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Gathering a Hunting Party

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:27 pm
by Smitty19
*Voralen Walks into the Inn with a look of fire in his eyes

"Attention all, I am in the process of getting a group together to hunt down some bandits who thought it would be beneficial for them to take a few of our possessions last evening. I for one am very interested in getting back said items and also dealing out a little justice to these brigands!"

*Voralen looks around the room with a very angry look on his face

"I for one, have a personal stake in this matter and am looking for some help in retrieving our property! I will definitly need a scout, and could use prolly more than one. I am also looking for a little muscule, because I dont plan on being...nice"

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:15 pm
by Amagus
"Ah, I must emplore you to try your best to take them alive - then bring them back here to me. You would be performing a great service to Haven by doing so, as my research is aimed at its protection. Also, I can gurantee the fate of the prisoners will not at all be 'nice'."

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:31 am
by Kels
*Kels stands up from his chair stumbles alittle, and puts a hand on his head*

"Man, did i drink to much last night. I'll go with you as long as this headach goes away."

*He picks up his bow and heads to the door*

"I'll be outside."

*As he walks away you can hear him mumble somthing about drinking with ogres and bad*

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:20 am
by Smitty19
*Looks over to Amagus

"I can't promise anything magi, and I dont intend too."

*Turns to Kels

"You just make sure the ones you shoot are the real ones, not from the blurry double vision you have from your festivities last evening, better yet, why not just shoot them all, if it comes to that of course."

*Cracks a very brief smile at Kels

"Alright I have one scout, and I need to know all the information I can about what, and how this happened last night, maybe we can gather a clue to the whereabouts, or identities of these bandits."

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:59 am
by Kels
*As Kels walks out the door you hear him laugh*

"Shoot them all, Man after my own haert."

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:46 am
by Smitty19
*Looking around to those that are still gathered in the Inn

"So far only one volunteer? One person who is willing to go and find the bottom feeders that not only walked through this town unmolested, but also stole things from the members of this town? Why is this simply being written off as if nothing happened? It seems to me that unless it benefits someones agenda, that really no one is willing to lift a finger to help or make this town safe. Now I know there are the few that actually have taken matters into fortifying the town, and making it safe, but it seems that those persons are in the minority."

*clinches fist in anger

"I have spent that past 6 years with nothing and no one to watch my back. I have had to resort to unspeakable things just in order to survive, and when I finally thought I had found my salvation, and being reunited with actual living souls, I thought that I could relent a little, and not worry as much about being on guard all hours of the day. Maybe even feel that I had found a home, and companions who would watch my back....

*Turns towards the door gathering up a traveling pack

"I guess I was mistaken."

*As Voralen passes by Donovan

"If I may Preceptor, can I have a word in private."

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:36 pm
by moonstone
Hearing the booming voice from inside the inn the lady goes to investigate. As Voralen goes to walk through the door, lady Rosamund collides with him. Stuned for just a moment the lady apologues for bumping in to Voralen. Then says “I am so sorry my lord for not looking before I went through the door way. I hared the commotion inside about the bandits and wanted to see if my magic could be of aid.

For the first time the lady takes note of Voralen’s face and see how mad he is. If you do not want my help I fully understand. Taking a step back in uncertainty the lady leaves her question in the air between the two of them.

P.S. this was ment to be posted under the Ladys header

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:10 pm
by Smitty19
*After Bumping into the Lady

"Excuse me mi lady, No, it was I who should have been paying attention. And your magics would be of great use, but unfortunately I do not wish to involve you in....these matters.

*bows deeply

"I certainly mean no disrespect."

*Voralens hardened demeanor lightens a bit as he allows the Lady to pass by

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:35 pm
by Amagus
"Hmmm. Very short on volunteers, indeed. Well, if you do not mind my slow pace, I would be willing to accompany you."

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:44 pm
by Lady
Smiling now and with a little chuckle in her voice the lady says “My dears if you need me I will be hear. Please take care I wish not to have to find you if something woulst to have happened to you.”

When Amagus is through speaking the lady gives him a bright smile. To both men she says “I am so glad to call this place home.” Handing Amagus something she adds “Just in case you need it. (It is a care 1 level potation) I feel so much better that there is one as strong in magic as you are going.”

