Phoenix Guard Need Some History

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Bob-Z (kabre)
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Phoenix Guard Need Some History

Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »


Brick, Curufin, and I just attempted to discuss some thingns, in an in-game situation, that primarily consisted of a "what do you think of our new surroundings" topic. We had a several hour long heated debate that kept getting inturrupted by our lack of knowledge of Final Haven, and the world of carps. We are aware, and have read, a small explanation of Final Haven, and several "suppliment" letters, but were wondering if there is an in-depth, consise, history about Final Haven, phantara, the apocolypse, and carps, to help us really develop our characters' histories more.
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Post by Curufin »

It would be really neat to tell other people about your character or have a discusion with other characters without having to go out of game to figure out what your character would or would not know.

Most people keep saying this is not a D&D or Tolkien world, so dark elves and elves aren't not trusting of each other, and elves and dwarves have more reason to hate one another than orcs. Is this true? Is there any other racial bariers that should be known? What the hell is going on here? :D Any help would be appreciated.
Lost my train of thought.....
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Post by Tonia Glowski »

pssssst... boys.... look up... on the page... see "Happenings in Phantara"? Small hint: it's regarding things that have happened and are happening in the world you want information on... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's all good, hehe, easy mistake. Also, Wayne O. has been working on a website with much more detailed information, which can be found at:

Hope that's helpful!
Tonia Brown
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

thanks for the help, we were unaware of that external link. I obviously haven't read everything, but from what I have read, its a bunch of letters from dude X to dude Y in date Z. Should I be able to piece together the complete history of final haven from all these letters? Are things like race relations covered at some point, from a broader perspective than just one person from one race talking about another person from another race... things like that? As ryan commented, we're supposed to forget everything we know about D&D/Middle Earth, and start anew -- so to that end, will the letters in that external link and in the "happenings..." area completely create this world for me?

Please dont take this at all as critisism, or anything I ever post -- I'm just incredibly unclear as to how I need to integrate any knowledge I have with knowledge I need to pick up. It'd be easier for me if there was a story-like, background -- and maybe I just havent come across it yet -- that i should read FIRST, before the letters. But if the letters are all there are, thats fine too.

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Post by Dallid »

My own personal take on things - from the human perspective:

Elves: Haughty and full of themselves. Think they're better than everyone else. Long-lived, they're never in a hurry, and this can get very annoying. Dwarves do indeed have a deep-seated dislike of them.

Dwarves: Crude, robust, and mighty. Tend to stick with their own kind, figuring other races have only a crudely developed sense of honor at best. Elves seem to return the dislike.

Orcs: Never want to turn your back on one, as you never know when he might get the notion that bashing in your head would be fun - or just might think you'd be good to eat. Smelly and uncivilized.

Avyana: Tend toward being assassins and thieves. Be cautious around them, and don't trust one until you know him quite well.

Valkin'VI: Don't trust them. They're very quiet and secretive, so they MUST be hiding something.

Guthrie: Good times and great stories. Excellent source of comraderie and entertainment. Just keep one eye on your purse while in their presence.

Tsunotaur: Orcs with seemingly greater intelligence and honor... but that just makes them that much more dangerous. Probably won't bash in your head out of the blue, but if you cross some unseen taboo...

Ga'vin: Ambitious and tricky. grant them the same trust you'd grant a Valkin'VI.

Dark Elves: Evil and sinister. If one seems to be friendly, he's just trying to lower your defenses and lure you in for the kill.
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

Thanks for the assist dallid! With the exception of races other than the common fanatsy races, it sounds basically like what i know from other fantasy realms -- and im sure there are always exceptions to these general rules, of course, such as the motley nature of my order (which can be justified by shear circumstance and/or the post-apocolyptic setting of this world).

Beyond race relations however, is there any timeline of key events, or more in-depth histories of how each of the races came into being (and/or how they were affected in this new era). The letter-history format leaves me guessing. The letters seem to be more written for people who have been with FH from its conception and have carried over a base knowledge from CARPS, rather than a new guy who wants to step into a new world and get up to speed. I'm sure there isn't a book on the subject, now, and if my only option is to try and piece things together and ask questions (and Azara's been very helpful to me in this area), then thats cool. Otherwise, is it recommended that I start reading the letters on Waynes site, and by the end should have everything I need to know?
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Post by WayneO42 »

I just sent Brad the new lore pages to put up here on the site. They include a book about phanterran history from the dawn of time to about 1000 p.e.w. A pre cataclysm geography book, A book detailing the fall of the kingdom of Silverthorne, misc. documents about culture, and a collection of journals from the Final Haven game. All in all its about 150 - 200 pages of background story.

Trevor and I are also working on a book about the essence wars that I hope to post piece by piece with a finale sometime before next season (Can we make this dead-line Trevor?). Also, I will continue to post any journals, character histories, or other stories that are sent to me to be released (So if you have any journals PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them). I was also thiking of posting the race section of the CARPS rulebook.

As a side note. If an CARPS veterans have old CARPS journal entries or plot pieces they could send, that would be great as well. I am looking for journals from the start of the game (95 ish) to about 2000
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Post by WayneO42 »

BTW: I am more than happy to help anyone with a character history. Just email or PM me. If anyone would like a preview of the new lore pages, just PM or e-mail me.
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

Wayne those new pages were just what I was looking for. Nice job!

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Essence Wars

Post by Trevor Owen »

Yeah Wayne, I have already started on some of the essence wars stuff... did you ever find the prophecy of seven bowls and seven blades and seven sevens of dark days? I can't find it, but may have it on an old machine somewhere. Also, I think I still have the silver hail march that Kevin wrote for us somewhere in a .avi file.

Players: Remember, many of your characters would know zip about history. The last fifty years has been highly chaotic, and the last five horrible. If you are a short lived race, like human, orc, ga'vin, etc. you may know next to nothing about history or race relations except to trust no-one you don't already know.

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Post by WayneO42 »

I was not able to find the prophecy but Christen was going to look through her CARPS stuff while she's in MI. She is also going to type up her Shard journals from all the events she was at. That should give an interesting "Modern" interp of the prophecy and the happenings in Elthinar. If you can not find the .avi of the Silverthorne march, I have the original sheet music. I can scan it and send it to you. If you find anything, even little scraps of stories, I think it would be cool to put them on the lore site.

I also second what Trevor said about lore. The Lore pages are to give you material for specific situations and character histories. It also gives you a better understanding for the "Flavor" of the LARP. If you are not a sage you probably wont know the total scope of the history but would only know things effecting the region/social circle you are from.
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

Is it safe to assume that in FH, elves are immortal (a racial property that these history pages will help me understand)? if this is the case, the lore pages are going to be useful for the elves in my order who may have been born pre-cataclysm. As we have all been together for some time, they probably would have been able to fill me in on history as I wished to know about it, right?
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Post by WayneO42 »

Elves can reach the age of 1000 but they are not immortal. Most everyone is born pre-cataclysm. The current year is 1053 and the cataclysm happened in 1050. The key is, will they remember much about pre cataclysm life. The cataclysm fried alot of peoples brains and litterally changed the face of the planet. Many people's recollection of their lives begins with crawling out of the rubble.

As for the elves however, they are a special case. If any of the Elves want to e-mail or PM me I will discuss with them what they know and what happened in the elven kingdom but it is not something that can be discussed on an open forum. The Elven Kingdom was a closed Kingdom for the past 20 years or so and they did not allow anyone in or out until after the cataclysm.
Wayne O
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