too. Jux fight me and Iza, he say it crazy, dat I risk my life, dey gonna kill me, but I say no care no more. I know I right, I know I win. Roland, Giddy One, De Lidd and Atrum take me town, wit no weapon, not talk about law, but trust… since dat real issue.

"I get dere, Roland bring e’ryone in de Inn, and I keep asking dat all de town dere, so anyone can ask me de question. I no got notting hide. But no one listen me. Dey keep saying, “we got de leader, dat all we need.” I tink dat dumb. De leader not always get story right and dey not always understand stuff… and some leader purpose tell lie. But no one listen me.

"I tink I gonna talk and ‘splain why I dere, but Donno talk first long time. He day dat he and de otter do e’ryting for de peace, dat e’ryone hate all de Orcs – dey all tell him dis, dat dey all tink we gonna kill dem and dat Orc bad. He say dese ‘xact word: “I am willing to sacrifice anyone on the pedestal of peace and I don’t care what that makes me.” I tink I say dat right…. anyway, he get done, say dat we got dese option:

** "forget all deal and take wut dey gonna give Orcs and swear fealty to de House of de Mooners, or
** "leave de Haven, or
** "get kill

"I ask e’ryone gonna kill Orcs? Donno say dat all de Moonshines gonna, but when he say dat, De Lidd, Giddy One, Eli and Ug and otters say dey no gonna fight. Robin DID say she gonna kill de Orcs and dat she join up wit de Donno – same man she swear she gonna protect us from.

"I offer dem question me, I offer dem put me and anyone us on de trial. Dey gonna see we no do notting wrong. Dey just keep saying we got accept how dey want do tings or dey gonna kill de Broken Tribe. I say we not do notting wrong. Den peasant dere want know de Orcs hurt de villagers, I say no, we never hurt dem, I heal dem all de time and we escort dem home when dey need safe. He say dat good enough for him. De only ting dey do ask bout Marg and I ‘splain dat. Dey ask me why dat no murder, I say Marg knew da rules and dat dis tribal business, none otter, but if de Magistrate want, we gonna go to de trial.

"I try de long time, get dem ask wut dey scare about, but dey only want me to agree stuff I no want and dat I no can, ‘cause Iza got to. But I do say for de lotta time, dat we STILL agree de 5 law, we just no like de Council. I say dat emotion too big to talk law den and dat we need talk later. Atrum disagree and go get Iza – dat no right. Iza come to de Inn, say same ting me, den say, we gonna talk dis later, but no one attack Orcs and we no attack dem."

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:07 pm
by Fy'Rin
*Fy'Rin was quietly standing in the doorway so he would not interrupt Grok or any of the others as they were speaking.*

With respect I have a few points to speak on.

Quickly for those who do not know me I am Fy'Rin Nightcrawler, I served under Captain Robin on the Talon and will be at her side until I am continuing my adventures in another life.

In reply to Dallid, since I was a representative in the group that was sent up to the Orcs cabin that night, it WAS NOT a scouting party. There was one representative form each guild of the House. We were emissaries sent to ASK the Orcs to a Parle' and that was all.

It is the same with Broken Tusk, as it is with the rest of the Guilds. Our leaders tell us that a decision has been made...this is the action to be taken...we do what is asked of us. I myself, as with many of the other members of the various guilds did not want the Parle' to come to blows with the Orcs.

Now, I have heard parts of this encounter from many different people and have gotten many different renderings of it. I take what I know of all the parties involved, and try to make a decision for myself on which side of the line to stand on. We make decisions on what information has been given to us. That is all any of us CAN do. I will be the first to admit that some of the things that were said in the meeting in the inn, where Grok, threw herself at the mercy of the House, were not what was told to us only an hour so before the Parle'. I believe emotion takes control and people loose their objectivity.

One final point. Now I acknowledge that the Broken Tusk has issue with how things developed after the laws were posted and since I was still traveling and not here I don't know what was said to whom and when. What I am seeing is a failure, on both sides, to move forward. The lack of compromise on both sides is what lead to the events of that evening. Now for the betterment of Haven, if we don't put our emotions & our pride aside we will never be able to unite under one banner, that of Final Haven, because we will still be turning our wheels in the same spot we now find ourselves at.

*Fy'Rin sighs, and lowers his head.*

My apologies, it was not my intent to ramble on, but I felt I must make my thoughts known.

*Nods to Grok. Fy'Rin finds a seat at the bar and drinks from a flask that he pulls from under his cloak.*

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:13 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm nods as Fy'Rin talks, waiting his turn say something.*

"He is right on the part that some of us that are new to this place. Did not wish to see blow of any kind come forth. An Fy'Rin is also right on teh issue of folks on both side not moving forward. Without the forward movement to better each other. We all lose in the long run. An I am not liking that part one bit. Maybe this question has been asked a few times. But I am gonet o ask it so I have the knowledge I am lacking.

