This weekend - Looking for assistance. (Oct 14 - 16, 2005)
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:12 am
As many of you may (or may not) know, I help run a LARP called CARPS (which was founded by the GMs of Final Haven).
Every October we have a very short event and put on a Haunted Forest for the park that we RP at. This short event is usually VERY fun and filled with fear, props, and very cool RPing.
This year is different.
There is no Haunted Forest any longer. However, we still bought props and have planned a REALLY cool event. Traditionally this is our most interesting, deadly, and fun-filled weekend of the year, partially because it is October/The Bloodmoon, and partially because it is the event we want the most people to show up to so that we have plenty of help with the Haunted Forest.
The Heaunted Forest is gone, but we're not about to break tradition! Now, what is this assistance I speak of?
That's right, I need evil. NPC's, that is. I would like to recruit as many NPCs as possible to help out with this event. If you do not know the CARPS system we can make certain you are paired up with more experienced NPCs and we will make certain to explain things to you as clearly as possible. Many of the calls/skills/etc are similar enough to Final Haven for you to have a good feel for it going in. Now, if any of you were planning on coming out to PC, do not let this note stop you, we do not wish to pull PC's off of the field for what will be an excellent event for all power levels of characters. This is why I am coming to the players of Final Haven for assistance. Like Chris and his wish to recruit 50-100 NPCs for the next Final Haven event (Chris, you should post something on the CARPS board about that btw), I have a more modest goal of attempting to recruit 10-20 NPCs (or more would even be merrier!!) for this weekend.
Also (on a perhaps more important note?), this event is our ANNUAL CHILI COOKOFF! So bring your appetite, bring your chili, and bring an extra pair of pants!! Like always their is no cost to eat and everyone who provides chili will recieve a Character point bonus for this fun time.
If any of you have any questions please PM me or e-mail us at:
We appreciate any help you may lend, and promise a hot breakfast on Saturday morning to anyone who NPCs for us!
Same place as FH, same basica times as FH, and you will likely know several of our players from FH. Again, any questions just ask and if you plan to come, please let us know!
Thank you,
Bradford Liedel
Every October we have a very short event and put on a Haunted Forest for the park that we RP at. This short event is usually VERY fun and filled with fear, props, and very cool RPing.
This year is different.
There is no Haunted Forest any longer. However, we still bought props and have planned a REALLY cool event. Traditionally this is our most interesting, deadly, and fun-filled weekend of the year, partially because it is October/The Bloodmoon, and partially because it is the event we want the most people to show up to so that we have plenty of help with the Haunted Forest.
The Heaunted Forest is gone, but we're not about to break tradition! Now, what is this assistance I speak of?
That's right, I need evil. NPC's, that is. I would like to recruit as many NPCs as possible to help out with this event. If you do not know the CARPS system we can make certain you are paired up with more experienced NPCs and we will make certain to explain things to you as clearly as possible. Many of the calls/skills/etc are similar enough to Final Haven for you to have a good feel for it going in. Now, if any of you were planning on coming out to PC, do not let this note stop you, we do not wish to pull PC's off of the field for what will be an excellent event for all power levels of characters. This is why I am coming to the players of Final Haven for assistance. Like Chris and his wish to recruit 50-100 NPCs for the next Final Haven event (Chris, you should post something on the CARPS board about that btw), I have a more modest goal of attempting to recruit 10-20 NPCs (or more would even be merrier!!) for this weekend.
Also (on a perhaps more important note?), this event is our ANNUAL CHILI COOKOFF! So bring your appetite, bring your chili, and bring an extra pair of pants!! Like always their is no cost to eat and everyone who provides chili will recieve a Character point bonus for this fun time.
If any of you have any questions please PM me or e-mail us at:
We appreciate any help you may lend, and promise a hot breakfast on Saturday morning to anyone who NPCs for us!
Same place as FH, same basica times as FH, and you will likely know several of our players from FH. Again, any questions just ask and if you plan to come, please let us know!
Thank you,
Bradford Liedel