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Fun character builds

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:15 pm
by dier_cire
Just so I don't have to laugh too hard at the playtest...

I present to you... THE MOST DAMAGE POSSIBLE under current FH rules

level 20 character
Race with 2 hp base
either savage or privileged witht eh two hp giving discplines
basic warrior path
level 4 archer

has +3 hp from sage
head of his single race guild. (gains+1 life lash and +10 damage)
weilds a heavy crossbow

total hp: 2+3+11+3+1 = 20...

blows all 20 (warriors can go to 0 last I heard) on the enhanced damage guild bonus yielding +200 damage uses his added damage bow skill (+2) and then uses his triple damage effect.

Total damage: 612 Vorpal (I ain't afraid of no stinking dragons)

Oh, and for note the only resist is to shatter your armor. And if the first arrow doesn't kill you, he can shoot this again. (Or do a regular shot of 202 vorpal)

for my next trick, THE MOST AREA EFFECT DAMAGE

same character

blows 17 life on enhanced damage and does his bow thing. When he shoots at said target, he spends 3 life to make the effect lash, yielding

Total damage: 522 Vorpal Lash

All of this is within the rules as they are written. (Obviously if a warrior can only go down to 1, damage is reduced by 30 in both cases) I won't even take into the consideration that a savage version could feasiably have alchemy to further up his damage...

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:48 pm
by dier_cire
BTW, the alchemy would be used to give himself healing potions. And level 1 craftsman could give him tinkering to make a tinkered hat that auto injected potions...


Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:31 pm
by GM_Chris
Nice find....

what is this BTW : 2+3+11+3+1 = 20...

Can you break down each number and where it is comming from because that does not look right.


Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:08 pm
by dier_cire

2 is for race
3 is for savage
11 is for warrior (7 up to 10, then 4 for up to 20 (given you use the same steps as for up to 10 with a space between each)
3 is for sage bonus
1 is from guild

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:35 am
by Peace420
Easy fix take out the you can spend multiple life and it makes it much more inline. That way each arrow would get a bonus of 10 and I thought that it was decided that any stacking damage that didn't come from archer or warrior was added after the multiplier.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:29 am
by dier_cire
That order of operations was never actually approved, as it stands adds always proceed multipliers. (since there is only one multiplier, it always goes last) This keeps it simple, as then there are zero exceptions to the rule.

The point is the +10 just needs to go. Way overpowered. Even 12 lash or 42 vorpal is excessive.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:35 pm
by Curufin

Wouldn't the max LP for a Warrior at 20th be 8, not 11?

Life Points (pg 40.)
A character’s starting life point total is determined by their race and lifestyle. Additional life points are determined by their chosen path. Note that after level ten the number of levels it takes to gain an additional life point doubles each time. Thus, all characters in all paths gain an additional life point at level 20, another at level 40, another at level 80, and so on.

That is how I read this. Am I wrong or is there something that superseeds this somewhere that I am not aware of?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 8:09 am
by dier_cire
See the way I read that was to take the listing of life points gained and make it 20 levels instead of 10 (ie doubling the time compared to previous time) ie a warrior would gain 7 life in 20 levels rather than 10... The statement of all paths getting a life at 20, is becuase this is the one level whre each class would get a life point not just a select few. Seems to be the consensus that it's 1 at 20, 1 at 40, etc.

At any rate, this should probably be re-written to something along the lines of:

A character’s starting life point total is determined by their race and lifestyle. Additional life points are determined by their chosen path. Note that after level 10, no life is gained for any path until level 20 where an additional life point is gained, another at level 40, another at level 80, and so on.

Much more clear. 7 life in 10 levels to 1 in 10 levels fails to meet the definition of double.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:32 am
by dier_cire
After doing a little thinking about the rate of 1 life at 20, 40, 80, I got to thinking about the concept of a level 70 thief vs. a level 10 warrior. In all honesty, this should be a pretty decent combat. However, currently this isn't the case. Items could be the difference, but this is a fairly low magic game so chances are slim it'd be a powerful enough item to accomplish the leap. With the way I was thinking his hp would be higher (path bonus of 12) than the warrior (path bonus of 7), so it'd be a much better battle.


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:52 am
by GM_Chris
I dont understand your last post Eric.

Actually the guild skills are fixed by saying you cannot use those particular skills with other skils. Thus you could swing 10 or shoot 10 or you could lash at base base damage.

As for multipliers don't forget eric we changed quality armor and where the bonuses tack on which is after the multiplier.

(but yes guild skills still need tweeked in power and wording)

Oh if you know think a part in the book needs to be written differently by all means people post what is should say so it is more clear and we will change it!


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:57 am
by dier_cire
If the guild skills have been changed this is something new that hasn't been posted. What else has changed that we don't know about.

Btw, current rules state armor cannot be shattered for a resist damage (but craftsman can add an additional resist). I'm lost. I think something was left out of the armor section.


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:03 am
by GM_Chris
The rule changes I posted have not been added to the book yet only posted. In the last rule revision we changed craftman so what we say it does is ALL it does now.

There are no rule changes that have not been posted. So far we have had 2 rule change posts since December. Trevor posted one and I posted the other. That is it. As for other discussions and anything I say during these discussions are just that discussions and considerations.


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:11 am
by dier_cire
Problem I see with the quality armor is this (same goes for weapons). I'm in-game and need armor. I ask if I can use Joe's armor, who says sure. I ask how many armor points is it? He says 7 (he's a thief, quality has no meaning). So now I add my warrior bonuses, and oops, I didn't know it was quality since in the rush it was skimmed over.

As for craftsman, the question was more towards the description on armor towards the back of the book. Currently, weapons may be shattered to deal vorpal, or crush and the craftman may add an additional one at advanced. Armor says nothing about being shattered for a resist, yet the craftsman may add an additional resist.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:52 am
by Peace420
There is a shatter call.

And Chris can you clear up the question on life pts, when I read it I read it the way Curufin did, that you got a pt at 20, 40 and so-on but not at the levels in-between.


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:04 am
by Nelkie
I have a couple questions

Crafts man Chris said "In the last rule revision we changed craftman so what we say it does is ALL it does now. "

Does that mean the cratsman can not use his third level ability to give armor 1 additional +1 resist damage? The rule changes where only for quality armor & quality weapons.

As eric stated, there is nowhere in the current rules armor trashed, aka not repaired to ingore 1 damge effect. By using this effect, does it only trash the breast plate or everyting. If everything, how much armor does a person need to have on to use the effect. Do you have to have armor with at least 1 armor point to use the ability or can I use the effect with a trashed suit of armor.

As for the guild skills, the proper wording needs to be given.

Example Lash, spend 3 life: Can not be used with any other skill expect rage and weapon focus.

Spend 1 LP to swing plus 10 damage on a single target with a weapon, spell packet (this makes the damge crush), or arrow (vorpal with level 1 archer). If you try and block another person or disengage the target you are fighting you loose the plus 10 bonus. you can spend multiple life. Can not use any other skill, expect for level 1 archer

What can block lash, anything?