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Rum and booty

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:44 am
by Kidwynn
Ok gang,

I'm thinking it would be nice to see people and well go to what I'm hoping will be one awsome end to my favorite series of movies Pirates of the Caribbean.

The latest installment, Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End comes out on Friday May 25th (memorial day weekend).

Now being this is me, I will have to work that weekend so I'm thinking that it would be cool to get a group together Sunday night to see the show like at 7-7:30pm in Novi at the Emagine Theater. Those who want to see my place should probably be there by like 630.

Anyone interested PM me.


PS those who want to crash out at my place are more then welcome for a I have some crash space availablle and I don't work on Monday!!!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:15 pm
by Peace420
Pfft! I thought this was an offer of rum and booty!! :lol:

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:35 pm
by Kidwynn
Would you like some rum and booty...LOL


Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:41 am
by Kidwynn
It's your friendly neighborhood pirate nut...

Anyway, besides Fesko I need to know who all might be interested in seeing Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End on Sunday, May 27th.

Right now it's Fesko, my brother, his girlfriend, perhaps another friend of mine, and me.

Rendez-vous time would be at my place...

From there I'm thinking dinner and then the movie...

Those interested I'll send PMs to on Friday to see what works best for a movie time and probably get the tickets in advance.