“Rest not my valet Knights of Haven until your deed be done. I have the up most faith in your sword my dear Voralen and the up most faith in your magic my dear Amagus.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:26 pm
by Talana Isilisurë
*Hearing the commotion from outside, Talana walks around the corner, holding the end of her skirt, looking to see who is shouting and what it is regarding. After a few moments once she assesses what the matter is, she speaks up to Voralen before he is able to make it past Lady Rosamund.*

Excuse me, good sir, but I will go with you as well. This will be the -second- time I've gone after these thieves, as it was Nathanael, Woden and I with two other townsmembers who I do not have the good fortune of knowing their names who went after them in the first place. This was very late Saturday evening and when we tried to garner help from Olan - the only scout we knew of - to help us track them, he refused indicating he was busy elsewhere. We also tried to garner assistance from Elder Corbyn and his Guild of Elders, but they had no interest in assisting us in finding the culprits either.

Your best bet would be to find Nathanael and have him give you a description of the men... somewhere between 3 and 5 of them whom Nathanael personally saw with Good Sir Amagus' orbital item. I may also recognize them by their voices as I heard at least 2 of them speak.

*Walks over to the corner and grabs her short sword and bow and begins readying herself for the hunt.*

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:09 pm
by Smitty19
*To Amagus

"Magi, I would be most appreciative of your help, your grasp of the arcane is indeed awe inspiring, and that ability to show that sort of strength could very well benefit us in this."

*To Lady Rosamund

"I thank you for your kind words mi lady, but please do not place those words upon me so easily, for I am far from the noble man you make me out to be."

*Bows deeply to her once more

*To Talana

"This is news that I didn't hear of. I appoligize in two ways, one for never making your aquaintance, and second for taking the Preceptors offer of not having to take a night watch for the time being and falling asleep. If I would have been able to have my wits about me, I am nearly posisitve that none of these actions would have been able to transpire. I know for one that these scum would not be in possesion of my trusted ally as we speak."

*Voralen straightens to at attention, and proudly presents himself

"I am Voralen Silverhelm, Phoenix Knight, and lone survivor of the Nova Dragons, protecter of Eldesta. It is a pleasure to make your aquaintance"

*Loosens up his military swaggar and returns to a more comfortable stance

"So you say you already tried to track them? Would it be possible to get the others you mention to accompany us? I am afraid that even though I have spoken with both Nathanial, and Woden that I can not count them as allies that would just blindly follow my request for aid."

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:06 am
by Ming Xiao Sung
*the quiet Allerian woman approaches Voralen*

You say they are in possession of your trusted ally? I had no idea they were also kidnappers - I thought them merely thieves.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:30 am
by Amagus
“Heh heh. Praise flows where it is due, Voralens. I, for one, will drink in that which I so richly deserve.”

He greedily eyes the cure potion handed to him. “Perfect! If all goes well, I will make good use of this. Blood magic has a voracious appetite, after all.”

He then turns back to Voralens. “Yes, a night watch is required. But everyone is so tired after a long day of fighting, haggling, negotiating, and investigating. Better to rely upon the sleepless dead, I should think, to guard the late hours of the night. A few corpses – or better yet, prisoners – will supply everything we need. Indeed, what greater justice then to employ these thieves as a means to prevent further burglaries?”

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:58 am
by Smitty19
*To Ming

"Im sorry that you misunderstood me. When I speak of my ally, I speak of the possesion they stole from me. It may seem like a little bit silly to care so much about it, being my sword an all, but that is the only thing that got me through the past 6 years alone in Vaunephasuak. So you can say I definitly have a sentimental tie to it."

*To Amagus

"While I do accept your help for aid, I in no way will I ever accept the use of the undead abominations as our night watch! I will never willing let a corpse to be reanimated by magics to use in any sort of sick expiriment that you have in mind. I do not say anything about the strange bed mates you keep, but I will say that as long as I draw breath, this town will never use undead foot soldiers!"

*Turns towards the door

"I shall be outside gathering supplies. I shall see if Sen will be able to pack us any thing for the trek."

*With that Voralen disseapears into the kitchen