I had a good time, of course just saying that does not really help any.
I love the simplicity of the check-In check out process, but I think some of the newer players could use a GM or something to help them out. Perhaps designate a newbie marshal? Also pens, pencils, and character sheets seemed to be in short supply at check In.
Friday night: The only thing that I really saw friday night was the Golems attacking town. I heard about the tree thing and that sounded pretty cool, but as a noob didnt really get involved. Only real criticism I have here is that it seemed slow, and then when things did pick up it was several golems coming into town swinging for 2 with a rev up 5 crush ability. Thats a lot for a couple newbies to be fighting, especially when they have 75 soak. A suggestion may be to find a way to send in a more diverse group of monsters. Perhaps 5 Lesser golems and 1-2 big golems. Then desginate the big one by having him wear a glow stick or something. This at least helps the newbies or the non-warrior types differentiate enemies in a fight and lets them feel more useful.
Saturday morning/afternoon: The stuff that I saw here for the most part seemed to be obscure hidden stuff in a lot of ways. The witch wood arrows where a cool touch, but It seemed to be mostly a dead end incident that couldnt really be followed up on by anything we had in town. Not sure this is a bad thing, but it limited what the PC's could do this event regarding the plot (for a long term plot this can be really cool). The villager mob was entertaining a was a good chance for some neat RP interaction (even if the peasants were rather monty pythonesque). Seemed like mostly a plot for the established leadership of the town, but I liked the fact it wasnt all combat. We began investigating another plot that I think most people missed around this time and I am liking the way its turning out so far. The mystery and intrigue is very cool and the lack of combat so far has made it something newbie capable especially for the non-warrior noob. My only criticism here was that at times I went to NPC camp to look into some things, ask questions, or do something and all the NPC's were out on a plot.
Saturday Night: The start of this with florins cave was just downright brutal. From a combat perspecttive it was actually well done because it required the PC's to plan and use tactics to overcome a terrain obstacle (the narrow entrance to the cave). The nasty spell also added a time crunch element that was cool to see. I got squished really good in this fight, but hey sometimes those things happen. My only criticism here is that I never intended to go to Florins cave, but when I went to NPC camp to do something else instead...all the NPC's were in the cave. So it was basically a sit in the Inn and do nothing or go to Florins cave and be newbie fodder for a meat grinder. Still made the best of it and had fun
The Gavin/Goblin attack was frickin awesome. Personally I love the fact we lost the town and that the battle changed from a straight up warrior fest into a guerrilla warfare hit and run battle. The only real criticism I had here was the sheer number of enemies swinging for 2 crush.
Overall analysis:
Overall I had a great time, I got some really good role-play with the other players. I enjoyed playing my character and was thankful to the NPC's for allowing me some flexiability in making small changes in character mechanics as I got a feel for the game more. From what I saw 4 out of 5 of the paths really got a good chance to shine and show its power or its moment in the spotlight per se and I consider 80% damn good.
Warriors got there moment in the sun at the beginning of the gavin battle when they defeated the first wave and almost the second wave through tenacity.
Rogues got there moment in the sun after the town was lost and it became sneaky shiznit time. I saw this as the perfect time for guerrilla warfare techniques, setting up ambushes and such.
Florins cave was your chance to shine. The huge booms you can thrown really made a huge difference in that meat grinder at the front and your true power was displayed as you got to hide behind a shield wall and toss packets for 10-30.
Im not even sure I need to go into this, but I dont know of a single person who isnt greatful the healers in game for saving their characters ass in the numerous battles.
I really didnt see any puzzles, riddles, or anyplace that the sage really got to shine this event. Not a big deal as not every path should have a chance to shine every event (but its not a bad goal to shoot for).
My gratitude goes out to the GM's who gave us a great event where we fought hard for our lives and worked as a group to prevail.
My gartitude goes out to the other players for the unique characters, the good role-play, and the stand up job staying in character compared to other larps I have attended.
Thank you,