*Ollumm stairs Grok dead in the eyes. Than begins to speak in a even tone.*

"Grok might I ask what laws the broken tusk live by? What laws would you put forth to help come to an agreement on both side? What is wrong with the 5 laws that Robin has put before us? How do we as a local group come together to better each others side form your point of view? The only reason I am asking these question is so that I can better understand the problem. I know that Donivanni is not a key topic with your tribe mates. But it is the laws we need to work on first. That way we can work something out for everyone. Than later we can talk about anythign else that is a problem in your tribes eyes., Is that okay with you?"

*Ollumm leans back into the wall rubbing his back on it. Than goes and set down.*

"Oh Dallid it is okay my prideful self comes into shine sometimes. Sorry to have offended you if I did. It was not meant as a sting or anything else rude. I am just not so use to being around folks other than McEwan and Jason. Been a long time since we have settled into a place like this. To use to fighting for some steel or traveling far and wide one reason or and other. So come set beside me and I get you mug of what ever you like. "

*Ollumm order a few mugs of Master Atrums fines ale and a what ever Dallid would like.*

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:26 am
by Kidwynn
OOG: Since this is befoe we left for BrokeHill.

*Kidwynn, off in a corner with Kels listening to everyone speak, finally turns around and look Grok directly in the eye.*

Yes, I am curious as to what your problem is with Donovan. I am new here as well and he and the rest of the Phoenix Guard have been nothing but good to me.

So, tell me...why the conflict luv??

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:04 am
by Dallid
No offense taken, Ollumm. Your words were sound. Trust that I do take responsibility for my words and actions, and will stand before any consequences they may have. Indeed, my beliefs have triggered... extreme reactions in the past.

I will certainly drink with you now, before departing for Brokehill. Water please, Atrum.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:24 pm
by Eli
Silly peoples, didn't orckies say the 5 laws are ok-dokie. That part like all way done? Right? Anyways, I think the part of confusion is the council. They no like that idea.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:52 pm
by Ming Xiao Sung
*Ming, sitting silently in the corner, laughs quietly as she turns to Eli*

It would appear as if some residents of Haven have selective hearing. That is indeed what Grok has just told us - and what the Orcs have been saying since the laws were posted by Robin. 'Tis not the laws that are the problem, but how they have been explained ... and how positions of power can be made to change.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:00 pm
by Grok
*Grok looks around the room, a bit surprised by the hubbub, and appearing to try to take everything in... She nods to Fy'Rin as he speaks and responds thusly*

"Okay, Fyre... listen me, I got no problem wit you... an' even if I did, dat okay, too, right? I no got to like you to live near you. I might call you name, I might challenge you fight, but dat dont mean I gonna kill you jus' 'cause I feel like it. Dat de dummest ting I ever hear. Wut dummer dat many people dis town, DO do dat. Dey tink dere sum kinda profit make or dat dis wut dey 'spose to do' cause dere leader tell dem or 'cause sum fruity old man tell dem dis 'dere mission.' "

"You know dose same Dwarf dat come to de town and challenge, Artos? You know dose Dwarf also offer Orc lot of riches to kill dis old Elf lady 'cause dey say it some kind of property or sumting and dat she evil. You know, I tink DEY really tink she evil, I no tink dey trying do sumting bad in dere mind, but to us Orcs, we no kill dat Elf, even tough we maybe get lot of food and hide to do it, 'cause we no tink it right."

"We also no tink we never make mistake. We wrong 'bout Artos and de Dwarf. And I wrong when I got out of control yelling 'bout de Phoenix Guard Drakeman and den my husband got beat me down. But I tell you dis... we at least stay de same... you never hear two diff'rent stories from us and you never hear dat we say sumting okay for us to do and not for otters to do. Maybe you should tink 'bout dat, when you tink 'bout Tarn your shipmate, who got no tongue, 'cause Robin CUT IT OUT for lieing her. Interesting dat it okay for her to have her own custom, but no okay for us..."

"Dis last thing I got say to your words, Fyre, it make me real mad when people say dat de Broken Tusk not give up anyting or even dat we not de ones dat have give up de most to bring peace dis town. WE been objectional or whatever word you say, we been reasonable, and we been de most tolerant of otters, considering sum of de stunts we seen pulled 'round here. I no can say dat gonna last much longer, if people like Donno and Artos keep pushing de matter. Dat no threat, dat just simple fact. Stop corner us, 'cause we not afraid fight back."

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:05 pm
by Grok
*Grok nods matter of factly from Fy'Rin to Ollumm and listens to Ollumm's words. Once he is finished with his inquiry, Grok replies simply:"

"Ollumm, you want know wut law Orc in Haven live by? Same law you do. Same 5 law dat Robin make and dat put in place in June. Artos maybe no agree on spot, but when he did later dat night, de law official. We gave up our law and our customs for dis town."

"Anyone dat say diff'rent is liar."

"We not look change law. Dey are wut dey are. We tell Robin we gonna accept dem wit our conditions, so far all condition met, except we no get de land she promised, but I tink dat matter of time."

"If you want know 'bout Orc custom and laws, den talk me in our cabin, I no want talk 'bout dem here, 'cause I no want anyone confusing dat de Broken Tusk Tribe support de Haven laws."